Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Police Snatch and Arrest 18 from Anti-Capitalist March

July 21, 2012 Rochester Indymedia 

Video streaming by Ustream
Update (7/22): Just a heads up--everyone who was in jail has been released. Arraignments are Monday, July 23, at 9:30am in Rochester City Court. A press conference will be held outside the Hall of Justice, 99 Exchange Blvd. at 9:00am Monday, July 22nd, before the arraignment of the 18 arrestees.

Check out Al B.'s videos and huge amount of photos here.

A community meeting regarding the arrests, brutality, and next steps took place at the Flying Squirrel Community Space at 2pm. See some of the main points.

Update: Tonight, July 21, 2012, at around 8:00pm an anti-capitalist march was quickly and brutally stopped by the Rochester Police Department. According to the D&C, 18 people were arrested. Police put the protest at 150 people (marchers said 75) marching west bound on East Ave. in two lanes of traffic after snaking through downtown Rochester. When march goers got to East Ave. and Union, police were waiting. People moved to the sidewalk. There was no order to disperse and no violence from marchers. Once there, police snatched and arrested marchers on the sidewalk with more than one witness stating they saw police spray chemical agent, at point blank range, in the eyes of handcuffed arrestees.

The event, listed on facebook, reads:
Of all the preventable ways we suffer, there is one common factor fueling them.

We will gather in common cause for a world which puts human need before profit.
We have enough food, enough houses, enough water, and enough electricity that these needs could be met.

We give ourselves permission to meet those needs with a new, non-capitalist system.

Because a better world IS possible.

And we are here to fight for for it and build this world! See you in the streets!
Those arrested and being held till Monday for arraignment due to lack of ID: Hamza Sinanaj of Utica, NY; Lisa Bozzino of Rochester, NY; Jack Hauck of Utica, NY; and Lynn Giglio of Rochester, NY.

Those arrested and have the ability to post bail but may not have yet are: Jake Roszak; Emily Good of Rochester, NY; Jose Verduzco of Buffalo, NY; Rick of Rochester, NY; Patrick Krebbeks; David Krause of Rochester, NY; Ed Lawton; Matt Richardson of Buffalo, NY; Samantha Colon of Buffalo, NY; Rob Krom of Syracuse, NY; Joe Day of Binghampton, NY; Ashley Messer of Rochester, NY; Jason Eldridge of Rochester, NY; and Ben Harrigan.

Evan Peacock, one of the marchers, writes:
I would like to take a moment to express my displeasure with the Rochester Police Department for the unwarranted and brutal arrest of 18 protesters on fallacious charges, and would like to "cordially" invite all serving and retired members of said police force to eat a bag of dicks.
Zora Gussow, another marcher, writes:
there are Rochester Police Officers who, today, maliciously and unprovoked, attacked peaceful protesters with pepper spray. It was a violent attack and many people were sprayed in the eyes at close range. This absolutely can not be tolerated. We must stop these violent thugs!!
Shane Burley, yet another marcher, writes:
Rochester Police Department today attacked a stream of peaceful protesters with chemical weapons without provocation, arresting 18 people. Many of these people were attacked, thrown on the ground, peppersprayed when in handcuffs, and done so without being asked to comply with any requests. The given reasons for this were things like swearing, wearing a mask, walking next to the sidewalk, riding their bike, and being loud.
Tim Adams, who was also there, writes:
Saw a 100 lb. woman snatched from a crowd today, cuffed behind her back, and THEN maced from point blank in the eyes. She asked the man why he was doing this. His response: "you were swearing." Despicable.
Another witness, Nathaniel Wright, writes:
We were close to the front; there was no audible order for people to move to the sidewalk. However, we all moved onto the sidewalk before we that reached that sweet bacon-barricade (who were in fact the only people blocking traffic from that point on). There were chemical agents sprayed up and through the air over groups of peaceful citizens. These arrests of non-violent people were carried out with extreme violence including up to six officers at one time kneeling on and pepper-spraying compliant, non-resistant individuals. The only thing more disturbing than the mistrust of our paid "peace officers" was the grins on their faces while they were punching and dragging our friends away.
Currently, jail support needs around $1,200 to bail out the rest of the people that can get out tonight. Go down to the jail at 130 Plymouth Ave. and give your support.

The 18 have been charged with disorderly conduct and their arraignment is on Monday, July 23, at 9:30am in Rochester City Court. was livestreaming. Check out his video! was arrested while livestreaming.

