Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Anti-fascist murdered in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Fri, 25/11/2011 - Avtonom

18th of November 2011, 17-year old anti-fascist Mikhail Norokha was murdered in Dnepropetrovsk of Ukraine. His body was found 8 meters from an abandonded, 16 floor house. He deceased due to multiple fractures and internal bleeding, which resulted from a falling. Although he falled to his back, his nose was broken and he also had scratches in his face. Also, there were remains of pepper gas in his clothes, and his coat was torn, which is additional proof that this was not a suicide. Also, Mikhail had his mobile phone, documents and money left with him - murderers took nothing from him.

Mikhail was assaulted by Nazis oftentimes in the past. He has been stabbed twice during the last couple of years. However, he was never afraid of anyone and he was always standing up for his opinions, in case someone had disagreements. Although he was often in a trouble in vicinity of the local football stadium, he kept supporting his favorite club.

Mikhail worked as an assistant of a priest. Currently police is investigating the case. There is no any evidence about the murderers, but anti-fascists of Dnepropetrovsk are certain, that this tragedy was caused by Nazis. We are making everything we can, in order to find out the truth, and to punish theperpetrators.

Rest in peace, brother

Anti-fascists of Dneproppetrovsk

Monday, June 06, 2011

El detenido por el caso de los bosques de Jimki seguirá encarcelado

Khimki accused Denis Solopov's detention was prolonged for extra two
months in Kiev.

Unfortunately our English translators are at sleep, below more in
Spanish and German.

El detenido por el caso de los bosques de Jimki seguirá encarcelado

En la tarde del 31 de mayo de 2011 el distrito de la corte de justicia
de Shevchenkovsky en Kiev prolongó a dos meses más la estancia en
prisión de Denís Sólopov. Durante este periodo, Denís estará en la
penitenciaría de Lukianov (Lukianovski CIZO) hasta cuando se decida su
extradición a la Federación Rusa.

Hoy los amigos y familiares de Denís, junto con una gran cantidad de
defensores de los derechos humanos, han estado esperando todo el día la
decisión de la corte. La audiencia estaba fijada para las once de la
mañana, pero no comenzó sino hasta las cinco de la tarde, precisamente
cuando debía tener lugar la conferencia de prensa llamada “¿Liberará la
corte al refugiado Denís Sólopov?”. La defensa de este refugiado
político intentó conseguir para éste la liberación. Muchos reconocidos
defensores de los derechos humanos y organizaciones sociales
manifestaron su apoyo. Sin embargo, a pesar de que después de su llegada
a Ucrania Denís se dirigió inmediatamente a los órganos correspondientes
para solicitar estatus de refugiado, de que en ningún momento se
escondió y, por el contrario, constantemente se presentó en el servicio
de migración, hoy se ha decidido continuar su arresto. Como es
característico en estos casos, el procurador ni siquiera sabía como
actuar y a cuánto tiempo alargar el arresto. Sólo después del receso y
de consultarse con la procuradora general, se pudo tomar una decisión al
respecto. Las continuas y sistemáticas violaciones al debido proceso no
dejan ninguna duda con respecto al carácter político de la investigación
contra Denís Sólopov. Además, es muy triste ver cómo la cúpula del poder
de Rusia se ha ensañado en demostrar la culpabilidad de este activista

Denís Sólopov llegó a Ucrania buscando asilo político, huyendo de las
persecusiones que las fuerzas de poder rusas estaban llevando a cabo
contra él. Se dirigió a la Comisaría Superior para Refugiados (UBKB OON)
en este país para pedir asilo. Después de estudiar el caso de Denís, la
UBKB OON lo reconoció como asilado político, pues encontró que las
persecuciones en su país de origen responden a motivaciones políticas.
Esta no es la primera vez que Ucrania entrega a un refugiado político a
los dictadores y países donde reina el autoritarismo. Esta situación
provoca una reacción absolutamente negativa en contra de las uniones

Haftverlängerung für Geisel von Chimki 0

Am Abend des 31. Mai hat das zuständige Kreisbezirksgericht in Kiew über
eine Haftverlängerung für den russischen sozialen Aktivisten Denis
Solopow um weitere zwei Monate verfügt. Bis zum Entscheid über eine
mögliche Auslieferung in die Russische Föderation wird er im
Lukjanowsk-Untersuchungsgefängnis bleiben.

