MariaDB Server: The open source relational database

Name our sea-lion!

Two well known sea creatures in Maria's vision You might have heard the story of how we picked a sea-lion as our logo. Now that this lovely beast has been with us for a while, we think it’s high time to give it a name and of course we turn to our wonderful community for suggestions. The rules are simple: complete this form, telling us what you think we should name the sea lion and why. Later, Maria Widenius will pick her favorite from the submissions, and the winner will get a collection of MariaDB t-shirts and other swag, an artwork by Maria, and of course eternal fame!…

FOSDEM21 MariaDB devroom talks

The first dedicated MariaDB devroom at FOSDEM is being held on Saturday 6 February. In previous years, the joint MySQL, MariaDB and Friends devroom has been overwhelmed with submissions. With the event going virtual, there was space for separate MySQL and MariaDB rooms this year, giving us twice as much time to showcase talks of interest to the community. We were very pleased to receive 33 submissions, although this was still far more than we had space to accommodate. The committee, consisting of Aurélien Lequoy (68koncept), Colin Charles, Daniel Bartholomew (MariaDB Corporation), Manuel Arostegui (Wikimedia Foundation), Sveta Smirnova (Percona) and Vicențiu Ciorbaru (MariaDB Foundation) was given the task of whittling down the number, and decided on the following talks.…

FOSDEM21 MariaDB devroom talks

The first dedicated MariaDB devroom at FOSDEM is being held on Saturday 6 February. In previous years, the joint MySQL, MariaDB and Friends devroom has been overwhelmed with submissions. […]

Name our sea-lion!

You might have heard the story of how we picked a sea-lion as our logo. Now that this lovely beast has been with us for a while, we think it’s high time to give it a name and of course we turn to our wonderful community for suggestions. […]

Introducing the MariaDB Jupyter Kernel

We are proud to announce the beta release series of the MariaDB Jupyter Kernel, making MariaDB Server accessible through the popular next-generation web-based interface.
The MariaDB Kernel is ready to try out (installation, documentation, GitHub). […]

Business As Unusual, Part II

On the last day of the year, let me share a few thoughts in hindsight on a year that didn’t turn out as anyone expected. The outcome: Not everyone was as lucky as MariaDB Foundation. […]

Thank you, 2020

At MariaDB Foundation, we have many reasons to be thankful towards all of those who have helped us during 2020.
A few sample contributions
We have recently expressed our gratitude towards contributors in our ecosystem, in 2020. […]

ARM improvements in 2020

2020 has seen quite a few developments with the ARM architecture. For MariaDB things are no different. First we have expanded our testing infrastructure to cover more Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, RedHat) on ARM and we are now building packages for all of them. […]