Showing posts with label Revolutionary Struggle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revolutionary Struggle. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2012

Athens – Solidarity Benefit Consert for the Revolutionary Struggle case

May 24, 2012 Athens Indymedia

Athens – Solidarity Benefit Consert for the Revolutionary Struggle case

Athens, Saturday May 26th 2012, 21.00
Assembly for R.S. case
The concert is being held in order to cover a part of the court expenses of the comrades
who are tried for the case of the Revolutionary Struggle as well as for the organization of a two-day event on June 7th and 8th at Pandio university
– For the struggle and the Revolution- where will participate invited comrades from Europe.

από S 15:03, Σάββατο 26 Μαΐου 2012
θεματικές: Καμμία θεματική
May 26, 2012
by actforfreedom


Translated Act for freedom now/boubourAs



7 – 8 JUNE 2012

Pandio University,

Athens Sakis Karagiorgas Amphitheatre


THURSDAY JUNE 7TH: Armed movements in Europe and
their history.

FRIDAY JUNE 8TH: The struggle today and the prospec
t of the international
social revolution as an answer to the systemic

SPEAKERS: 1. Brigitte Asdonk, Germany– Red Army Faction (RAF)

2. Andreas Vogel, Germany – June 2nd Movement

3. Bertrand Sassoye, Belgium- Combatant Communist Cells

4. Jean Weir, England

 5. Jose Rodriguez, Spain

6. Comminsion for an International Red Help – Switzerland

7. Christos Tsigaridas, Greece – Revolutionary Popular Struggle

8. Pola Roupa, Greece – Member of  Revolutionary Struggle

9. Nikos Maziotis, Greece –   Member of  Revolutionary Struggle

Assembly for the case of
the Revolutionary Struggle

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Greece – Athens -REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TRIAL UPDATE,Session 16, Wednesday 14/3/12

Athens Indymedia

Act for freedom now!/boubourAs

Session 16, Wednesday 14/3/12                                             

The session began with a statement by P.Roupa concerning the failed attack of the R.S. against the Citibank headquarters in Kifissia. Citibank, shesaid, is a criminal organization of the international elite, whichexpresses the interests of the richest families in the USA.

It isresponsible for war crimes, the destruction of whole countries, and thedeath of thousands of people. She gave examples from Peru, where povertyand destruction caused a cholera epidemic, from Mozambique, where by 2020 it is expected that a quarter of the farming population will have died and others. She spoke of the strategy of the international capital after WW2 to surpass some obstacles in the movement of capitals, which had been imposed with the struggle and blood of the people, in which Citibank led. And we, concluded P.Roupa, are called to be tried as terrorists and criminals!   They are the criminals.

Evgenia Drosou, a witness for the attack on N.Ionias police station, is another example of where terror-hysteria can lead. This lady, before the attack, had seen a tall man wearing clothes resembling Navy clothes, but with no stripes, walking back and forth outside her house for quite a while. She thought this was suspicious, spoke to a friend of hers “who is with the police” and she told her to go and testify this. When she saw the photos of the arrested on the TV, many years later, she kind of…. recognized Kortesis. Even though she had described someone almost a head taller than Kortesis, about 15 years older (she mentioned a man around 40-45 years old) and without a beard. Even in the court she didn’t hesitate to turn around, point at Kortesis and say: “he kind of looks like that gentleman”. The chairman politely disdained her: “I am afraid that your testimony is not valid”. Followed two cops from the Voulgarakis case, who were called to testify thanks to the insistence of accused members of the R.S. From their testimonies it was proven first of all that Voulgarakis is a major liar and second that the decision consciously created incidents, in order to support the attempted homicide charge.

