Starborn System

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Remember that time Pink Kryptonite randomly turned Superman into a woman and he was just all ‘It’s cool brah’ and continued punching baddies?


I cant believe superman has a magical girl sequence


Superman, in his normal deep voice: “I can work with this.”

[continues curbstomping]


I like that they kept Superman Buff even as he was Sailor Superman


Source: caudlewag

when we have someone legitimately asking if having a favorite color is a neurodivergent thing i think we need to address how we talk abt neurodivergence on this site skdnfsmdkms.


speaking from experience, and this is still a habit i have yet to rid myself of, constantly analyzing every aspect of your behavior for any signs of pathology(tm) is like...bad. breaking yourself down into little pieces and sorting them into diagnostic categories, when it comes to things that aren't impairing to you or harmful to anyone else is just not something i can see as good for your sense of self. for me and others i'm sure it likely arises from having identity issues due to trauma and therefore grasping onto anything that gives us a "place" and while that may be cathartic, i don't see it as something positive for overall personal growth.

like, there's a difference between identifying symptoms of a diagnosis you have in order to learn to manage them vs. associating harmless and relatively normal behavior with having a weird brain. aside from messing with your sense of self it also has people saying "oh i do [a behavior not even indicative with any conditon], does that mean i'm [x]?" which is misleading to people searching for answers and support about issues they're having and therefore would obstruct the "recovery" thing you guys keep talking about. come on now

Source: nonmaterials

do you think hannibal would murder me if he watched me delicately place chips inside a sandwich and then smash it slowly before eating it


he’d either kill me or ask me why i prefer my sandwiches with chips and i’d shrug and say “i like the crunch”. which would prompt him to say something along the lines of “we often crave a taste more primitive, the crunching between our teeth used to be birthed from the snapping of bones from a fresh kill. is that what you are savoring for? tell me helena, do you hunger for brutality?”

Source: horrorlesbians