From Hamza Sinanaj (grabbed and arrested from behind with no warning):

Saturday 7/21: 15-20 arrests at the anti-capitalist march, while the march snaked through downtown.  Arrestees included protesters from Rochester, Syracuse, Binghamton, and Buffalo.  The march numbered around 75.  Arrest happened on East ave, next to the innerloop. Jail support is happening now at the Rochester Police Department at 185 Exchange Blvd.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Sekou Odinga in Keep Lock

From dequi kioni-sadiki:

Here is the situation with Sekou:

Some time during the week preceding March 10th, Sekou was called down
to medical. He was down there for a while waiting, while several
brothers came in after him and were seen before him.

He approached the booth to ask the c.o. why he was there, and the
officers yelled for him to get away from the window. Sekou simply
replied, i have a right to know why i am here; i may not want to
stay. The c.o. repeated his demand that Sekou get away from the
window, when the 2nd officer, who was in the booth, answered Sekou's
question, letting him know he was there for vision.

Sekou returned to his seat ... The hostile officer was visibly
perturbed that the other officer saw the ridiculousness of the
exchange, and answered Sekou's simple question. the next day, Sekou
received a Tier 2 ticket for several charges; amongst them was
failure to obey a direct order.

This exchange took place in front of witnesses who testified on
Sekou's behalf. This pissed the officer off, but it resulted in all
the other charges being dismissed.

The hearing officer gave him the harshest penalty he could: 30 days
in keep lock, which he will complete on april 18th.

Write to Sekou and let him know he has our support!

Sekou Odinga #09A3775
Shawangunk Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 700
Wallkill, NY 12589

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned

Critics say bureau is running a sting operation across America, targeting vulnerable people by luring them into fake terror plots

by Paul Harris
The FBI has drawn criticism over its apparent use of 'entrapment' tactics. Photograph: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

David Williams did not have an easy life. He moved to Newburgh, a gritty, impoverished town on the banks of the Hudson an hour or so north of New York, at just 10 years old. For a young, black American boy with a father in jail, trouble was everywhere.

Williams also made bad choices. He ended up going to jail for dealing drugs. When he came out in 2007 he tried to go straight, but money was tight and his brother, Lord, needed cash for a liver transplant. Life is hard in Newburgh if you are poor, have a drug rap and need cash quickly.

His aunt, Alicia McWilliams, was honest about the tough streets her nephew was dealing with. "Newburgh is a hard place," she said. So it was perhaps no surprise that in May, 2009, David Williams was arrested again and hit with a 25-year jail sentence. But it was not for drugs offences. Or any other common crime. Instead Williams and three other struggling local men beset by drug, criminal and mental health issues were convicted of an Islamic terrorist plot to blow up Jewish synagogues and shoot down military jets with missiles.

Even more shocking was that the organisation, money, weapons and motivation for this plot did not come from real Islamic terrorists. It came from the FBI, and an informant paid to pose as a terrorist mastermind paying big bucks for help in carrying out an attack. For McWilliams, her own government had actually cajoled and paid her beloved nephew into being a terrorist, created a fake plot and then jailed him for it. "I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone," she told the Guardian.

Lawyers for the so-called Newburgh Four have now launched an appeal that will be held early next year. Advocates hope the case offers the best chance of exposing the issue of FBI "entrapment" in terror cases. "We have as close to a legal entrapment case as I have ever seen," said Susanne Brody, who represents another Newburgh defendant, Onta Williams.

Some experts agree. "The target, the motive, the ideology and the plot were all led by the FBI," said Karen Greenberg, a law professor at Fordham University in New York, who specialises in studying the new FBI tactics.

But the issue is one that stretches far beyond Newburgh. Critics say the FBI is running a sting operation across America, targeting – to a large extent – the Muslim community by luring people into fake terror plots. FBI bureaux send informants to trawl through Muslim communities, hang out in mosques and community centres, and talk of radical Islam in order to identify possible targets sympathetic to such ideals. Or they will respond to the most bizarre of tip-offs, including, in one case, a man who claimed to have seen terror chief Ayman al-Zawahiri living in northern California in the late 1990s.

That tipster was quickly hired as a well-paid informant. If suitable suspects are identified, FBI agents then run a sting, often creating a fake terror plot in which it helps supply weapons and targets. Then, dramatic arrests are made, press conferences held and lengthy convictions secured.