Heute haben Freunde, Angehörige und zahlreiche Bürgerrechtler den ganzen
Tag über auf die Verhandlung gewartet. Sie war für 11 Uhr angesetzt,
begann allerdings erst um 17 Uhr, genau zu dem Zeitpunkt, für den eine
Pressekonferenz anberaumt war zum Thema „Wird das Gericht den Flüchtling
Denis Solopow freilassen?“. Die Verteidigung des politischen Flüchtlings
plädierte heute auf dessen Freilassung, bekannte Bürgerrechtler und
Organisationen hatten sich für ihn eingesetzt. Doch ungeachtet der
Tatsache, dass Denis gleich nach seiner Ankunft in der Ukraine einen
Asylantrag gestellt hatte, sich den Behörden nicht entzog und regelmäßig
bei den zuständigen Migrationsbehörden und dem UNO Flüchtlingswerk
vorsprach, setzte das Gericht eine Haftverlängerung durch.
Bezeichnenderweise war der Staatsanwalt nicht im Bilde, um welchen
Zeitraum die Haftverlängerung erlassen werden sollte. Erst nach einer
Pause und der Rücksprache mit der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft gab das
Gericht seine Entscheidung bekannt. Die Verteidigung will Berufung
einlegen. Die systematischen und offenkundigen Rechtsverstöße und das
konstruierte Strafverfahren in Russland lassen keine Zweifel am
politischen Charakter der Verfolgung von Denis Solopow. Und das
Interesse der russischen Führung an einer zur Schau gestellten
Bestrafung des sozialen Aktivisten ist traurige Gewissheit.

Denis Solopow kam in die Ukraine um Schutz vor politischer Verfolgung
durch die russischen Behörden zu suchen. Er wandte sich an die
Vertretung des UNHCR mit der Bitte um Schutzgewährung. Der UNHCR kam
nach eingehender Prüfung zu dem Schluss, dass die Verfolgung in Russland
politisch motiviert ist und hat Denis als Mandatsflüchtling anerkannt.
Es handelt sich nicht um den ersten Fall von Auslieferung politischer
Flüchtlinge durch die Ukraine an Diktatoren und offen autoritäre
Staatsregime, was bei internationalen Verbänden heftige und ablehnende
Reaktionen hervorruft.

Forwarded by
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia

Monday, March 14, 2011

Statement of the “No Borders” Project concerning the detention of a refugee Denis Solopov

Extradition Impossible = Immediate Release!

(short explanation: Denis is accused of participating radical ecological
demonstration outside Khimki city administration in Russia 28th of July
2010. Read more about the case here:


Statement of the “No Borders” Project of the Social Action Center
concerning the detention of a refugee Denis Solopov.

Send the letter to the General Prosecutor of Ukraine – here.

Denis Solopov came to Ukraine in search of asylum from persecution by
Russian Federation authorities. He turned to the UN High Commissioner on
Refugees (UNHCR) office in Ukraine for protection. Having studied his
case, UNHCR came to the conclusion that criminal charges pressed against
Denis in Russia carried a political character.

The primary goal of UNHCR in Ukraine is to assist the government of
Ukraine in creating an effective national refugee protection system. In
accordance with the Ukrainian Law “On Refugees”, Denis therefore turned
to Ukrainian authorities with asylum claim, which he submitted to the
Migration Service in Kyiv (MSK). Denis presented the same documents to
KMS that he presented to UNHCR, hiding nothing — even the fact that he
is wanted by Russian Federation for association with the «Khimki case».
Unlike UNHCR, the State Committee on Nationality and Religion of Ukraine
(SCNR) — being responsible for deciding upon Denis’s Ukrainian asylum
application — nevertheless came to the conclusion that Denis has no
basis for fearing persecution in the Russian Federation, and declined to
provide him with refugee status in Ukraine.

