Showing posts with label Marilyn Buck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marilyn Buck. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Oakland, NYC and SF book releases for Marilyn Buck's Selected Poems

Sunday June 17th, in Oakland
A Book Party Celebrating the Poetry and Life of
Marilyn Buck, Political Prisoner and Writer
Inside / Out: Selected Poems

Speakers include:
Kiilu Nyasha, elana levy, Maria Poblet and Zoe Willmott

3:00-5:00 p.m. Sunday June 17, 2012
Eastside Cultural Center
2277 International Blvd.
Oakland CA 94606

Co-sponsored by The Friends of Marilyn Buck

Wednesday June 27 in New York City
A Book Release Celebration For
Inside / Out: Selected Poems by Marilyn Buck

With Asha Bandele, Dequi Kioni-Sadiki, Ona Mirkinson,
Susan Rosenberg, Laura Whitehorn
& a message from political prisoner Sekou Odinga

7:00-9:00 p.m. Wednesday June 27, 2012
Bluestockings 172 Allen St, Manhattan

In honor of Marilyn: bring a book for a prisoner.
In recognition of Marilyn's long commitment to educating herself and
other women in prison we ask you to bring a paperback book as a
donation for Books Through Bars. Especially needed are dictionaries
(English and Spanish) and Black and Latino/a (especially Chicano/a) histories.

Wednesday June 27 in San Francisco
Celebrating the release of
Inside / Out: Selected Poems by Marilyn Buck

Please join us in paying tribute to
an important activist and woman of letters.
Graciela Trevisan, Nellie Wong and Maria Poblet
celebrate Marilyn Buck.

7:00-9:00 p.m. Wednesday June 27, 2012
Modern Times Bookstore
2919 24th Street, San Francisco 94110

Inside/Out: Selected Poems by Marilyn Buck with a preface by David
Meltzer: this collection of Marilyn's searing and lyrical poetry is a
living tribute to her indomitable spirit and revolutionary intelligence.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Celebrate the Poetry and Life of Marilyn Buck

Inside / Out: Selected Poems
by Marilyn Buck with a preface by David Meltzer
This collection of Marilyn's searing and lyrical poetry is a living
tribute to her indomitable spirit and revolutionary intelligence.

Wednesday, June 6th, 7:00pm
The Green Arcade Sin Soracco and friends join up to honor Marilyn and her poetry.
The Green Arcade is located at 1680 Market Street @Gough in San
Francisco. For more information, please call (415) 431-6800.

Sunday, June 17, 3:00 PM
East Side Cultural Center

Join poets Maisha Quint, Maria Poblet, Elana Levy, and the Friends of
Marilyn Buck. Emceed by Kiilu Nyasha.
The East Side Cultural Center is located at 2277 International Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94606. 510-533-6629 or
for more info.

Wednesday, June 27th, 7:00pm
Modern Times Bookstore

With readings by Graciela Trevisan, Nellie Wong, and Maria Poblet.
Modern Times is located at 2919 24th Street, San Francisco, CA.
Please contact 415-282-9246 for more info.

About the author:
Marilyn Buck's life was dedicated to battling
oppression. She began her anti-racist activism as a teen in Texas,
organized against the war in Vietnam, and joined the SDS; with other
SDS women she helped to incorporate women's liberation into the
organization's politics. She fought for self-determination for all
people, and she aligned herself with the Black Liberation Movement.
In 1973 she was convicted of purchasing two boxes of handgun
ammunition and was given a ten-year sentence. After serving four
years in Federal prison in Alderson, West Virginia, she was granted a
furlough and did not return. The following eight years she was underground.
In 1985 Marilyn was recaptured and was convicted of
conspiracy for the successful escape of Assata Shakur from her New
Jersey prison. (Assata remains active from her exile in Cuba).
Marilyn and her codefendants Dr. Mutulu Shakur and Sekou Odinga were
also convicted of conspiracy to commit "armed bank robbery" in
support of the New Afrikan Independence struggle. In 1988 she was
given another ten years in the Resistance Conspiracy case, for
"conspiracy to protest and alter government policies (the invasion of
Grenada, intervention in Central America) through use of violence"
against government and military property. She was imprisoned for over
thirty years.

