Adel Fattough Ali al Gazzar in Slovakia

Adel Fattough Ali al Gazzar

Age: 45
Date of Birth: 22 October 1965
Nationality: Egyptian
Arrested: Afghanistan, 2001
Status: Released to Slovakia

Religious missionary Adel Fattough Ali al Gazzar was seized during his journey across the Muslim world after being severely wounded by a US airstrike in Afghanistan in 2001. He was released to Slovakia in January 2010.  On 13 June 2011, he is due to fly to Egypt to reunite with his mother, wife and children. Reprieve asks the Egyption authorities to welcome Adel home as a free man.

Adel Fattough Ali al Gazzar travelled to Pakistan in 2000 to undertake a religious mission to preach the Koran. After 9/11 and the advent of the war in Afghanistan, he learned – as did the rest of the world – of the many families that were displaced and distraught by the onset of war. Desiring to ease their suffering as best he could, Adel signed up with the Red Crescent and volunteered to go into Afghanistan to help the refugees. Within two hours of crossing the border to a refugee camp, the area was hit by a US airstrike. 

Adel’s leg was injured and he spent the next month convalescing in a Pakistani hospital before being sold to the US military for a bounty. In the midst of his recovery, he was transferred to a US prison in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where the routine included severe beatings, exposure to freezing temperatures, sleep deprivation for days on end, and the suspension of prisoners by their wrists. 

Adel endured this torture for eleven days before being transferred to Guantánamo Bay. He had received no medical attention during his time in Kandahar, and as a result, his leg was infected with gangrene so severe that it had to be amputated. 

Realizing that they had made a mistake, the US authorities cleared Adel for release. The US deemed it unsafe for Adel to return to Egypt, and he began the long wait for a third country to accept him. That wait lasted eight years until 2010, when Adel was finally released from custody at Guantánamo. 

However, his release from Guantánamo did not signal freedom. Rather, he was transferred to Slovakia where he was illegally imprisoned in an immigration detention centre for more than six months. Though he had done nothing wrong and, indeed, had been completely exonerated by the Americans, Adel was only able to secure his release after going on a hunger strike to protest against the manner in which he was being held.

On 13 June 2011, he is due to fly to Egypt to reunite with his mother, wife and children. Reprieve asks the Egyption authorities to welcome Adel home as a free man.

Adel Fattough Ali al Gazzar's case history


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