Posts Tagged ‘14/14’

Text by anarchist comrade Dinos Giagtzoglou: For the day of agitation and propaganda in solidarity with Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Just like today, 10 years ago, the Chilean State carried out an extensive repressive operation against comrades and anarchist operations in response to the dozens of bombings against symbols and institutions of the State and Capital. This operation, which led to the arrest of ten anarchists and became known as the “Bombs Case”, ended in a fiasco, as the five who were eventually prosecuted were completely acquitted, and were described by the press as the biggest defeat of law enforcement authorities in court history. Today, two of our comrades, Monica and Francisco, who were among those arrested at the time, are again imprisoned in a State that a few months ago slaughtered a massive social uprising that shocked us all.

Arrest and imprisonment are nothing new for our siblings, since in 2013 they were found in the cells of the Spanish State accused of an attack on a cathedral in Zaragoza by the Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral. The comrades are once again accused of a series of bombings against representatives of the rich, powerful and their defenders in Chilean territory. The attacks included the shipment of two booby-trapped parcels, one of which exploded, leaving eight cops injured (3 of them seriously) at a Santiago police station and the other being located before hitting its target at the subsidiary offices of one of the largest business consortia in Chile (owned by the fourth richest family in Latin America) having as a recipient the head of the legal department, who had served as Minister of Defense and Interior during the crackdown on anarchists known as the “Bombs Case”.

After so many years of persecution and imprisonment, relentless struggles inside and outside prisons, they remain steadfast and convinced of the right of the liberation struggle. It is such examples of combatants that have motivated me too to take subversive initiatives and make choices of resistance to domination and exploitation. In such paths of struggle we want to and must walk constantly with love for life and freedom and without fear for death or prison.

With the undimmed memory of Mauricio Morales,
With passion and determination,
With stubbornness and commitment,
With my heads high,

From the bottom of my heart I send a rebellious signal and a big hug to Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar.


Special underground section of Koridallos prison


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Comunicado del compañero subversivo Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda ($hile)

Tuesday, February 11th, 2020


Una breve mirada a las experiencias de lucha desde el encierro, sus énfasis y los kontextos en ke se han desarrollado.

«Sin ningún Comité Central ni ninguna jerarquía que clasifique nuestrxs miembrxs, solo podemos conocer caras extrañas como amigxs a través de sus acciones. Lxs queremos, Ixs abrazamos, al igual que sabemos que otrxs lo harán. Otras células, secciones, grupos.»
Brigada de la Cólera

En tiempos de agudización del konflikto social la kárcel es el principal instrumento de kontrol y kastigo para kienes no se someten y se rebelan.

Históricamente el dominio a través de todos sus dispositivos ke sostienen el poder, la autoridad, el mundo de las jerarkías, el patriarkado y el kapital a usado la sanción normalizadora para kombatir toda forma de Resistencia ke atake y amenace su paz social.

Sin ir más lejos no fue sino en la diktadura de Pinochet en donde esta dinámika afectó masiva y sistemátikamente a miles y miles de Rebeldes ke la kombatieron entregando los mejores días de sus vidas.
Se reformuló el marko jurídiko fundado en la doktrina de seguridad nazional ke veía un enemigo interno al ke había ke aplastar bajo la exkusa de «kombatir el káncer marxista» según la voz de los genocidas de la époka.
Operaba la pútrida «justicia militar»:

Miles de muertxs, desaparecidxs, exiliadxs, perseguidxs, violentadxs, torturadxs son el rekuerdo imborrable y el triste legado de la refundación kapitalista neoliberal del imperio yanky a través de la insurrexión militar burguesa del genocida ejército chileno. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Free at Last! Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar onto the Streets! (Chile)

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Read the communique from Monica and Francisco on contra-info.

SANTIAGO – Chilean Anarchists, Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrived this morning at Santiago’s International Airport, after having been expulsed from Spanish custody and deported back to their home country.