It is difficult to judge why SCNR’s decision differs so radically from
the position of UNHCR: notification regarding rejection in status handed
to Denis by KMS on 2 March 2011 does not contain any explanation of the
rejection except a scant reference to Article 10 of the Ukrainian Law
“On Refugees”. Unfortunately, only one thing becomes clear: the asylum
system in Ukraine — despite the hopes of UNHCR — cannot pretend to be
effective and functional, while asylum seekers’ requests are denied even
without any explanation.

Moreover: what happened to Denis after he received the rejection
demonstrates that the refugee protection system in Ukraine exists as but
a trap for refugees, easing their transfer into the hands of their
persecutors. On 2 March 2011 – when Denis was presented with the
rejection – the KMS arranged his «meeting» with the police who detained
him right at the doorstep of the Migration Service to secure his handing
over to the RF. Nothing else can explain the circumstances of Denis’
apprehension. The place where refugees come to seek protection has been
turned by Ukrainian authorities into detention spot.

However, the KMS and Ministry of Internal Affairs did not end up alone
in their zeal to secure Denis’s transfer into the hands of his
persecutors. On 4 March 2011, Kyiv’s Solomenskyi court ignored an
important fact when inspecting the issue of his temporary arrest with
the goal of extradition to Russia: handing over Denis — and consequently
his detention in order to secure extradition — is IMPOSSIBLE because he
is a refugee. The court did take into account documents that confirm his
UNHCR-granted refugee status. It also failed to recognize that SCNR’s
failure to grant Denis refugee status is not a final determination of
his status in Ukraine and had been already appealed under legal
procedure. The court likewise decided to simply «overlook» the assertion
of the defense that handing over Denis to the RF presents a real risk
that he will be subjected to torture, or to inhumane and degrading
treatment. Failing to at all take into consideration the above facts,
the court simply noted that it did not observe any circumstances that
would extradition of Denis Solopov, and ordered his temporary arrest for
40 days.

The Ukrainian court system — as is too often the case — proved to be not
only blind, but also deaf. The court ignored not only the defense’s
arguments, but also international human rights standards together with
the norms of Ukrainian law itself. “Competent authorities” may recall
that Article 466 of the Criminal Procedure code of Ukraine (CPU) says
that a refugee (regardless whether he/she was recognized as such by
Ukraine, UNHCR, or another government) — MAY NOT BE transferred to a
foreign state where his health, life, or freedom may be in danger.
Moreover, in accordance with Article 3 of the European Convention on
Extradition, a transfer is not executed if there exists enough basis to
assume that a request for extradition was made with the intent to
persecute or punish a person based on her political convictions. In this
case, Article 5(1)(f) of the European Convention on Human Rights and
Basic Freedoms assumes that as soon as authorities of a State-Party to
this Convention realize or should have realized that a transfer may not
be executed deprivation of liberty securing it ceases to be lawful.
Article 461 of Ukraine’s CPU unequivocally prescribes that a detained
person must be RELEASED IMMEDIATELY if circumstances preventing her
transfer (extradition) were identified.

Ukrainian Authorities must understand that Denis’s extradition is
impossible, at the least because he is recognized as a refugee by UNHCR.
Therefore, he must be RELEASED IMMEDIATELY.

Denis’s lawyer has appealed against Kyiv Solomenskyi Regional Court’s
decision on Denis’s incarceration to a higher court. Will the Court of
Appeal be as blind and deaf as the court of the first instance? Or,
will it “take a back seat” and – despite the requirements of Article
5(4) of the European Convention on Human Rights – put all the
responsibility to consider whether Denis’s extradition to Russia is
possible or not on the General Prosecutor’s Office? While this question
remains unanswered a refugee Denis Solopov is kept in Kyiv City Pretrial
Detention Center, where detention conditions are called “medieval and
inhuman’ even by Ukraine’s own Parliamentary Ombudsman.

