
Showing posts with the label Hilitai

Matai na Hilitai

This was a picture from the trail at Pagat. There is no way I cannot feel philosophical about this sight. A hilitai, crushed and flattened into the earth. At a place no less which as been controversial for a variety of reasons the past few years. I find it particularly interesting since hilitai have a habit of following me when I hike. The first time I tried to catch a hilitai was at Hila'an. In the area that I call the lemmai grove, I saw one standing atop a lusong. I tiptoed as quietly as I could to try and reach it. Naturally I'm not much of a ninja and so the hilitai immediately heard me. Instead of running though, it just stared at me. Watching me get closer and closer to it. Once I was too close, it plodded off the lusong and started to crawl briskly into the jungle. I raced after it, but couldn't find it. When the rest of my friends arrived I told them about how I had almost caught a hilitai. As I spoke it started to rain. My friend b