Kanellopoulos, a cop of the antiterrorist force testified that he got the order to search the whole area which had visual contact with the spotwhere the explosive mechanism was placed, because the superiors were convinced that the explosion was carried out with a remote control,considering no leftovers of a clock mechanism were found. And, in a bush, he found a remote control with an antenna from a model vehicle, which was investigated, found that it belonged to a specific company and themanagers of the company explained, as is shown in the trial brief as well,that it is a precision remote, with a security against interference on itsfrequency. As soon as the remote was found, officials of the DAEEB showedup at the spot, amongst which his own superior, the infamous FotisPapageorgiou. He clarified, also, that the specific bush offered cover anda possibility for a getaway to whoever would detonate the mechanism.G.Ananias, handler of dogs who detect explosives, was also very clear. Hewas in charge of checking the area, before Voulgarakis comes out. His wifehad left before, but he never left before the area was checked by the dog. He therefore disputed Voulgarakis fairy-tale, that he had left, came back because he forgot something and that’s how he barely made it. “My opinionis”, testified the cop, “that the mechanism was completely controlled.

Because I was moving towards the bomb, it is sure that I would have found it; the dog would have smelled it. That’s why they detonated it, before I got there. If they wanted to hit me, then they would have detonated it five seconds later when I would be right above the mechanism. I am saying that they didn’t want to kill me”. With the interventions made immediately after by P.Roupa and N.Maziotis pointed out that from the testimonies of those two witnesses, two cops, is confirmed totally what R.S. in its communique. That is that the action was cancelled and the mechanism was detonated at the right moment so to not fall into the hands of the antiterrorist and with complete control so no one gets hurt. Not even the cop with the dog, who was not a target of the organization. But, the trial order speaks of a clock mechanism! For what reason? So that there is an attempted homicide charge. P.Roupa asked that the examination continues and that the head of the Antiterrorist H.Balakos and the department head F.Papageorgiou are called to testify, who have full knowledge of the real incidents. It is proven that we were right all along to suggest witnesses, noted N.Maziotis. what was written in the communique was confirmed. That if the organization wanted to “get” the cop with the dog it would have “got” him. There was complete carefulness by the comrades, Noted P.Roupa, so that no one except Voulgarakis got hurt. Advocate D.Vagianou, after noting Voulgarakis lie, upon which the charge was structured, she dealt with an important legal issue. The validity or not of an attempt. 

This in legal terms means that from the moment the committer, with his/hers deliberate intervention, disrupted the act, the attempt is non-valid, so there’s no homicide attempt. P.Roupa, in a new intervention, stated that R.S. always took into consideration the area and the intensity of the hit class struggle dictates. The people who carried out an action had full knowledge of the radius as well as the dangers for pedestrians and drivers. In this specific case, the cop with the dog would have got to the mechanism. You would either hit them or you would cancel the action. The organization did not want the mechanism to fall into the hands of the cops; it did not want to hit Ananias, that’s why the mechanism was destroyed. The prosecutor, considering that the matter is over (neither were these two witnesses necessary, he said!) proposed to not call Baltakos and Papageorgiou. 

The court had a small meeting and decided to refuse the demand to call them. Is pending the general demand of calling witnesses, which we will look at in the future, said the chairman. After that, began the examination of witnesses from the attack on the stock exchange. Security guard G.Mavroidatos, a young man with a degree, who speaks many foreign languages, was working in the company Prince Security and was on the night shift at the stock exchange reception. The security guards in the control room saw a van on the cameras and told him to go and check it, he thought it was suspicious but before the guards got a chance to inform, the cops showed up and told them to evacuate the building. 

They kicked out the cleaning lady, they also saw the cops leaving, but they got an order from their superior Kokkini to remain inside! And they didn’t send them to the data room, an internal refuge where all the electronic data from the stock exchange is held, but in the camera room, which was external, on the side where the explosion took place! The organization, said N.Maziotis, put 150 kilos of dynamite to hit the stock exchange, warned of a heavy explosion by giving 40minutes and asked that the neighbouring buildings are also evacuated. 

These people got an order not to leave. And the charge speaks of danger to human lives. Who put human lives in danger? As an organization there is no way we would put security guards in danger. The bosses however, consider them disposable. It is a lie and hypocritical to accuse us that we put human lives in danger. Others put lives in danger. And still, the charging authorities did not call the other three security guards and their superior Kokkini to testify. N.Maziotis submitted a demand to call them to testify. When I was in prison and got the testimonies of these people I was speechless, said P.Roupa.