Marilyn continued her activism inside of prison. She was
deeply involved in cultural and educational activities for all
prisoners, and translated for Spanish-speaking women inside. While in
prison she contributed articles on prison issues to various journals
and anthologies, and she lifted her own voice through poetry for the
whole time she was incarcerated. Her poems appeared in anthologies,
chapbooks and CDs, and in 2001 she was awarded a PEN American Center
poetry prize.

Marilyn was released from prison in 2010 and died shortly after from cancer.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Poetry Book by Marilyn Buck - Inside/Out - Pre Order Info

Barns and Noble


Marilyn Buck was a committed political radical, imprisoned for over thirty years for her revolutionary activities. She was also a prolific writer and poet, publishing her work in a prize-winning chapbook, an audio CD, and in various journals and anthologies. She received a PEN American Center prize for poetry in 2001.

Buck was released from prison less than a month before her death at age sixty-two from uterine cancer. This selection of her finest poetry is a living testament to the fierce intelligence and huge compassion that inspired and informed her life, and to the transcendence of her poetic vision.

Product Details

  • ISBN-13: 9780872865778
  • Publisher: City Lights Books
  • Publication date: 5/15/2012
  • Pages: 208
  • Sales rank: 488,049

Meet the Author

Marilyn Jean Buck was an American Marxist revolutionary and feminist poet, who was imprisoned for over 30 years for her political activities. She was released on July 15, 2010, less than a month before her death at age 62 from uterine cancer.

While in prison, Buck contributed articles on women in prison, solitary confinement, political prisoners and related issues to Sojourners Magazine, Monthly Review, and other journals and anthologies.

She published her poetry in journals, anthologies, a chapbook, and an audio CD. She received a PEN American Center prize for poetry in 2001. Her poems appeared in the anthologies Hauling Up the Morning, Wall Tappings, Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth, Seeds of Fire, and in her chapbook, Rescue the Word. Her poems appear on the audio CD Wild Poppies (Freedom Archives 2004).

Her translations and introduction to Cristina Peri Rossi's poetry appeared in State of Exile, Number 58 in the City Lights Pocket Poets Series.

David Meltzer is a poet associated with both the Beat Generation and the San Francisco Renaissance. A pioneer of jazz poetry readings, Meltzer also formed a psychedelic folk-rock group. He continues to perform with the music and poetry review, "Rockpile." He has edited many anthologies, including San Francisco Beat: Talking with the Poets (City Lights, 2001), and has published 11 erotic novels. He is the author of When I Was a Poet, Number 60 in the City Lights Pocket Poets Series. He also taught for many years in the poetics program at New College of California. In 2005, Penguin Books published David's Copy: The Selected Poems of David Meltzer

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Three Poems by Marilyn Buck

Marilyn Buck Monthly Review

1. Consumption

TV captures imagi-
nation, holds us willing hostage
to manufactured need no longer basic
basted together by corporate Frankensteins

mr. mrs. ms.tified consumptives
we cough up blood
carnelian balances land
on cuspidoric collection plates
ATM pawn-brokers strategically placed
on corners, hookers who promise
promissory notes magnetically recorded
binary debts, unforgivable
at any price

addicted and ill
we dig deeper into fraying Calvin Klein pockets
hope for immunization and magic bullets
against fatality

tubercular roots strangle inspiration

September 2004

2. Jamaican Jump-Up

warmed by ginger-spice drink
and pungent foods galore
women from former colonies
most younger than liberation time
jump up
to the reggae beat
turn out on the floor
feet remember familiar grounds
far away

step slide glide
stomp and shake
women of the world throw down
prison chains
free for a heart’s beat

we dance

August 1997

3. Trinkets
“Those Africans who conspired with the European slave trade to sell us into slavery were seduced by trinkets.”

