
Showing posts with the label Hongga Mona

The Most Prolific Chamoru Writer

For those wanting to learn more Chamoru or practice their Chamoru reading, the most prolific writer in the Chamoru language remains playwright and language teacher Pedro Onedera. He has written books, poetic collections, numerous plays and regularly publishes a column in the Pacific Daily News, which is written in Chamoru with an English translation. For those at the beginning of their Chamoru learning journey, his writings might be too difficult or complex. But for those who are already at the intermediate level of learning, they are a great way to push yourself in the language and really try to engulf yourself in a Chamoru narrative or series of argumentative points.  Here is his most recent column from this week talking about hÃ¥yi i gayu-ña gi i botasion guini giya GuÃ¥han guini na sÃ¥kkan.  ************************ Ti bai hu bota engkÃ¥men yan hagas hagas by Pedro Onedera Pacific Daily News August 5, 2020 PÃ¥’go na simÃ¥na na ma tutuhon i sanhalom botadot para i primeru ileksion ni’