Showing posts with label Jesse Waters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesse Waters. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Green-Scare Indictment over Sabotage of Logging Equipment in Michigan 10 Years Ago

April 12, 2011 Earth First! Newswire

A recent indictment order by Federal prosecutors in Grand Rapids Michigan
has charged Jesse Waters, a Detroit area man, with damaging logging
equipment and a flatbed trailer near Mesick, MI more than 10 years ago
during an environmental campaign to halt deforestation.

The indictment further states that others painted the message “log in
hell!” at the site of the incident.

Environmental activist, musician, and mother of 2, Marie Mason was also
charged and convicted for her alleged role in the Mesick sabotage. She is
currently serving 22 years in prison.