—Assata Shakur, letter on her sixtieth birthday, 2008

Today’s trinkets are much more expensive
we pay to be branded with corp.s names
we wear
billboards for owners,

all the lovely trinkets: charmed bracelets

August 2008

Marilyn Buck (1947-2010) spent over twenty-five years in prison for politically motivated actions against U.S. government policies and in support of the Black Panthers and the Black Liberation Army. She wrote these poems behind bars, as a way to comprehend the reality of prison and continue her fight as a white woman against injustice, particularly U.S.-generated white supremacy. Paroled in July 2010, she died of cancer twenty days after her release.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Deadline soon for poetry contest honoring Marilyn Buck

The March 31, 2011 deadline for an Austin Poetry Society annual awards contest honoring Marilyn Buck is soon approaching. Bay Area poet Maria Poblet will be judging this contest. See the earlier posts here on this topic for details!

With all of the wonderful poems appearing here, we are hoping for some excellent entries in this contest (first prize is $100).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Blue Afterwards: Mourning for Marilyn Buck

by Felix Shafer

You've gone past us now.
beloved comrade:
north american revolutionary
and political prisoner
My sister and friend of these 40 years,
it's over
Marilyn Buck gone
through the wire
out into the last whirlwind.

So begins "The Blue Afterwards: Mourning for
Marilyn," a beautifully moving essay of
mourning/remembrance/and reflection by Felix
Shafer, longtime activist and friend of Marilyn Buck.

Readers/writers say:
What a beautifully touching memorial tribute to Marilyn!!!
i read it last night and was quite moved by the
insights and your really authentic feeling for
her life as a woman and revolutionary.
---Jack Hirschman, former poet laureate San Francisco

I felt many things as I made way through it; from
exhilaration about what has been accomplished
thus far to sadness about what has not; anger at
our enemy and pride in being the enemy; sadness
for those who have transitioned and deep, deep
grief for the loss of this one of our most
valuable warriors. You succeeded in evoking her
spirit and I could feel and hear her as you described her many attributes...
---Curtis J. Austin, historian, professor, author
of, "Up Against the Wall: Violence in the Making
and Unmaking of the Black Panther Party"

It is quite something. I feel your very personal
love for her and also appreciate your ability to
contextualize her in the struggles of her time,
so many of which she was a part of. Sometimes
your writing literally lifts itself off the page--so beautiful�
---Margaret Randall, writer and poet
Shafer's incomparable meditation on Marilyn Buck
is both illuminating and passionately astute to
her heroic project of her uniquely engaged,
compassionate, and creative politics.
--- David Meltzer, poet and teacher

Felix Shafer's biographical sketch is so much
more than just that, his critical analysis of
Marilyn's Buck liberation trajectory adds unknown
historical data, with a clear and impassioned eye
towards showing us her brilliance and grace. This
is a must read to begin to learn about Marilyn and her enormous legacy.
--- Susan Rosenberg, former political prisoner &
author of "An American Radical: Political
Prisoner In My Own Country" due out in March 2011
A few short excerpts follow. The entire essay can
be found at

Felix writes:

With time's increasing distance from her moment
of death on the afternoon of August 3, 2010, at
home in Brooklyn New York, the more that I have
felt impelled to write a cohesive essay about
Marilyn, the less possible such a project has
become. She died at 62 years of age, surrounded
by people who loved and still love her truly. She
died just twenty days after being released from
Carswell federal prison in Texas. Marilyn lived
nearly 30 years behind bars. It was the
determined effort of Soffiyah Elijah, her
attorney and close friend of more than a quarter
century that got her out of that prison system at all.

Her loss leaves a wound that insists she must be
more than a memory and still so much more than a
name circulating in the bluest afterwards. If
writing is one way of holding on to Marilyn, it
also ramifies a crazed loneliness. Shadows lie
down in unsayable places. I'm a minor player in
the story who wants to be scribbling side by side
with her in a cafe or perched together
overlooking the Hudson from a side road along the
Palisades. This work of mourning is fragmentary,
impossible, subjective, politically unofficial, lovingly
biased, flush with anxieties over
(mis)representation, hopefully evocative of some
of the 'multitude' of Marilyns contained within
her soul, strange and curiously punctuated by
shifts into reverie and poetic time.

