
Showing posts with the label Paga

On Pagat

As the focus is drawn away from Pagat, we must remain vigilante. Pagat was the buzzword for several years in terms of conceiving and resisting the buildup for many people. It is surreal the way it came to stand beside other terms such as "jobs" or "economy" in the way people imagined the buildup. It was one of the first critical or negative things that made it into the conversation to help counter much of the unrealistic positive perceptions of the buildup that were out there.  Pagan, a word so similar sounding to Pagat, will most likely be the next buzzword. As it is far north in the Gani Islands, it remains to be seen if it can be given the same visibility and transformative power that Pagat received.  ****************************** "On Pagat and Our Continuing Concerns" By Senator Ben Pangelinan Marianas Variety September 19, 2013  RECENT information from the Joint Guam Program Office (JGPO) indicated that the infor