Monica and Francisco had been charged under Spanish Anti-terrorism legislation for the alleged bombing of the Basilica del Pilar Church in Zaragoza, on Oct 2nd, 2013, and were arrested a month after the incident. Spanish prosecution initially sought a 44 year sentence for the accused, but instead received a 12 year sentence in 2014. The Defense took Monica and Francisco’s case to the Spanish Supreme Court, where the sentence was further reduced to 4 and a half years this past December, having dropped one of the initial charges. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Prosecutors request 44-year sentence against anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Spain)

Thursday, December 24th, 2015

Prosecutor Teresa Sandoval, of the Audiencia Nacional, has submitted the prosecution’s demand to the 6th tribunal of the Audiencia Nacional, a demand that reflects the investigators’ thesis on comrades Monica and Francisco’s lives.

In their thesis the powerful falsely maintain that GAC (Grupos Anarquistas Coordinados) are an action group responsible for several explosive and incendiary attacks, which the group allegedly claimed. The inquisitor in charge is trying to take advantage of the antiterrorist hysteria caused by the attacks perpetrated by ISIS religious fascists in Europe, remarking that ‘the insurrectional affinity groups, like the jihadist cells, are perfectly clear about their generic enemy and therefore need no superior command in order to set an attack in motion.’

The prosecutor acknowledges that before the attack on the Basilica del Pilar a warning telephone call was made to a nearby beauty centre so that the authorities were alerted. As the receivers believed it was a joke they didn’t alert the authorities and the device detonated while people were inside the building; as a result a person suffered ear damage.

Following this rambling on terrorism, the sentence demanded against the comrades is 44 years each, comprising:

Belonging to a terrorist organization: 9 years

Ear damage caused to a victim: 12 years

Terrorist attack (the explosion at the Basilica del Pilar): 18 years

Conspiracy to commit similar attacks (alleged reconnaissance of the Basilica de Montserrant in Barcelona): 5 years

The threat of stratospheric sentences is nothing new to the comrades: at the trial for the ‘Caso Bombas’ in Chile the prosecutors’ request was 20 years for Monica and 25 for Francisco. It won’t be the threat of years in prison made by the Spanish State that will stop insurrection or the will to struggle.

International and insurrectional solidarity for the destruction of all sentences!

Eternal love in revolt for the comrades… Always ready for action, not a step back!

via actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Letter from Hans Niemeyer Salinas for a Mumia Abu-Jamal soli event (Chile)

Monday, December 7th, 2015

Dear Friends,

I want to salute the event organized in solidarity with the African
American political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is imprisoned at the
State Correctional Institution at Mahanoy a medium security prison in
Pennsylvania. For 30 years, Mumia was a resident of death row until he
was sentenced to life imprisonment without possibility of parole.

I had the opportunity to read the book «From Death Row» and remember the
fortitude and temperance to face prison. Mumia belonged to a generation
of militants for black liberation and self-reliance of African American
communities against repressive onslaught of State and US capitalism,
repression comeback today as seen in the systematic executions of young
blacks, as like Laquan McDonald, who was killed at age 17. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Marseille: 12th Feb – Film screening of the film "Caso Bombas" on anarchists in Chile / Solidarité avec les incuplée de l'Opération Pandora (France)

Saturday, February 7th, 2015

Vegan food, liberated price
For the address: blancarde2015@riseup.net
*The film is in Spanish but the subtitles are in English

International solidarity with those implicated in Operation Pandora

“For those who struggle, the sense of solidarity intends to dismantle
the loneliness of incarceration, waging a battle against forgetting our
comrades abducted by states, bringing to light the logic of domination
that seeks to condemn them to surrender.”

anarchists of Pandora

A year after the end of the “Caso Bombas” farce, the Spanish and Chilean
ministries, judges and cops are working together on a new case, this
time on this side of the ocean. Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar,
both ex-suspects in the “Caso Bombas” case, are arrested in Barcelona,
suspected of placing an explosive at the Basílica del Pilar in Zaragoza,
planning a similar action and belonging to an alleged terrorist
organisation. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Barcelona: Anarchist comrades Monica and Francisco arrested for Zaragoza bomb attack – Chilean 'Caso Bombas' resurrected (Catalunya)

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

Distributed by: The Women’s Coordinating Committee for a Free Wallmapu (Toronto)

Also read this article on multi-language anarchist website Contra-info.