But what is not clear is if many real, actual terrorists are involved.

Fort Dix Five The homes of the Fort Dix Five were raided by the FBI. Photograph: Joseph Kaczmarek/AP

Another "entrapment" case is on the radar too. The Fort Dix Five – accused of plotting to attack a New Jersey army base – have also appealed against their convictions. That case too involved dubious use of paid informants, an apparent over-reach of evidence and a plot that seemed suggested by the government.

Burim Duka, whose three brothers were jailed for life for their part in the scheme, insists they did not know they were part of a terror plot and were just buying guns for shooting holidays in a deal arranged by a friend. The "friend" was an informant who had persuaded another man of a desire to attack Fort Dix.

Duka is convinced his brothers' appeal has a good chance. "I am hopeful," he told the Guardian.

But things may not be that easy. At issue is the word "entrapment", which has two definitions. There is the common usage, where a citizen might see FBI operations as deliberate traps manipulating unwary people who otherwise were unlikely to become terrorists. Then there is the legal definition of entrapment, where the prosecution merely has to show a subject was predisposed to carry out the actions they later are accused of.

Theoretically, a simple expression, like support for jihad, might suffice, and in post-9/11 America neither judges nor juries tend to be nuanced in terror trials. "Legally, you have to use the word entrapment very carefully. It is a very strict legal term," said Greenberg.

But in its commonly understood usage, FBI entrapment is a widespread tactic. Within days of the 9/11 terror attacks, FBI director Robert Mueller issued a memo on a new policy of "forward leaning – preventative – prosecutions".

Central to that is a growing informant network. The FBI is not choosy about the people it uses. Some have criminal records, including attempted murder or drug dealing or fraud. They are often paid six-figure sums, which critics say creates a motivation to entrap targets. Some are motivated by the promise of debts forgiven or immigration violations wiped clean. There has also been a relaxing of rules on what criteria the FBI needs to launch an investigation.

Often they just seem to be "fishing expeditions". In the Newburgh case, the men involved met FBI informant Shahed Hussain simply because he happened to infiltrate their mosque. In southern California, FBI informant Craig Monteilh trawled mosques posing as a Muslim and tried to act as a magnet for potential radicals.

Monteilh, who bugged scores of people, is a convicted felon with serious drug charges to his name. His operation turned up nothing. But Monteilh's professed terrorist sympathy so unnerved his Muslim targets that they got a restraining order against him and alerted the FBI, not realising Monteilh was actually working on the bureau's behalf.

Muslim civil rights groups have warned of a feeling of being hounded and threatened by the FBI, triggering a natural fear of the authorities among people that should be a vital defence against real terror attacks. But FBI tactics could now be putting off many people from reporting tip-offs or suspicious individuals.

"They are making mosques suspicious of anybody. They are putting fear into these communities," said Greenberg. Civil liberties groups are also concerned, seeing some FBI tactics as using terrorism to justify more power. "We are still seeing an expansion of these tools. It is a terrible prospect," said Mike German, an expert at the American Civil Liberties Union and a former FBI agent who has worked in counter-terrorism.

German said suspects convicted of plotting terror attacks in some recent FBI cases bore little resemblance to the profile of most terrorist cells. "Most of these suspect terrorists had no access to weapons unless the government provided them. I would say that showed they were not the biggest threat to the US," German said.

"Most terrorists have links to foreign terrorist groups and have trained in terrorism training camps. Perhaps FBI resources should be spent finding those guys."

Also, some of the most serious terrorist attacks carried out in the US since 9/11 have revolved around "lone wolf" actions, not the sort of conspiracy plots the FBI have been striving to combat. The 2010 Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad, only came to light after his car bomb failed to go off properly. The Fort Hood killer Nidal Malik Hasan, who shot dead 13 people on a Texas army base in 2009, was only discovered after he started firing. Both evaded the radar of an FBI expending resources setting up fictional crimes and then prosecuting those involved.

Yet, as advocates for those caught up in "entrapment" cases discover, there is little public or judicial sympathy for them. Even in cases where judges have admitted FBI tactics have raised serious questions, there has been no hesitation in returning guilty verdicts, handing down lengthy sentences and dismissing appeals.

