NYCABC Updates & Announcements for 1.26.2021

Here’s the latest compilation of every other week updates from NYC ABC.

NYC ABC, along with several other individuals and prisoner support
crews, now send hard copies to all political prisoners and prisoners of
war we support.

If you consistently mail the latest updates to a specific prisoner,
please let us know so we can insure there’s no overlap. The goal is to
have copies sent to all of the prisoners we list.

We’ve also been told that some prisoners are not receiving the copies
sent in, yet we aren’t getting rejection notices. If you are in steady
contact with a prisoner, please ask them whether or not they are
receiving the updates and let us know.

Be sure to check out the latest NYC ABC Illustrated Guide to Political Prisoners.

January 26th: Letter writing event for Muhammad Burton with NYC ABC

WHAT: Political Prisoner Letter-Writing
WHEN: 7pm, Tuesday, January 26th, 2021
COST: Free

…And the work continues. We have no illusions that regardless of who is sitting atop the pyramid, those seeking to meaningfully confront the white supremacist power structures that the “usa” is predicated on will continue to be in the cross hairs of the police state and its carceral corollary. The fact that movement elders who did so in previous generations are still being held decades later, many in old age and deteriorating health, shows the spite the system harbors against them.

There are still over a dozen political prisoners held in the United States for their associations with Black Liberation movements. Muhammad Burton is one of them.

Muhammad Burton was accused in 1970 and convicted in 1972 on highly dubious charges, one of the “Philadelphia 5” accused of plotting to kill Philadelphia police officers. Muhammad has been behind bars for 50 years, including 11 years in solitary confinement. He has continued to maintain his innocence throughout the decades.

Please join NYC ABC and Page One Collective in writing to him. Pennsylvania prisons outsource their mail system through a Florida based corporation, Smart Communications. Letters should be addressed to Fred Burton.

Please take the time to write a letter to Muhammad Burton (and share a photo of your completed envelopes with us online):
Smart Communications/PA DOC

Muhammad Burton AF 3896*
SCI Somerset
Post Office Box 33028
St. Petersburg, Florida 33733
United States
*Address envelope to Fred Burton

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Download Political Prisoner tri- folds pamphlets

Thanks to NYC ABC, we have a library of downloadable political prisoner flyers in PDF format.
Check out the full list below.

Bill Dunne

Chip Fitzgerald
Cleveland 4 (Skelly, Doug Wright)
David Gilbert
Eric King
Jamil Al-Amin
Joe-Joe Bowen
Kamau Sadiki
Leonard Peltier
Marius Mason
Muhammad Burton
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Mutulu Shakur
Nebraska 2 (Ed Poindexter)
Ronald Reed
Russell Maroon Shoatz
Sundiata Acoli
United Freedom Front (Jaan Laaman)
Veronza Bowers
Virgin Island 5 (Abdul Aziz, Hanif Shabazz Bey, Malik Smith)

“Keep Us Alive And Vibrant Out There”: An Interview With Political Prisoner Eric King

An interview with anarchist political-prisoner Eric King with the Seattle-Tacoma chapter of Black and Pink.

In this time when authorities refuse to keep people safe from COVID-19, when rebellion is a fresh on our minds, and when the abolition of police and prisons is becoming a clear necessity to more and more people, we’ve got something to learn from an anarchist political prisoner like Eric King. Eric vandalized the office of a government official in Kansas City, MO, in solidarity with the Ferguson uprising, was arrested in September 2014, and then was sentenced to ten years for the window he broke in June 2016. Such a sentence is horrible, but not shocking. Prisons, after all, do more to keep hierarchies safe than people.

Eric is now facing a bogus charge of assaulting an officer that could land him another 20 years inside. At the time of writing this, he has been hit with a mail restriction and can’t receive letters of support. But we can make ourselves aware of his case and learn from his words.

The following is an interview with Eric conducted through snail mail by the Seattle-Tacoma chapter of Black and Pink, a queer/trans abolitionist group that focuses on building community across prison walls.

Read the full interview at

Dispatch from Leonard Peltier, 1.21.2021

Good Morning everyone.
I’m not sure if this is such a good morning but i don’t know how to open this letter to everyone.Yes i heard the loser did not sign my clemency, i had this strong feeling yesterday that I wasn’t going to get it, i don’t know why i had it,? I guess it was the spirits telling me so i sat down trying to write you all a letter but my tears of self pity must have over whelmed me as i could not see to finish it so i had to stop for a while, thought about my family friends and people’s how it must be for them too . so i pulled myself together. and thought to myself well

I’m not going to give up.Its been a hard 45 yrs, and it will get a lot harder I’m sure as I aged and in the moments when hopelessness over takes me, but at my age all i can do is ask so many of you to stay with me and lets try again. b/cuz we have the only weapon we can use and that’s the constitution and the laws of this so called free democracy EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL, and must get everyone to know what the laws was that they violated not just the lawyers, But what a joke that is,!! IT HAS never has been this way for my people. and more then likely will never be. BUT I welcome all who will stay with me and fight on until i take my last breath.