The R.S. knew that there would be security guards and cleaning personnel, that’s why it asked for the evacuation of the nearby buildings. And they still left those people inside! Why? For the stock exchange. It is shameful that we are tried for endangering human lives, when others are the guilty ones. Seeing the reality, the prosecutor tried to make a manoeuvre. Maybe many people have responsibilities, he said, but this trial does not care about responsibilities of third parties, but only of the accused.

And then he threw his caustic remark: if R.S., by putting 150 kilos in a residential area thought there would be no danger! “It is not a residential area”, N.Maziotis corrected him calmly, and the prosecutor did not continue, but did not take back his “reflection” either. D.Vagianou noted that legally the prosecutor goes into the theory of equivalent terms. Which means that independently of the responsibilities of third parties, the action of RS created equivalent danger. However, the attitude of the security officials and cops who did not carry out the evacuation of the buildings is vital for the penal law. The “no matter what, people were endangered”, besides the legal matter, raises a heavier political matter, commented P.Roupa. 

That is to say, no matter how many measures you take, you create dangers. No, the action of the RS has shown that it does not create such dangers. Armed action exists in greece before the RS and the revolutionaries always made sure there is no danger for people. The responsibility is on the cops who had been warned and had the time to evacuate all the buildings, where there were very few people. Aristidis Darlis was the janitor of ‘Eleftheortypia’ newspaper, who happened to receive the warning call.
He confirmed that they told of a strong explosion that will happen, about a van loaded with explosives, while they even gave him the exact location of the van. Because of his clear testimony, P.Roupa commented again that the location and time was given, therefore the responsibility lies exclusively with the cops, who put simply put some ribbons to isolate the area and did not evacuate the neighbouring buildings.

“Honestly”, she asked, “why have witnesses from only actions of the organization have been called? Are you trying to imply that on other actions there was no warning call? There was always enough time given for the cops to isolate the area and evacuate the buildings”. She concluded with the submission of a demand to call as witnesses all the phone operators of ‘Eleftherotypia’ who have received warning calls in all the actions of the organization, so every shadow can leave and it can be proven that in all actions there was providence so that people were not endangered.

Then came the turn of the capitalists. Eleftherios Politaridis, manager of human resources of the stock exchange, having heard the testimony of the security guard Mavroidatos, tried to make him out to be a liar. Constantly repeating that human life above all, he claimed that the guards had an order from the company to leave, but… they didn’t leave! “They stayed inside under the state of panic and maybe there was some misunderstanding”. However, Mavroidatos –who was fired a year after the incident- had testified that the rules forbid them to leave and that after the incident the rules changed. 

When confronted by D.Vagianou and M.Daliani, the manager tried to avoid it with a desperate defence, but at the end when he was asked if he investigated, after the incident, why the guards remained inside, he… remained silent! Politaridis should be ashamed, commented P.Roupa. Behind this rule, which made the security guards stay inside, is an aim: to not disrupt the function of the stock exchange. 

That’s why they mortgaged the lives of three people. A significant executive of the system consented to a crime. And instead of saying “we made a mistake”, he’s trying to make a liar out of the employee. This shows the kind of these executives. In the beginning they didn’t care and then, faced with it would cost their company with this revelation, they come and lie. Followed the leading consultant of STAKOR SA Michael Kortesis. STAKOR is right across the stock exchange and as the boss said they had damages of about 3,5 million euro.

And while the guard of the building has testified that he was miraculously saved, because he saw the cops and went and asked them what’s going on and they told him to leave, Kortesis blatantly tried to make the cops look good, by saying that the guard came out and saw the cops coming towards him to inform him. He was immediately disputed by Ioannis Skrekas, employee of AKRITAS SECURITY, who was a guard that night a STAKOR.

He described what happened in detail. No one told him to go. Fifteen minutes before the explosion, he saw lights from flashlights lighting up the trees. He came out to see what’s going on, saw the cops looking for the bomb in the trees!!!, asked what’s going on and then they told him “get out of here now, there’s a bomb”! If I didn’t get, I would have been blown up, he testified. That’s when the chairman, despite being generally reserved, committed the second big ‘foul’ since the beginning of the trial. “Casualties are also the labourers, not only the capitalists. 