The Liberty City Seven are a case in point. The 2006 case involved an informant, Elie Assaad, with a dubious past (he was once arrested, but not charged, for beating his pregnant wife). Assaad was let loose with another informant on a group of men in Liberty City, a poor, predominantly black, suburb of Miami. The targets were followers of a cult-like group called The Seas of David, led by former Guardian Angel Narseal Batiste.

The group was, perhaps, not even Muslim, as its religious practices involved Bible study and wearing the Star of David. Yet Assaad posed as an Al-Qaida operative, and got members of the group to swear allegiance. Transcripts of the "oath-taking" ceremony are almost farcical. Batiste repeatedly queries the idea and appears bullied into it. In effect, defence lawyers argued, the men were confused, impoverished members of an obscure cult.

Yet targets the group supposedly entertained attacking included the Sears Tower in Chicago, Hollywood movie studios and the Empire State Building. Even zealous prosecutors, painting a picture of dedicated Islamic terrorists, admitted any potential plots were "aspirational", given the group had no means to carry them out.

Nonetheless, they were charged with seeking to wage war against America, plotting to destroy buildings and supporting terrorism. Five of them got long jail sentences. Assaad, who was recently arrested in Texas for attempting to run over a policeman, was paid $85,000 for his work.

This year the jailed Liberty City men launched an appeal and last week judgment was handed down. They lost, and officially remain Islamic terrorists hell-bent on destroying America. Not that their supporters see it that way.

"Our country is no safer as a result of the prosecution of these seven impoverished young men from Liberty City," said Batiste's lawyer, Ana Jhones.

"This prosecution came at great financial cost to our government, and at a terrible emotional cost to these defendants and their families. It is my sincere belief that our country is less safe as a result of the government's actions in this case."

Monday, September 26, 2011

Open Letter on Conditions at Clinton Correctional

September 26, 2011 South Brooklyn ABCF


Clinton Correctional Facility

PO Box 2001

Dannemora, NY 12929

September 1, 2011


United States Attorney General

Department of Justice

Constitution & 10th St.

N.W., Washington DC 20530

Dear Honorable Eric Holder:

We the undersigned, are writing to you in our Official Capacity as the Inmate Liaison Committee (hereinafter “ILC”) on behalf of the Inmate Population here at Clinton Correctional Facility about the escalating potential for a major riot, due to the wide range of patterns of abuse by staff on Inmates. There continues to be an ongoing epidemic here where Security Staffs are very abusive towards Inmates, both verbally and physically. This matter has been continuously addressed to the Administration through either the Inmate Grievance and/or ILC. However, the Administration has neglected to take any action, namely, disciplinary or otherwise with regard to these matters.

Upon Mr. Thomas LaValley becoming Superintendent of Clinton Correctional Facility, there has been an escalation of antagonism, provocation, verbal abuse, assaults, and even murder of Inmates by the Correction Officials. See Strickland’s murder as well as the other Inmate that was murdered in I.C.P. Special Housing Unit, “D-Block.” Also, while they were killing Strickland in UF-Housing Unit, another group of officers was physically assaulting Thomas Murphy, #83A0818 on October 3, 2010. Not long after, Inmates were still being severely physically assaulted at the Hospitals’ special beating room on the first floor.

Supt. LaValley has a historical pattern of entertaining an attitude of indifference toward Correctional Officials assaulting inmates without provocation. Upon information and belief, Supt. LaValley has had numerous civil lawsuits lodged against him involving assaults against Inmates throughout his entire career as a Corrections Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain, which is now the conduct of his Corrections Officers here at Clinton Correctional Facility.

Moreover, even the institutional records would show while Mr. LaValley was First Deputy Superintendant at Clinton Correctional Facility and when he became the Supt., each and every time, the ILC Committee expressed concern and requested an investigation into said incidents, requested by the General Inmate Population, and the facility Executive Team’s response is always (by way of official policy) that said investigations are being conducted and that said assaults by Corrections Officials toward inmates is not tolerated; however, often shortly following such meetings and assurances by the Fac. Executive Team, another incident involving an officer assaulting an Inmate would occur, as if to say that our complaints and concerns have fallen on deaf ears.

Furthermore, what the facility’s investigative findings often conclude, is that it was the Inmate’s fault or that the Inmate was in possession of contraband of some kind and upon said officers attempting to retrieve said contraband, the Inmate resisted, thus, requiring the use of force by Staff. It’s always the same pattern of reports of an incident fabricated on the ILC representative, should he dare to expresss his concern to the Executive Teams.