On November 13th, our comrades Monica and Francisco were arrested by the repressive forces of the Spanish State, accused of the explosive bomb attack on the Pillar Basilica in Spain. A hurricane of grandiloquent statements have been unleashed unto this situation between representatives of both [Chilean and Spanish] governments; congratulations of resurrected prosecutors and recycled Interior Ministers as well. Monica and Francisco were arrested in August 2010 in the so-called Chilean Bombs Case. Both confronted the trial against them with dignity and rebellion; more than 9 months in medium and maximum pre-trial prison, rejected the prosecutor’s blackmail, carried out a 65 day hunger strike and confronted one of the longest trials [in Chilean history], and had all their charges dropped by the Court with their convictions in tact. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Comrade Gabriela Curilem reappears from hiding (Chile)

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012

from vivalaanarquia – updated from liberacion total:

Gabriela is free without charges and not compelled to sign with the authorities. Welcome back to the streets!

In the morning hours of November 19, the comrade Gabriela Curilem has reappeared on the street, ending his period of hiding for two years and three months. Recall that Gabriela is wanted following the “Bombs Case”, specifically from August 14, 2010- the day the arrests were made, the case was closed on 1 June this year, the day that 5 comrades were absolved. In this case, Gabriela was charged as the alleged financier of an illicit association that is supposed to have manufactured and installed bombs. That same August 14, Gabriela was not in the CSO Sacco and Vanzetti (self-organised centre which was raided by anti-terrorist units), where other co-accused lived. During the morning of Nov 19, Gabriela appeared before the Chilean justice system and was compelled to sign with the authorities (we do not know whether weekly or monthly) and is now back on the street.

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Posted in Social Control

Bombs Case: The comrades are absolved! (Chile)

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

After a long process during which the $hilean state and the plaintiff institutions tried by all means to condemn the compas at any cost, they were absolved of all the charges, in the final hearing today June 1st, 2012.

All the charges such as placement of explosive device and terrorist financing were dismissed; also they raised all the cautionary measures against the 5 compas.


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Posted in Social Control

Dark Nights #17 – A World on Fire – April 2012

Friday, March 30th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.

12 pages A4 – PDF Download free.

This issue features an as always incomplete round-up of direct action and sabotage reports from the month of March, coverage of the trial of the Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, international repression reports and news about Thessaloniki 5 prison sentences, No Tav- letter from injured comrade Luca Abba, letter about Luciano Tortuga’s prison conditions, letter of comrade Kostas Katsenos, imprisoned anarchist accused of membership of the armed group – Revolutionary Struggle in Greece, report on the radical struggle in Russia & Ukraine over the past 2 months, trial updates about the Chilean frame-up “Bombs Case” against anarchists over there, “No Military on Our Streets” anti-Olympic/anti-Austerity text from UK, plus “Maybe they follow my account on Facebook” text from Anti-Authoritarians of Kalamata Messinias.

Fire to the Prisons


Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Posted in Library

"Bombs Case" update : Jan30- Feb17 (Chile)

Monday, February 27th, 2012

From solidaridadporlxspresxs, translated by war on society:

The political trial continues and begins to advance slowly chapter after chapter with the particular accusation against each comrade, bringing different police officers, experts or simply “at the scene” witnesses. This time the trial was suspended due to the extensive and continuous months of daily hearings, setting aside 5 days of “rest” to then return on February 13. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #14 released + supplement – Anarchist & Anti-Prison newsletter

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet to download and print out on the fly.


Click here: 16 pages A4 PDF + Click here: 4 pages A4 supplement

Longer format issue of Dark Nights; the frontpage carries the new open letter from Luciano ‘Tortuga’, anarchist in Chile hurt in a bomb attack against Santander Bank in Santiago. A major section of this issue is given over to a New Year Anti-Prison Actions Round-Up, which couldn’t begin to cover the vast nature of the second international call-out for anti-prison demos on the New Years Eve, but is nevertheless a contribution to be spread and distributed.