I am mentioning this so the accused can hear me”. He said. In other words, adding to what the prosecutor said earlier, he showed that he has made his decisions in key matters of the charge. This witness still works for the same company. This is why when he was asked his opinion about if the cops acted good or bad, if they protected him, he answered “Ask the cops if they acted good or bad. I do not want to express my opinion”. N.Maziotis noted that the leading consultant lied and called the court to decide to call the head of security of the stock exchange and the other three security guards. P.Roupa commented that the chairman’s statement was discriminatory; noting that he is trying to save the charge, trying in any way to get the R.S. attempted homicides.
But the court decided again that the incident was adequately investigated concerning the real incidents and concerning the warning from then organization R.S. and there is no reason for further investigation. This means they decided to not even call Kokkini, the supervisor of then security guards, who gave them the order to remain in the building. After that, D.Vagianou, according to the wish of her clients, asked that Politairidis is prosecuted for perjury. First the prosecutor and then the chairman said that the only thing they can do is send the minutes to the penal prosecutor, because their court is not responsible. The advocate in the end submitted a lawsuit against Politairidis.

Athens Indymdia
The imprisoned members cell of the R.O. CCF and Theofilos Mavropoulos [Greece]
It is a wonderful moment, the moment that the enemy kneels and falls from the determination of your brothers and sisters. A few days ago Roberto Adinolfi, CEO-magister of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, was shot by our brothers and sisters of the Olga Cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)–International Revolutionary Front (FRI).

Roberto Adinolfi is a high priest of the new totalitarianism of science and technology imperatives. Science has become the modern religion of our time, promising an apathetic society the lethargy of a stuffed belly and artificial paradises in exchange for the coldness of an empty heart drowned in compromise.

The empire of scientific totalitarianism is fed by the vanity of an anthropocentric authoritarian civilization. A civilization imposed on our desires, our choices, the nature and animals, turning life into a quantitative scale to fit its miserable statistics. At the same time, contemporary people end up unable to even dare to live authentically, without hypocrisy, and as they sink deeper into their reliance on technological substitutes of real life they create illusions and superficial relationships. Now, with their scientific discoveries, they can ‘offer’ us more time to grow old but deprive us of a way to live authentically. So, science generates the coldest of all monsters of the human folly. It lays the technological fascistization of our lives. It lays genetic testing, electronic monitoring, laboratory animals, research statistics, the dictatorship of machines and numbers.

Alongside the high priests of nuclear energy like Adinolfi poison and plunder the nature, animals and people, dressing up their scientific crimes in the guise of evolution. The shootings of Adinolfi are the new poetry of anarchist action. In the social machine of indolence and compromise, the humanitarian appeals and the reformist inhibitions concerning ‘respect’ for human life will never miss. But in our own consciousness code things are clear. We don’t have any respect for human life as SELF-WORTH. What human life per se does is to produce the option of CHOICES. The CHOICES are those that give value to human life, or devalue and trivialize it. Thus, what is the reason to respect the human life of small and large tyrants like Adinolfi, who haven’t for even a moment respected our own lives?

The practice of armed attacks was, is and will be an integral part of the new anarchist urban guerrilla warfare. The choice of the COMRADES of FAI/FRI to name the cell that has attacked Adinolfi as Olga Cell after our comrade Olga Ekonomidou is a great honour for us and a profound act of friendship, one we will never forget. The bullets and the words of FAI/FRI have managed to break the impregnable of the specific conditions imposed on Olga in Diavata prisons and to storm the solitary cell where she is being held under disciplinary punishment, monitored 24 hours a day through CCTV camera; they have, thus, given her strength and smile now that she knows everything continues.

For us the Italian FAI/FRI is the Conspiracy’s second home, and half of our heart belongs to the Italian FAI/FRI. We look forward to the time when we will join our sisters and brothers of FAI/FRI and surge forward into new battles for the lasting anarchist insurrection. Both FAI/FRI and Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are not a prescription for canned answers, but they are a good way to begin with questions and queries for an authentic and free life. Comrades of FAI/FRI: may a bullet come with our every word, as thought comes with your every bullet… And life’s magazine continues to be loaded with dreams, desires, anxieties, tears, smiles, concerns, discussions, actions…

One day after the responsibility claim by the Olga Cell of FAI/FRI, we were informed by the media that the Bologna’s prosecution office, via the ridiculous puppet–public prosecutor Enrico Cieri, issued arrest warrants against us for the booby-trapped parcel that was sent to Berlusconi. More precisely, arrest warrants were issued for five of us (Panagiotis Argirou, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos), as well as for two unrelated guys that have no connection whatsoever with the Conspiracy and the insurrectionary anarchy of FAI/FRI.

