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  • Summary: The second full-length release for the London-based electronic duo from Belfast features guest appearances from Julia Kent, Clara La San and machìna.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Jan 19, 2021
    The album's theme of discovery and belonging is clear and poignant throughout and adds an extra dimension to critical listening of many of the tracks. The album does tire a little towards the end, and similar ideas and developments are revisited a little too quickly. Still, overall, Bicep have crafted a very exciting record worthy of high praise.
  2. Jan 22, 2021
    Not everything on Isles is a win—"Rever" and "Fir" dial the neon palette up a notch too high—but overall the album nails the tricky balance artists face when following a successful debut: similar enough to charm the old fans yet fresh enough to entice the new.
  3. Jan 19, 2021
    It’s a brilliant pick me up, a dazzling set of songs that tap into our innermost impulses. A colourful way to remember those good times, and one that is perfectly prepared for our eventual return to the dance floor.
  4. 80
    As they prove across ‘Isles’’ 10 intricately-crafted tracks (which were whittled down from more than 150 demos), few other artists can conjure up these much-missed moments of patiently rapturous rave ecstasy quite so artfully.
  5. 80
    Isles invites you to close your eyes and let your alpha waves throw their own shapes.
  6. Jan 26, 2021
    Isles is a headphones record as colourful as its artwork, and should be enjoyed to the fullest on its own terms, the work of an act in constant flux who refuse to rest on their laurels.
  7. Jan 22, 2021
    Isles has sparkling moments but it’s all a bit constrained, like a potted plant on a window sill that craves the natural wildness of a garden.

See all 14 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. Jan 25, 2021
    Biceps sophomore album is an expression of just how much the pair can flex their electronic muscles and the result... An intricately piecedBiceps sophomore album is an expression of just how much the pair can flex their electronic muscles and the result... An intricately pieced together record with a real emphasis on discovery through it's transporting and drawn out synths. "Isles" is both a perfect record to be heard with eyes closed as it is to be heard live at a festival with the biggest sound system on the planet. A fear of fatigue does creep in towards the latter records but still hangs on to the mostly well crafted body of work. Expand
  2. Jan 24, 2021
    The UK-based electronic duo Bicep released their second LP called Isles. It begins with “Atlas” a track that woke my memory of those euphoricThe UK-based electronic duo Bicep released their second LP called Isles. It begins with “Atlas” a track that woke my memory of those euphoric moments attending music festivals before the pandemic that reminds me of those energies and blissful experiences listening to live electronic acts. The fading airy sample vocals of Ofra Haza in this track added to this very atmospheric mood. I enjoyed those lo-fi sampling used in Cazenove. However, in totality, I felt like it went flat. While "Apricot" surprised me with glorious samples of sounds and styles of "Gebede-Gebede Ulendo Wasabwera" from Hugh Tracey's record Beating Heart - Malawi, and Svatba (The Wedding). The duo paid homage to Celtic folk they grow up listening to and shows their modern and refreshing take of these sounds. While tracks “Saku” and “X” totally put you in a trance, featuring the sweet vocals of the UK-based DJ/producer Clara La San immersing myself in Bicep’s trippy vibe. This mood continues in the track “Rever” featuring Bali instrumentation from Canadian cellist/composer Julia Kent contrasting the hashed vocals featured towards the latter part of the track. "Sundial" is a gripping track pulling samples from a Bollywood song and gave me the same multicultural sound experience in Apricots. I enjoyed the last track, "Hawk", featuring Korean Tokyo-based artist Machina. According to the duo, this track was resulted from their various experimentation using a Japanese synth, creating super weird noises.

    Isles is a trippy electronic album that you can binge on, possessing the qualities of good ambient music you can use as an escape and immerse yourself in euphoria. However, I feel like Bicep can explore more on their experimentation in appealing tracks like Apricots and Hawk and build on this strength. I am giving this my rating of 7/10.