
Showing posts with the label Energy

Bernie Stands with Guam

Next week Guam Democrats will be casting their votes in the race for the party's nominee for President this year. Here is the information from Bernie Sander's website about his position on Guam's issues. *********************** Bernie is proud to stand with the people of Guam, and work together with Guamanians to build a better future. As president, Bernie will fight for a more just society with an economy that serves the needs of all Guamanians – not just a handful of those Americans on top. His College-for-All plan would allow students across Guam who study hard to attend college without burdening themselves with mountains of debt. Bernie’s plan to create a Medicare-for-all, universal health care system will make sure Guamanians have the health care they need regardless of how much money they make. His climate plan would fundamentally transform Guam’s energy system away from fossil fuel towards sustainable energy by providing grants to Guam’s communitie

Protect the Planet! Destroy Capitalism!

Bolivia: 'For a lasting solution to the climate crisis we must destroy capitalism" by Cécile Barbière translated by Samuel White 14 Oct 2015 - 08:22 Bolivia's national contribution to the COP 21 describes capitalism as "a system of death" that has to be destroyed to protect humanity and Mother Earth. EurActiv France reports . The Bolivian government's slightly late national contribution to the COP 21 contains many radical proposals for safeguarding the future health of the planet, accompanied by the argument that capitalism is responsible for "consumerism, warmongering and [...] the destruction of Mother Earth". Some 122 countries have now shared their national contributions to the international climate conference in Paris, where countries will attempt to reach an agreement that will limit the global temperature rise to +2°C above pre-industrial ti

Quest for Decolonization #12: Fight the Future

I have heard some people say that colonization deprives colonized people of the ability to imagine. I might have even said this at some point over the years. There is some truth to this, but over time I've come to realize that it is not really an issue of not imagining or not knowing how to imagine, to envision a possible future. But it is more about the constricting of the colonized's imagination, of contorting and distorting it so that it will always move and evolve within a groove that matches the example of the colonizer. The vision of the future will always be filled with the shadow of the colonizer's massive presence. It will force the flow of future possibility so that it always seems to head to up towards the colonizer, that the future for the colonized isn't something that is about their freedom, their choices. But instead it is about their accepting the teleology of the colonizer, of becoming him and shaping your future to become a minor version of it. This is


Obama, Tearful, Finishes Campaign In Iowa, Where It Started By Sam Stein, The Huffington Post Posted: 11/06/2012 12:50 am EST Updated: 11/06/2012 9:00 am EST   WASHINGTON -- As sentimentality goes, President Barack Obama hosting the last campaign event of his political career in Des Moines, Iowa, is hard to top. The Hawkeye State launched the then-junior senator from Illinois to national prominence. And there is a movie script-like quality to having such a historic political trajectory emerge out of the frosty cornfields. Speaking just steps from his 2

Occupy Hawai'i

An interesting article on Hawai'i through the framework of occupation. I was thinking that someone should write an article like this for Guam, but then I remembered that alot of people (including myself) have already written articles like this. *************** Occupying Hawaii: Paradise Lost and Found Sunday, 29 January 2012 07:44    By Michelle Fawcett,  Truthout | News Analysis   Ever since the Garden of Eden headlined the Torah, savvy marketers have realized that we all deeply desire a slice of paradise. Utopia is woven into America's national fabric starting with the Puritan ideal of a " city upon a hill " and progressing through the centuries to Shakers, Mormons, Manifest Destiny, socialists and suburbia. These days, paradise is all around us from potato chips seasoned with "harmonic convergence" to

Adios GM

Makpo’ esta (put fin!) iyo-ku defense para iyo-ku dissertation. Siña dumeskÃ¥nsañaihon yu’ pÃ¥’go achokka’ bubula’ ha’ na debi di bai hu cho’gue para u na’funhÃ¥yan este na tinige’-ku. Lao put i makpo’ na defense-hu, para bai hu hagong mas fa’set yan mas tahdong gi este na simÃ¥na, antes di bai hu saonao i likao i manmagraduduha gi i mamamaila na SabÃ¥lu. Ya-hu este na ti apmÃ¥m na tiempon humahaggan, pi’ot sa’ siña hu buskabida gi i internet. Hu sodda’ este na tinige’ Michael Moore gi iyo-ña website. Guaha na kalang ti hongge’on i binanidosu i taotao yan kometsiante AmerikÃ¥nu siha. Todu i otro na manriku na nasion, dumiddidde dummiddidde ma na’latatakhilo i “fuel efficiency” para i karetan-ñiha. Lao atan i bidan i AmerikÃ¥nu siha? Kulang tÃ¥ya’. Ma diseha na i espiritun AmerikÃ¥nu yan i brinede i AmerikÃ¥nu na taotao para u ma’ok siha. Lao atan ha’, atan i hiniyong. Dos na mampos dongkÃ¥lu na kompaña AmerikÃ¥nu, pumoddong ya tumaisalÃ¥pe. Ti ma komprende i finayi este na sinangan, "planeha