The warrants against us are in retaliation by the Bologna’s prosecution office for the attack of our sisters and brothers of the FAI/FRI Olga Cell. It is a desperate attempt of the Italian authorities to interrupt and impede the informal international network that has developed among the tens of FAI/FRI cells. But in vain. The invitation-inducement of Italian comrades to create an informal anarchist federation of anarchist of praxis and its constant advancement is already in the minds and hearts of comrades from around the world. No prosecution can ever stop it anywhere.

The comrades of FAI/FRI had written in one of their texts ‘Do not say that we are few,’ and we now add ‘Do not say that they can stop us…’ The Informal Anarchist Federation travels over borders and cities, carrying with it the momentum of a lasting anarchist insurrection. As the CCF imprisoned members’ cell, along with our comrade and brother Theofilos Mavropoulos, we are TOGETHER with the FAI/FRI on this journey of no return. We have burned the bridges behind us, and any inhibition has died. We are anarchists of praxis, and all we can say to the Bologna’s prosecution office is this: Your warrants are nothing but shitpapers to us, and we are completely indifferent towards the ridiculousness of your existence as the Italian State’s judicial representatives. It is a dangerous time for the prosecutors’ mafia nowadays. The lives of worms like you might soon meet with a heavy rain of bullets, or a powerful bomb in your car, or an explosive parcel in your hands… The arrest warrants in retaliation against us is yet another proud proof that the FAI/FRI Olga Cell counteracted with outstanding accuracy, causing panic in the enemy. The attacks that our sisters and brothers preannounced through their communiqué are an admirable continuation of the challenge unleashed by both FAI/FRI and CCF against the Power and the social machine. That is the challenge of the lasting anarchist insurrection. That is the challenge of the international cooperation of anarchists of praxis.

And if some of us are now captives in the enemy’s hands, that does not frighten us or make us regret. On the contrary, prison feeds the wolf within us, and our rage against the Power and its society grows stronger. All of us, along with Eat, Billy, Gabriel, Marco, Silvia, Billy, Costa, Jock and the imprisoned comrades in $hile, Mexico, Italy and elsewhere, nor for a moment were we left alone. Because we have all of you, the unknown free brothers and sisters, whose actions we feel as our own actions, whose words are met with our own…




Members of the Prison Cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Olga Ekonomidou
Giorgos Polidoros
Gerasimos Tsakalos
Panagiotis Argirou
Christos Tsakalos
Damiano Bolano
Michalis Nikolopoulos
Giorgos Nikolopoulos
Haris Hadjimihelakis

And the anarchist comrade Theofilos Mavropoulos.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Athens: Anarchists detained en mass after solidarity intervention in a commercial radio station for the Revolutionary Struggle case trial

Jan. 10, 2012 Contra Info

In the morning of January 10th, nearly twenty members of the solidarity assembly for the case of Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas, whose trial is currently underway) entered the corporate radio station on Kifisias Avenue and interrupted the station’s program, to transmit a message of solidarity with those on trial.

Despite the fact that neither the station’s management, nor its staff asked officially any police intervention, scores of police (DIAS motorcycle units, squads such as MAT, plainclothes cops, among others) soon arrived on the spot and encircled the building. At about 14.00, after hours of being blocked inside the radio’s offices, anarchists who took part in the solidarity intervention were detained en mass and taken to the police headquarters on Alexandras Avenue: two prosecutors along with police squads stormed the radio station, forcing the comrades to exit the premises; all were handcuffed and held in police buses, while their mobile phones were confiscated.

As soon as the news was circulated, anarchists gathered opposite the police HQ (GADA), where a solidarity protest of approximately 100 people is underway (pre-gathering point: outside Ambelokipi metro station).