In addition, as if by way of conspiratorial design with an intent and a means to justify the Facility’s diabolical ends, the Facility’s assigned orientation Sergeant psychologically prepares newly arrived Inmates to engage in violent behavior. The orientation Sergeant tells each Inmate during his interview the following official policy of the facility’s, namely: “Don’t put your hands on any of my officers or staff, because we are all family members and that we will beat you down ’til you’ll wish you were dead. If you have problems or beef with another Inmate, you are to take care of your problem and beef in the yard and nowhere else— Do you understand?” This is usually emphasized following a few prior personal questions (i.e. Do you have any enemies? How much time are you doing or what is your sentence? D.O.B.? etc.).

By conducting this orientation interview by the Sergeant in this manner and, by telling the Inmate to commit violence on another inmate in the yard, only gives the inmate the clear impression that such violence/assault occurs in the yard. In addition, by encouraging the inmates to commit violence in the North Yard, such violence is deemed to be enough provocation necessary for the officers assigned to the perimeter towers to resort to using their firearms in a hasty attempt to quell the violence. By way of example, during the ILC meeting with the Facility Executive Team and in the presence of Acting Deputy Superintendent/Dept. Supt. Program and Capt. S. M. Lacy, the ILC was conducting an inquiry into the 8-19-11 incident which occured in the North Yard involving approximately 15 inmates and resulted in the Tower Officials using their AR-15 Semi-Automatic rifles. When the ILC questioned the abuse by the officials toward the inmates as a while in the yard following the containment and control of the situation, Capt. Lacy’s response was that verbatim, “He need to send his officers to the target range for practicing their shooting skills, because the officers that were shooting missed their targets. They should have killed at least 2 or 3 inmates!”

Now, upon hearing this remark by Cap. Lacy, the entire ILC committee firmly requested that video surveillance camera be installed through out the entire facility. And, although Capt. Lacy rejected the proposal to install cameras, Acting Superintendent Keyssor did agree to present the ILC’s request to have cameras installed, to the Prison Commissioner of DOCS.

Finally, it is the entire Inmate Population’s belief, as well as the ILC’s belief that the orientation Sergeant’s direct instruction for inmates to commit violence in the North Yard, the officials daily abuse, harassment and assaults toward the inmate population, is being practiced on a daily basis solely as a justification to enhance or otherwise bolster the need for additional employment of Corrections Officers and as a political ploy and argument against further Correction Officials being layed-off.

WHEREFOR, the ILC Committee is requesting an independent and impartial investigation into all of the references made herein concerning such violations by the Corrections Officials involving assault, verbal abuse, killing intimidation in a variety of ways toward the Inmate General Population; the officials have even encouraged and promoted inmates to assault other targeted Inmates on the officers’ behalf.

Dated: Sept 1 2011

Dannemora, New York.

Respectfully submitted,

[five signatures]

cc: File/ILC Committee

Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo

New York State Governor

Hon. Brian Fischer

NYS Prison Commissionern

United States Secretary General

Human Rights Watch Prison Project

Tarvis Smiley


United States Senate

Judiciary Chairman

Thursday, August 25, 2011

CAIR to Call for Probe of Secret NYPD-CIA Program to Spy on Muslims

CAIR to Call for Probe of Secret NYPD-CIA Program to Spy on Muslims

AP investigation reveals CIA links to widespread monitoring of Muslim

(NEW YORK, NY, 8/24/11) -- Later today, the New York and New Jersey
chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
(CAIR-NY/CAIR-NJ) will hold a news conference in Manhattan to call on
the Department of Justice to open an investigation into allegations
that the New York Police Department (NYPD) is conducting a massive
covert program to monitor the Muslim communities in those states.

Exposed this morning in a major media report, the NYPD spy program is
allegedly being conducted with the assistance of individuals linked
to the CIA.

WHAT: CAIR-NY/NJ News Conference to Call for DOJ Probe of NYPD-CIA Spy Program
WHEN: Wednesday, August 24, 2 p.m.
WHERE: 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 244, New York, NY
CONTACT: CAIR-NY Civil Rights Manager Cyrus McGoldrick, 203-206-6883,
212-870-2002, E-Mail:; CAIR-NJ Executive
Director James Yee, 908-938-5990; E-Mail:; CAIR Staff
Attorney Gadeir Abbas, 720-251-0425, E-Mail:

Following a months-long investigation, The Associated Press (AP) revealed that the NYPD is using covert surveillance techniques "that would run afoul of civil liberties rules if practiced by the federal government" and "does so with unprecedented help from the CIA in a partnership that has blurred the bright line between foreign and domestic spying."