The remaining full articles include the cases of the revolutionary anarchist group Revolutionary Struggle, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Stella Antoniou, Sonja Suder & Christian Gauger of the Revolutionary Cells (RZ).

Special separate supplement covers the latest sabotages and attacks in Italy; Update on the “Bombs Case” in Chile; Joint declaration of subversive and revolutionary prisoners in support of the comrade Luciano Tortuga (Chile); Sabotage and attacks against automated car tolls and social control (Portugal); Update on the Two Imprisoned Combatants in Yogyakarta (Indonesia).

Dark Nights will continue a more frequent publishing schedule generated from the international network of translation and counter-information for the present time as a new editorial and design collective take over the freesheet.

Anti-Copyright Network 2012

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Posted in Library

FIRE AND GUNPOWDER : From Indonesia to Chile… A proposition for FAI/IRF (Global)

Friday, December 9th, 2011

A publication by the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

We hear the song of fire that comes from far away. The words smell of gunpowder. From the other side of the world rebellious comrades burn the nights and liberate places and moments. We can hear them… They conspire, plan, attack… We do not have to say anything else, we leave our brothers and sisters to speak for us.

“We are all Conspiracy Cells of Fire. C.C.F. is not an organization or just a group. On the contrary it is a antagonistic expression of rage and contempt towards authority and its structures. To spread the C.C.F. all you need is gasoline, matches and the desire to fight for absolute freedom. We have begun the war against the existing order.”
Mexican C.C.F./FAI

The following text is dedicated to the Mexican C.C.F. and to our brothers and sisters of F.A.I. all around the world.

i)The wind blows against… from Indonesia to Chile.

These previous months from every corner of the earth more and more explosive messages of fire and gunpowder cross borders and seas reaching us here, in the Greek prisons where we are hostage, but not defeated.

Words mix with fire and behind the ashes of banks, government buildings, cop cars, nanotechnology labs, satellite antennas, private security cars and luxury shops, open a promise to friends and a threat to the enemy. They open a live proposition of the Informal Anarchist Federation (F.A.I.). An International Revolutionary Front (I.R.F.) is now organized in Italy, England, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Russia, Holland, Peru, Bolivia, Indonesia, Australia, Greece…

An idea that started its journey ten years ago from Italy from the brothers and sisters of the Italian F.A.I. and today is stronger than ever. F.A.I. definitely is not a theoretic game of harmless words and symbols, but an idea to live dangerously and anarchically with all our senses, without dead time and cowardly excuses.

Often the texts that come to our hands like the one from the Italian F.A.I., the one from the English comrades of F.A.I. titled “Rain and Fire”, the announcement of the Russian F.A.I., the call of the 11 anarchist organizations from Mexico, and many more, fill us with a weird awkwardness. It’s this indescribable joy we feel when individuals and groups who do not know one another reach the same conclusions and feel the same feelings the exact same moment.

This feeling explodes in every word that unlocks the next and draws a common path of revolt. It is one of the few times that we do not have much to say. Most of our points are covered by our comrades. But we don’t want to consume the text in a series of compliments. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty, Direct Action

A Flame of Solidarity from the CCF to the Brothers and Sisters in Chile (Greece)

Friday, November 18th, 2011

When the prison bars stop our hands from throwing the fire of anarchy into the world of power, our words become the sharp rasp of escape.

Armed with thoughts, desires, secret plans, new conspiracies, we give a warmest embrace in our imaginary meeting with the comrades of action across the world.

Now we want our voice to reach our brothers and sister in distant Chile to Luciano (Tortuga) prosecuted on November 22 and to Monica, to Felipe, to Francisco, to Omar, and Carlos on November 28, because they are anarchists and enemies of power. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

The "Caso Bombas" has not finished – End the Political Trial (Chile)

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

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