Here’s a text released by the 20 detainees themselves:

Today, January 10th, 2012, comrades from the anarchist/anti-authoritarian space carried out an intervention in the corporate radio station Flash 96 FM in the context of a series of solidarity actions for the Revolutionary Struggle case, which was brought to trial since October 5th, 2011, in the special court of Koridallos prisons.

We have taken this action in an effort to break the wall of silence and the political order to gag the trial process and the political discourse of the defendants in the Revolutionary Struggle case.

A confirmation of this gagging was the immediate reaction of police forces during the broadcast of our audio message with the words of the prosecuted for the same case. This mobilization of the executive and law enforcement authorities is indicative for anyone who resists, for whoever puts forward the total overthrow of the system through the social revolution, which is the only way to escape from the modern totalitarianism of the Troika of EU, ECB and IMF and their trustee, the Greek State, that have submitted the entire society in poverty and misery.

A society doomed by the full dismantling of labour relations, the ‘chinesization’ in front of the threat of more and more unemployed people lining up in long queues, the onslaughts of predatory taxation, the dissolution of public-benefit corporations, the privatizations, the selling off of public assets and the development of financial zones on starvation wages.

It is worth noting that under this treaty, in their bid to shield the system, and while everything is reduced and cut, the only thing that’s increased are the armies of the watchdogs of democracy, armed guards, capitalism and its State. Therefore, under this treaty, more commonly referred to as Junta, we are in solidarity and proud with our comrades and their choices.

Our choices are side by side with all parts of society who choose the fair way of social liberation.


Solidaritarians’ assembly from inside Flash radio station

Solidarity banner opposite Athens police HQ: ‘Down your limbs from the fighters! We are all terrorists!’

Although it is most likely that the station’s owners or even its security guards had notified some authorities about the presence of anarchists in the building, it has been reported that all detainees were charged in ex officio indictment, meaning that no call from the company’s staff was required for the prosecutors and cops to invade in it. Initially, it was feared that the charges may fall under Greece’s third terrorism law. It seems though that all comrades are charged with the misdemeanor of ‘incitement to violence’. They are now threatened to be held in detention and stand trial tomorrow, 11/1, at Evelpidon courts in Athens, at about 12.00. We call for their unconditional acquittal!

No prosecution for the comrades who intervened in Flash 96 FM!
Freedom now to all!

Solidarity with the three members of Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Kostas Gournas, and the other defendants in the same case, Vaggelis Stathopoulos, Sarantos Nikitopoulos, Christoforos Kortesis, Marie Beraha and Kostas Katsenos. We demand the immediate release of K.Katsenos who is still held hostage under pre-trial detention.


Ongoing gathering outside Athens police headquarters,
on Alexandras Avenue, from 17.30

Ongoing PA’s counter-information gathering
at Kamara, Thessaloniki, from 18.30

sources: a, b, c, d, e, f

Monday, December 26, 2011

Athens: Solidarity with the members of R.S. and all those who are prosecuted for the same case

Dec. 24, 2011 Athens Indymedia

'The insurgents are right'

with the members of REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE
and and all those who are prosecuted for the same case

The gathering call of solidarity

The case of social liberation within a revolutionary perspective
is always current because the chains of the repressed of this decayed world will only break if we fight by all means.

All the subversive purposes ought to get organized in common without creating matters of division within the struggle for the social liberation. It is important to realize that the means used for the overthrow of the current system are choices that all converge in the same direction.

The armed struggle is a radical form of struggle and should be analyzed as such. It is another choice within the polymorphous action of the revolutionary and radical movement, since it propels the actual and direct confrontation against the state and its mechanisms of exploitation.

The comrades that are prosecuted for the case of the Revolutionary Struggle continue to give meaning to the struggle with their speech and criticism for the overthrow of the State and Capitalism inside and outside the cells of democracy and courts.

Assembly for the case of Revolutionary Struggle

Friday, October 07, 2011

The members of Revolutionary Struggle will be released under restrictive conditions on Tuesday, October 11th

Oct. 6, 2011 Contra Info

After a decision order by Athens Judicial Council that met earlier today,
October 6th, comrades Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa and Kostas Gournas will
be released from Koridallos prisons on Tuesday, October 11th. All three
members of Revolutionary Struggle reached the limit of 18month pretrial

Their release was ordered on the condition that they will sign off at a
local police station every five days, while they will be banned from
exiting the prefecture of Attica.

