
Showing posts with the label press release

Lemmai Sustainability

  For Immediate Release October 7, 2020   SENATOR MARSH (TAITANO) CONTINUES HER CRUCIAL CONVERSATION SERIES, BREADFRUIT  AS A MEANS FOR FOOD SUSTAINABILITY AND SECURITY Senator Kelly Marsh (Taitano) authored a bi-partisan supported bill to capitalize on Guam’s lengthy history of reciprocal intraregional relationships which have been part of the region’s traditional approach to surviving and thriving within the Mariana Islands, Southeast Asia, and Micronesia. Her bill would develop a Guam Intraregional Commerce Commission, which will spearhead efforts to strengthen regional resiliency and rebuild and re-envision our economy in the face of the current global pandemic era.  With this focus on the need for greater regional economic collaboration in mind, Senator Marsh (Taitano) this Friday continues her Crucial Conversation Series, highlighting ways that we can build more sustainable industries while preserving our environment and culture. This week’s episode will discuss  lemmai  and  dok

Dying Whales

The past few weeks have been filled with nothing but whales for my work.  ********************   For Immediate Release September 11, 2020   SENATOR MARSH (TAITANO)’S PUBLIC HEARING TODAY ON ACTIVE SONAR, WE DESERVE THE SAME PROTECTIONS FOR OUR MARINE MAMMALS AS HAWAII AND CALIFORNIA   More than 20 marine mammal species are found in the waters surrounding the Mariana Islands, including some that are considered to be severely endangered such as humpback whales. Our waters are significant breeding, birthing, and resting grounds for numerous species. At the same time, studies have shown that the US of active sonar in military training, such as the type that takes places through the Marianas by the US Navy, has a detrimental impact on marine mammals. For example, scientists have determined that there is a 90-95% correlation between the use of naval active sonar and the stranding of beaked whales on our shores. Because of these negative impacts, Senator Kelly Marsh (Taitano) introduced Resol

Underwood the Underdog

The position of the non-voting delegate in the US Congress is something I've been fascinated about for many years. As a scholar I’ve channeled this fascination into research. Over the past fifteen years I’ve conducted more than 50 interviews from different people who have been in some way tied to the non-voting delegate position.   I’ve been able to sit down and interview former Guam delegates Bordallo and Underwood, former US Virgin Islands Donna Christensen, former (and now deceased) American Samoan delegate Eni Faleomavaega and current delegate from Washington D.C. Eleanor Holmes Norton. In addition, I’ve also interviewed people who have worked on territorial issues in the US federal government, including those who have worked in the Guam delegate office from Won Pat and even to current delegate San Nicolas.     I dedicated a chapter of my dissertation to discuss the strange and peculiar position of the non-voting delegate. The so-called greatest country in the world permits its