According to the AP investigative report:

"The [NYPD] has dispatched teams of undercover officers, known as
'rakers,' into minority neighborhoods as part of a human mapping
program, according to officials directly involved in the program.
They've monitored daily life in bookstores, bars, cafes and
nightclubs. Police have also used informants, known as 'mosque
crawlers,' to monitor sermons, even when there's no evidence of
wrongdoing. NYPD officials have scrutinized imams and gathered
intelligence on cab drivers and food cart vendors, jobs often done by
Muslims. Many of these operations were built with help from the CIA,
which is prohibited from spying on Americans but was instrumental in
transforming the NYPD's intelligence unit."

With CIA Help, NYPD Built Secret Effort to Monitor Mosques, Daily Life of
Muslim Neighborhoods (AP)

"These revelations send the message to American Muslims that they are
being viewed as a suspect community and that their constitutional
rights may be violated with impunity," said CAIR National
Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. "The Justice Department must
initiate an immediate investigation of the civil rights implications
of this spy program and the legality of its links to the CIA."

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy
organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam,
encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American
Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

- END -

CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper,
202-744-7726, or 202-488-8787, E-Mail:; CAIR
Communications Coordinator Amina Rubin, 202-488-8787, 202-341-4171,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

MILK NOT JAILS needs money


MILK NOT JAILS is now raising money on Kickstarter. Check out our
video and make a financial pledge here today!

MILK NOT JAILS has made significant headway over the past year, and
we are now at a critical moment in our efforts to build a new
urban-rural relationship in New York State. We have mobilized
farmers to help us achieve our political demands and we are working
with them to build a political line of dairy products. We hope to
make significant policy changes in New York and create a new model
for social change that other groups around the country can utilize.

But we need your financial support today to make this happen. Please
make a pledge today to help us get a MILK NOT JAILS delivery truck
and marketing materials. We must raise $22,000 in pledges by August
31, 2011 and we are 30% of the way towards this goal, so make a
donation today and please share this email with your family, friends,
and neighbors.

MILK NOT JAILS comes out of a strong anarchist tradition and hopes to
create not only a theory for how to economically undermine the prison
industry but, with your financial support towards our political line
of dairy products, a real demonstrated economic alternative.

In Struggle,


Saturday, April 30, 2011

May 3rd: Rev. Joy Powell court date - political prisoner for resisting police abuse

from Sarah Buckley

Hey Everyone, I wanted to give folks a heads up about Rev. Joy
Powell's court date scheduled for Tuesday May 3rd at 9:30am in Albion
New York. Rev. Joy Powell was an community activist and leader and
was targeted for her outspoken stance on Police Brutality &
misconduct, Gentrification and community empowerment. Joy drew strong
connections and connected the dots that led to the dis-empowerment
and oppression of her community. In Joy's words-

"...realizing violence and poverty ran hand in hand. I began to hold
press conferences concerning my strong views of injustice..."

There will be at least 2 cars leaving from buffalo at 8 am Tuesday May 3rd.

Message Sarah Buckley or contact me if you are
interested in coming. there is room!

We need to show that people like Joy are not alone and they have support.

We'll be heading to Albion to meet other supporters of Joys from
Rochester, NYC and Albany. This will be a great oppurtunity to stand
up for those took stands the community. This kind of underhanded,
illegal targeting of activists can not be tolerated. We have to stand
together. Please come out if you are interested contact me or 886-0544 there is room!

Brandon from Malcolm X Grassroots Movement was the one who informed
me of this and if you want more information of the group of people
coming from NYC please contact.
Brandon King

for more info about Rev. Joy Powell this website

Tuesday May 3rd,
Orleans County Courthouse, 9:30AM to 5:00PM

Orleans County Courthouse
Courthouse Square
3 South Main Street
Albion, NY 14411-1497
Ph: 585.589.4457

Rev. Joy Powell is an anti-police-brutality activist in Rochester,
NY. In 2006, she was framed and sentenced to 16 years at Rochester
State Penetentiary.