Showing posts with label Aceh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aceh. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Anarcho-Punks Vandalize Indonesian Embassy in Moscow

Jakarta Globe | December 19, 2011

A group of self-proclaimed anarchist-punks in Moscow have released a video that shows them allegedly defacing the Indonesian embassy in Moscow in a show of support for dozens of punks being detained in Aceh.

In a YouTube video posted by user morevanili on Dec. 15, an unidentified man can be seen spray painting two sides of a building identified as the Indonesian Embassy in the Russian capital.

On one wall, the man writes in Russian, “Religion=Fascism.” On another wall, the same man paints the slogan, “Punk is not a crime.”

The group behind the vandalization told Russian news portal that “we consider ourselves anarcho-punks and this news offended us in the deepest sense.”

The group went on to say that they would not tolerate religious values being imposed on personal freedom.

Members of the group went on to say that they hoped the punks in Aceh would feel inspired and strengthened, hearing that people in a far-off country felt solidarity with their struggle.

“Punk is not a crime. Religion is fascism. Fight for your looks,” one member said.

Sixty-four young people have been held by the Aceh police for the supposed crime of being “punk.” They have not been charged with any crime or brought before a court.

Last week, police took them to the Aceh State Police camp for “re-education.” Mohawks and dyed hair came off as police shaved the men’s heads. The women’s hair was cut short in the fashion of a female police officer.

Deputy mayor of Banda Aceh Illiza Sa’aduddin Djamal supported the crusade against the punk community, telling the community that the punk lifestyle was a social disease that was disturbing the peace.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Aceh ‘Punks’ Arrested for ‘Re-education’

December 13, 2011 by Nurdin Hasan | Jakarta Globe

Banda Aceh. Dozens of young people were being held and punished by Aceh police on Tuesday for the supposed crime of being “punk,” despite not being charged with any crime nor being brought before a court.

The 64 music lovers, some of whom had come from as far as Jakarta and West Java, were arrested by regular and Shariah police as they held a charity concert in Banda Aceh’s Taman Budaya park on Saturday night.

Banda Aceh police took the arrestees on Tuesday afternoon to the Aceh State Police School for “reeducation.” Aceh police chief Ins. Gen. Iskandar Hasan described the punishment awaiting them when they reached the police school in the Seulawah hills, 62 kilometers east of he capital.

“There will be a traditional ceremony. First their hair will be cut. Then they will be tossed into a pool. The women’s hair we’ll cut in the fashion of a female police officer,” Iskander said on Tuesday. “Then we’ll teach them a lesson.”

Iskander denied the punishment constituted a breach of human rights.

“We’ll change their disgusting clothes. We’ll replace them with nice clothes. We’ll give them toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, sandals and prayer gear. It will all be given to them,” he said. “I’ll remind [police] not to breach human rights. We are oriented to educating our community, our nation. This is our country too, right?”

Iskandar said he would invite the Muslim Cleric Council to participate in “restoring their [the arrestees’] right thinking and morals.”

Human rights groups opposed the action.

Evi Narti Zain, executive director of the Aceh Human Rights Coalition, said the police’s action was violent and illegal.

“What is this education? The police’s action is inconsistent because the punks did nothing wrong,” Evi said. “Punk music is their way of expressing themselves. It is normal and is found all around the world. It’s their right to express their freedom. There’s nothing wrong with punk kids.”

Aceh Legal Aid Foundation’s director, Hospinovizal Sabri, said he had tried to get the young people released since their arrest on Saturday night.

“On the night the punks were arrested by the Police and Shariah Police we met with them, and we went again to the police station and spoke to some of them this morning [Tuesday],” Hospinovizal said. “We are working hard to have them released because they have breached no law.”

Hospinovizal said he aimed to take a habeas corpus type action before a judge to have the court force the police to release the young people. “There’s a perception from some quarters in Aceh that they are human rubbish, but it is clear they are innocent and are only expressing their independence in their own way.”

Iskandar said their date of release would “depend on the budget from the regional government.”