Showing posts with label Ali Alishah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ali Alishah. Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Australian Eco-Defence Prisoner

Urgent ELP Bulletin! (15th September 2011) Dear friends Whoops! The name of the
Australian forest defence prisoner is Ali Alishah. He is being held in the Ron
Barwick prison. Please send urgent letters of support to:

Ali Alishah
Ron Barwick Minimum Security Prison
PO Box 24Lindisfarne
Australia 7015 AUSTRALIA


Ali has be remanded in gaol till the end September when he will face court over forest protest charges. Ali potentially will face another few months in prison after that. Please offer this brave forest defender all the support you can.

Personal information

Ali Alishah is a Tasmanian forest activist who is spending his second week in custody after standing up for what is right in Tasmania

What is not right in Tasmania is the proposed pulp mill, the continued logging of old growth and high conservation value forests, and the logging company Ta Ann. Ali Alishah has been fighting to protect ancient forests in Tasmania for over eight years. The and Australian Governments as part of the forests peace process have promised to protect native forests but have failed to deliver on these promises. The industrial scale destruction of our world class forests continues right now.

Ali has been on the frontline of environmental battles in 2011 to show Tasmanians, that despite promises to the Tasmanian people, our spectacular forests are still not being protected. Ali Alishah was taken into custody after locking onto a truck entering the Gunns pulp mill site despite permits allowing work to commence lapsing in August. Ali is still in custody and our globally renowned forests are still being logged. What price do people have to pay to stand up for Tasmania's unique forests? Ali was arrested at Gunns proposed pulp mill site on Monday 5th Sep 2011. He was held in remand overnight, appeared before a magistrate on Tuesday 6th Sep and was remanded until the 26th Sep 2011.

This peaceful forest campaigner is an upstanding, educated and highly intelligent member of society. Ali was prepared to accept the consequences of standing up for what he saw was a great injustice to Tasmania’s globally unique environment. Ali has taken a peaceful and noble stance to stand up and speak out for our forests, our endangered wildlife, our air and water, and our climate.

During his participation in the pulp mill campaign with CODE GREEN and ongoing campaign efforts with the Huon Valley Environment Centre and Still Wild Still Threatened since 2003, he has been a very committed, articulate and professional activist. He was a defendant in the Triabunna 13 case, recently dropped by Gunns.

Ali’s commitment to act on his conscience through nonviolent direct action for our forests has lead to repeated convictions. Ali has volunteered as a campaigner over a long period of time in Tasmania, he has a deep understanding of the politics of Tasmania, and the history of the campaign to protect Tasmania's wild forests. He is strongly committed to nonviolence, a commitment so valuable in a time when
intense violence is perpetrated in society against the environment and people.

Ali is known as a man who thinks and cares about the environment and about everybody else around him, and puts these before himself. The sorts of action Ali was wholeheartedly committed to will be continuing. Support is urgently needed right now to help protect Tasmania’s environment. Please contact CODE GREEN, Huon Valley
Environment Centre or Still Wild Still Threatened to get involved.


1) This Friday 16 September we will be sharing a vigil for Ali on Hobart Parliament Lawns at 1pm. Join a community of concerned citizens who would like to show support for Ali while he is held in custody.

2) If you are not able to participate on Friday, we are inviting you to write a letter of support for Ali and send it to the Mercury and Examiner newspaper. Send it to us and we will print it off and pass it to Ali while he is in remand.

3) Pledge your support for Ali, write a sign of support with the words "Protect Tasmania's Environment" and take a photo of your sign, wherever you are around the globe and we will print them and use them at our vigil. Email your messages of support to

4) Over the next few weeks community members we will be aiming for an action about the Gunns proposed pulp mill every day. We cannot do this with the amount of people currently in Tasmania. We are calling out to the Australian community to help us. You can take action from the local to the global level, by joining actions in Launceston or holding a solidarity event in your local city. How to get involved:


Phone contacts: pulp mill action phone: 0488 451 501 See more


++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407LondonWC1N