It's my hope that others, who also take her life
and death personally, will publish rivers of
articles, reminiscences, essays, tributes, poems,
in print and online. May the painters paint, the
ceramicists shape clay, and the doers Do works
and with her spirit! Will someone come to write a
book length biography, one capable of fairly
transmitting Marilyn Buck's many sided
significance: her character, political
commitments, creative accomplishment and
all-too-human failings to people who never knew
about her life? Is such a work possible about
someone who lived nearly thirty years behind bars?
Marilyn was a writer, a dialectical materialist,
a freedom fighter, yoga teacher and Buddhist
meditator who did not suffer fools gladly. She
was modest and graceful. Behind the wall she was
a teacher and a mentor to young women new to
being locked up. Decade after decade in the drab
visiting rooms of MCC-NY, DC Jail, Marianna
Florida, Dublin-Pleasanton California, dressed
first in her own clothes-then later in mandatory
uniform khaki-she emanated dignified Marilynness:
that unforgettable, natural style.
Marilyn came of age in the red-hot crucible of
the 1960s and '70s when large movements from
every corner of the earth were on the upsurge,
challenging capitalist-imperialism with demands
for revolution. It was an era of overturnings and
extremes. Marilyn grew up in Texas where racist
and sexist dominator culture combined the toxic
violence of america's segregated south and cowboy
west. She witnessed racism everyday and, by high
school and college, grew determined to do
something to help bring an end to war and white supremacy.
During Marilyn's powerful memorial celebration in
Oakland, California on November 7, 2010, it was
revealing to hear members of the Black Panther
Party tell how her underground skills helped them
survive the onslaught of Cointelpro. Marilyn's
tribute in New York was held a week later at the
Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Center (formerly
the Audubon Ballroom) in Harlem. As nearly 500
people jammed the room where Malcolm was
assassinated, a moving message was read from
political prisoner/pow and freedom fighter Sekou
Odinga­who was also convicted, in a separate
trial, for the liberation of Assata:

She was someone who would give you
her last without any thought about her own
welfare. I remember one time when she shared her
last few dollars with a comrade of ours, and
later I was in her kitchen and opened her
refrigerator to find nothing in it and almost no
food in the house. I told her she had to let
comrades know when she was in need, and stop
giving when she didn't have it to give. But she
never stopped because that's just who she was.
There have been very few actions to
liberate PP/POW's and Marilyn was involved with
more than one. The roles she played were critical
in not only liberation of POWs, but also in
making sure they remained free, never thinking
about the great threat and danger to herself.
Marilyn is one for whom the word revolutionary is
truly earned and, yet, it's also far short of
encompassing. She was a woman with probing
interests in the arts, culture and natural
sciences. She was a wordsmith who loved to sink
her hands into the clay, making ceramic art that
she sent out to people all over the country.
Marilyn was a prolific writer: well over 300
poems along with scores of essays and articles,
which were widely published both inside the U.S.
and abroad. Her Master's thesis became the
translation of Christina Peri Rossi's, State of
Exile, published by City Lights in 2008. She won
prizes from the international writer's
organization PEN and published the chapbook,
Rescue the Word, and the CD, Wild Poppies, in
which she (via phone recording) joined celebrated poets reading her work.

Note: See her CD: Wild Poppies available from
Freedom Archives & chapbook: Rescue the Word
available from Friends of Marilyn Buck at
From late 2007 to a month before her death
Marilyn was involved, with a few of us on the
outside, preparing her selected poems for
publication. The idea for the book began in
conversation with Raul Salinas: a great advocate
of Chicano and Native American resistance, a
former long term federal prisoner, poet and
writer who passed away in February 2008. The
volume, tentatively titled: Inside Shadows is a
collective labor of love that we all believed
would widen her readership beyond the label:
prisoner poet. Together we daydreamed plans for a public launch and readings.

Note: Her poetic collaborators intend to see
Inside Shadows published sometime in 2011. This
is one aspect of our continuing collaboration
with Marilyn. Check for
this and other important ongoing information.

Again, the above are just a few excerpts from a
wide-ranging, poetically interwoven memorial
essay for Marilyn Buck by Felix Shafer entitled
"The Blue Afterwards: Mourning for Marilyn." The
excerpts can't come close to "doing justice" to
the entire essay, which can be found at

And to view a short video of Marilyn Buck from
the Washington, DC Jail in Spring of 1989