This decision was announced as final and irrevocable.

The trial against the organization Revolutionary Struggle will continue on
Monday, October 24th.


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Announcement of the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle concerning the use of Lambros Foundas’ name in the arson of the Law School in Athen

Announcement of the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle
concerning the use of Lambros Foundas’ name in the arson of the Law
School in Athens (Greece)

April 6, 2011 Anarchist News

Lambros Foundas gave his life fighting on the lines of the Revolutionary
Struggle, an urban guerilla organization that operated alongside the
exploited and oppressed.

He gave his life promoting a political project that aimed at the popular
and proletarian counterattack on the conditions of modern totalitarianism,
in which we live.

Our opinion as well as Lambros Foundas as members of the Revolutionary
Struggle is that armed struggle is an essential tool of social-class
struggle to overthrow capitalism and social revolution rather than a means
to an existential affirmation of the individualistic insurrectionary
experience of some.

This should be understood by all those who misuse the name of the our dead
comrade in supposedly “revolutionary” actions such as the arson of the Law
School in Athens (1). The actions of the Revolutionary Struggle has
nothing in common with such actions and the antisocial individualistic
reasoning that is behind them.

Unfortunately some did not understand our warning last December when
parcel bombs were sent to embassies in Rome where a low ranked embassy
employee was injured, and where we stressed not to carry out such
so-called “politically targeted” actions using the name of our dead
comrade. (2 & 3)

Unfortunately some people forced us to revert to preserve the political
memory and honour of our dead comrade. We hope this is the last time some
people use in such an abusive manner the name Lambros Foundas in unworthy
actions and non related to the actions of our comrade which do not honour

Also we should note that when actions are taken as “Commando Lambros
Foundas” – a name which has been used repeatedly after the death of the
comrade – because it gives the comrade the role of who acts, since his
name is the name of that group which acts, it is required to have a link
concerning the choices of action and the political words surrounding them
and a match of the resources used.

It is of course the same when an action in honor of the comrade is
accompanied by the slogan “Honour to Lambros Foundas”.

Obviously every comrade can honour him while respecting the choices of
struggle he made, and the political characteristics that we believe in are
well known.

The three imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle



(1) Excerpt from communique claiming responsibility for the arson attack
on the Athens law school:

“We watched with interest the hunger striker immigrants developing
political characteristics in their action. But with even greater interest
we watched the Greek state trample vested democratically rights with a
relatively great ease. At least now there will be no arguments for the
defense of the non-existent asylum. Thus in the more general
dissatisfaction we selected to strike the building of the Law School of
Athens. We into the door of the central amphitheater that is on the first
floor and placed in the interior many incendiary devices aiming at the
biggest possible destruction. We manufactured the mechanisms in such a way
that the critical hour there are no students in the building and find
themselves in a direct danger. We address a clear blackmail to democracy,
that if something happens to a hunger striker we will not hesitate to
strike also other buildings or even people-symbols of it.


International Revolutionary Front – Deviant Behaviour for the Spread of
Revolutionary Terrorism/ Cell of Anarchist Action”

(2 & 3) See here and here for more information.


Translated: by BoubourAs / Actforfreedomnow!

Terrorist suspects freed pending trial

April 9, 2011 ekathimerini

Three alleged members of Revolutionary Struggle get conditional release;
another three still in custody

Three suspected members of the Revolutionary Struggle urban guerrilla
group were granted conditional release by a council of appeals court
judges on Wednesday after almost exactly a year in custody.

Christoforos Kortesis, Evangelos Stathopoulos and Sarantos Nikitopoulos
were allowed to leave jail after posting 3,000-euro bail payments and
agreeing to report to their local police station twice a month.

Nikos Maziotis, a self-professed member of the group and its presumed
leader, is to remain in custody along with his girlfriend Panayiota Roupa
and the sixth suspect Costas Gournas.

The six suspects were arrested last April following police raids in Attica
and other parts of Greece.

The group emerged in 2003 with the boming of an Athens court and
subsequently claimed a string of hits on government and business targets.
It is best known for firing a rocket-propelled grenade at the US Embassy
in 2007.