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Chamorro Rhapsody

In my relentless attempts to keep myself so busy that I have trouble remembering everything I am supposed to be doing each day, I may be taking on, just for fun, an exciting creative project that I am uncreatively calling "Chamorro Rhapsody." Who knows what will become of this idea, but it will be fun no matter what happens. It started off, like so many things, as a joke on Facebook. During Chamorro classes last year, as part of a project each of my students got song lyrics and had to try and translate them into Chamorro. Some of them were more difficult than others. "Fly me to the Moon" was translated very quickly in just a couple of minutes. "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia took a little bit longer. "Bohemian Rhapsody" was too daunting for my students and so we worked more slowly on it. It was an important exercise in terms of understanding the nature of translation. Bohemian Rhapsody is much easier to translate than your average rap or hip hop