

tgif stands for trans gender it’s friday

happy transgender it’s friday .





i hope this guy literally dies like i love to imagine him putting up his stupid fucking balloons saying some lame shit like this and a pack of wild dogs attack him and steal his camera fuck you balloon guy go to hell

can i just say everyone in the notes dissecting this to determine if its actually woke or classist or whatever is completely missing the point that he is just fucking insufferable from concept to execution. you people are such nerds jesus christ






Wizard who got tired of fighting and casts fucked up unethical spells like “super brain hemorrhage” to end them faster

One time I did “Summon Water” inside a guys lungs and the GM allowed it because he had been playing for years and never seen anyone do that

Me “I can raise the temperature of a space by 5 degrees (Fahrenheit) per success”
DM “Okay.”
Me “And that’s 6 successes, so 30 degrees…”
DM “Okay…”
Me “And ‘inside the human body’ is a space, right?”
DM “…I don’t like where this is going.”
Me “So I’m going to raise the temperature inside his body 30 degrees.”
DM “Yeah, so he’s dead now. He was fine, and then went through all the stages of heat stroke in half a second before his body went ‘No thank you’ and just shut off to stop it from being so hot. Good job.”





i let the internet skew what “problematic” means for me too much cause i was so ready to be like 😲!! what did son of beast do???

the answer is that son of beast gave people head injuries

Why are you fat?



cause everytime i fuck your dad he makes me a sandwich

and every time we kiss i swear i could fly


also a crucial part of gaslighting:


ok this is important to me. gaslighting is not a synonym for lying. it’s a type of lying. if someone says to you “the sky is green,” that’s a lie. if you say “the sky is blue” and they respond “no, it’s green, you’re wrong, your eyes are playing tricks on you” THAT’S gaslighting. the crucial requirement is that they try to convince you not only that you are wrong but that you shouldn’t trust your own senses. that you’re imagining something/hallucinating/dreaming. the abuser is trying to make themselves more of an authority on reality than your own mind, often with the goal of making you reliant on them to tell you “truth” from “fiction.”

the gaslighter has to know they are giving you incorrect information.  they have to know, on some level, that they are manipulating you.  If someone is giving you bad information because THEY have bad information, because their eyes and ears and perception can’t be trusted, it’s important to know that.  That’s not gaslighting, it’s just the other person being wrong.  It does happen.


it’s honestly so depressing when people make the ~haha well I bet you only have missionary sex in the dark at 8pm~ ‘argument’ against anyone who criticises bdsm or kink communities, and we’re supposed to view that suggestion as a hilarious extreme. We’ve reached a point where girls are literally being told (by ‘feminists’, no less!) that there’s something embarrassing, uncool, even shameful about having or wanting sex that doesn’t involve pain and degradation, and that attitude has somehow actually come to be seen as progressive for women.