Thank you.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, Doksha,

Leonard Peltier #89637-132
USP Coleman I
Post Office Box 1033
Coleman, Fl 33521

Info flyer

Letter-writing event for Kamau Sadiki (January 25, Philly ABC)


This month we are asking that folks write letters of support to former Black Panther, Kamau Sadiki. Kamau has been held in the Augusta State Medical Prison for years and suffered medical neglect. Right now, Kamau is in danger of needing his left foot amputated and needs to see a wound specialist. Before you join us next Monday to write a letter, please take a minute to tweet at @GovKemp & call the Augusta State Medical Prison at (706) 855-4700 to demand he be taken to the wound care clinic ASAP. At the letter-writing event, we will have an update about the medical campaign and send words of solidarity directly to Kamau so that he knows, and the prison knows, this situation is getting wider public attention.

At age 17, Kamau dedicated his life to the service of his people working out of the Jamaica office of the Black Panther Party. Kamau worked in the Free Breakfast Program each morning and then went out into the community to sell the BPP newspaper later in the day. At nineteen, Kamau was a member of the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Several members of the BLA, including Kamau, left New York City and lived in the Atlanta area for a short period of time. On the night of November 3rd 1971, witnesses observed three black males run from a van where a police officer was murdered at a gas station in downtown Atlanta. The witnesses failed to identify Kamau from a photographic line-up and there was no physical evidence that implicated him. In 1971, the Atlanta police department closed the case as unsolved.

In 1999, the FBI in pursuit of collaboration in their attempts to recapture Assata Shakur (the mother of one of Kamau’s daughters), a political exile in Cuba, threatened him with life in prison if he did not assist them. When he did not comply, the FBI convinced Atlanta police to re-open the case and charge Kamau. He was arrested in 2002 in Brooklyn, New York some thirty-one years later after the murder. In 2003, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder and ten years to run consecutively for armed robbery. Much of his sentence has been spent in a medical prison because he suffers from Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis of the Liver, and Sarcoidosis. February 19th will be his 68th birthday so send him some birthday love as well!

This event will be held on Jitsi – we’ll post the meet link on social media the day of. You can also message us to get the link beforehand.

If you can’t join us on Monday, send him a message of hope and healing at:

Freddie Hilton #0001150688
Augusta State Medical Prison
3001 Gordon Highway
Grovetown, GA 30813

We also encourage sending birthday cards to political prisoners with February birthdays: Veronza Bowers (the 4th) and Oso Blanco (the 26th).

Eric King receives another mail restriction

On January 5th, 2021, Eric was once again placed on a 6- month communication restriction in response to a New Year’s Eve noise demo that was held outside of FCI Englewood by various groups in Denver, a demo that happens every single year at prisons worldwide. After being accused of organizing the demo, the BOP finally admitted that they are aware  that Eric had nothing to do with the noise demo. Despite this fact, the BOP North Central Regional office instructed  Englewood to restrict Eric’s communication.   

Apparently, in the BOP prisoners will be held responsible for anything anyone may do. It is interesting though that in 2017 when the right-wing Bundy family attempted to force their way into the prison to visit a prisoner they stood in solidarity with, driving around the parking lot, evading guards, blasting music… there were no disciplinary actions or restrictions enforced on the prisoner. This must be another special BOP rule that only applies to anti-fascists. 

Eric can no longer correspond with anyone outside his family and lawyer. He is again cut off from communication from anyone that might offer him support and strength and solidarity during a global pandemic. He is again isolated from all contact with friends that matter deeply to him.

If folks want to help, he can receive books. These can be a great distraction for him and all of the prisoners he passes them onto, especially during this next level federal lock-down.

Donations to the bad ass lawfirm who has stepped up for him in a real way can be made, to help ensure they have the resources to continue to stand behind folks who are fighting oppression in real ways. Donate here.

Kings Bay Plowshare 7 update

Via Kings Bay Plowshare 7 page on facebook.

Many of you have asked about the addresses for our KBP7 (now) prisoners of conscience. Here are the addresses for Carmen, Martha, and Patrick. Fr Steve Kelly is in transit so there is no address currently for him. Clare reports to FCI Alderson on February 12th; Mark is scheduled to be sentenced on February 19th. Liz has finished serving her sentence, and lives with her family in New London, CT. Please go to our website for current updates

Carmen Trotta #22561-021
FCI Otisville-Satellite Camp
PO Box 1000
Otisville, NY 10963

Martha Hennessy #22560-021
FCI Danbury
Route 37
Danbury, CT 06811

Patrick O’Neill #14924-018
FCI Elkton
PO Box 10
Lisbon, OH 44432
