Showing posts with label EARTH LIBERATION PRISONERS SUPPORT NETWORK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EARTH LIBERATION PRISONERS SUPPORT NETWORK. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Meredith Lowell UPDATE

ELP Information Bulletin (26th of February 2012)

Dear friends ELP has received further information about Meredith Lowell. According to the mainstream media Meredith tried to hire a hitman (an undercover FBI agent) to shoot or stab a person wearing a fur coat. According to the media, Meredith allegedly said she wanted her victim to be 14 or older but would be happy for the victim to be as young as 12. ELP recognises that mainstream media reports are not always the most reliable of sources on animal rights trials. However ELP does not condone child murder and if these reports are correct then it will influence whether we can list Meredith as a prisoner or not.

+++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407 London WC1N 3XX England

Friday, February 17, 2012

Victor VanOrden's address

Urgent ELP! Bulletin (13th February 2012) Dear friends ELP has just been sent Victor VanOrden's prison address. Victor is serving 5 years for raiding a mink farm.

Send letters of support to:

Victor VanOrden
Woodbury County Jail
P.O. Box 3083
Sioux City IA 51102 USA


Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network

BM Box 2407 London

WC1N 3XX England

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Support the Eco-Prisoners (February 2012)

Spirit of Freedom
(February 2012)
Produced by

"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening words and
wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!" (Former Swedish Animal Rights

Welcome to the February 2012 edition of Spirit of Freedom. On the 2nd of February
2012, American animal rights activist, Victor VanOrden, pleaded guilty to raiding a
mink farm and was sentenced to five years imprisonment. His wife Kellie has yet to
enter a plea concerning the same charges. ELP does not have an address for Victor
yet but if anyone knows where Victor is currently being held please contact ELP as
soon as possible.

As always ELP aims to bring you the names and addresses of activists jailed around
the world. Not all of the prisoners listed in this newsletter are as famous or as
well known as some of the others who are also listed in the newsletter. However,
all of the prisoners deserve our support and all welcome letters of support. So
please, no matter where you are in the world, no matter what language you speak,
support the eco-prisoners. And no compromise in defence of Mother Earth!

If anyone notices any of ELP's prisoner details is out of date or we do not list a
prisoner who we should list, please let ELP know as soon as possible. ELP is run by
a small group of volunteers and although we try to ensure our lists are accurate, we
admit we do make mistakes. So help us help keep the lists accurate by letting us
know of any changes we need to make.


Grant Barnes #137563, San Carlos Correctional Facility, PO Box 3, Pueblo, CO 81002,
USA. Serving 12 years for setting fire to a number of SUV vehicles. The letters ELF
were spray painted onto all of the vehicles. (Grant is a vegan).

Luca Bernasconi, Gefängnis Pfäffikon, Hörnlistrasse 55, 8330 Pfäffikon (ZH),
Switzerland. Serving 3 years 6 months for possession of explosive materials. Luca
is Swiss and is a known animal rights and prisoner support activist. Although not
linked to Il Silvestre himself, other defendants in this case are linked to Il
Silvestre (Luca is a vegan)

Nathan Block, #36359-086, FCI Lompoc, Federal Correctional Institution, 3600 Guard
Road, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a
Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted his role
in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

Marco Camenisch, Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg, Postfach 75, 5600 Lenzburg,
Switzerland. Serving 18 years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy
electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Eight years for the
murder of a Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy. (Marco is a meat eater
who encourages organic living).
Tim DeChristopher, #16156-081, FCI Herlon, Federal Correctional Institute, PO Box
800, Herlong, CA 96113, USA. Serving 2 years for making fake bids in an auction to
disrupt attempts by oil and gas companies to buy land. (Diet unknown).

Silvia Guerini, Bezirksgefängnis Zürich, Postfach 1266, CH – 8026 Zurigo,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 4 months for possession of explosive materials.
Silvia is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Silvia is a vegan)

Marie Jeanette Mason, 04672-061, FMC Carswell, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127,
USA. Serving 21 years and 10 months for her involvement in an ELF arson against a
University Professors Office as the Professor was linked to Genetically Modified
crop testing. Marie also admitted destroying logging equipment. She also pleaded
guilty to conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 11 other
ELF actions and 1 ALF action. (Marie is a vegan).

BOX 3007, SAN PEDRO, CA 90731, USA. Serving 19 years & 7 months for planning to
destroy the property of the U.S. Forestry Service, mobile phone masts and power
plants. At the point of his arrest no criminal damage has actually occurred. (Eric
is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan, #63794-053, FCI Terre Haute – CMU, Post Office Box 33, Terre Haute,
Indiana 47408, USA. Serving 7 years for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm and
an ELF arson against an old growth logging corporation. Also admitted his role in an
ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Daniel is a vegetarian).

Steve Murphy, 39013-177, FCI Beaumont Medium, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O.
Box 26040, Beaumont, TX 77720, USA. Serving 5 years for Conspiracy to Commit Arson
following an attempted arson at a town house construction site in 2006. The action
was claimed under the banner of the ELF. (Steve is a vegan).

Costantino Ragusa, PF 3143, 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 8
months for possession of explosive materials. Costatino is an Italian linked to Il
Silvestre. (Costatino is a vegan)

Justin Solondz, #98291-011, FDC SEATAC, FEDERAL DETENTION CENTER, P.O. BOX 13900,
SEATTLE, WA 98198, USA. On remand accused of ELF & ALF activity. (Justin is a

Michael Sykes 696693, Michigan Reformatory, 1342 West Main Street, Ionia, MI 48846,
USA. Serving four to ten years for anti-sprawl arsons, criminal damage to a utility
pole, spray-painting political graffiti and burning the American flag. (Diet

Joyanna Zacher, #36360-086, FCI Dublin, 5700 8th St.- Camp Parks- Unit F, Dublin, CA
94568, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm
and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted her role in an ELF/ALF
conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

(All Animal Liberation Prisoners follow a minimum vegetarian diet and most are vegan).

Diego Alonso (address unknown, jailed in Mexico– E-mail letters of support to On remand accussed of targeting banks, slaughterhouses
and other institutions. (Diego is a vegan)

Walter Bond #2011-03339, Davis County Jail, PO Box 130, Farmington, UT 84025-0130,
USA. Serving 12 years for an ALF arson at a Sheepskin factory, a leather factory
and a foie gras restaurant. (Walter is a vegan).

Mel Broughton, A3892AE, HMP Bullingdon, PO Box 50, Oxford, OX25 1WD, England.
Serving ten years for his active campaigning against vivisection carried out by
Oxford University. The police set him up and accused him of plotting an arson
against the University. (Mel is a vegan).

Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales (address unkown, jailed in Mexico – E-mail letters of
support to Serving 7 years 11 months for
detonating a gas bombs against various targets including banks and against targets
whose actions were claimed by the Frente de Liberación Animal (ALF). (Adrian is a

Marie Mason - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Daniel McGowan - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Gavin Medd-Hall A3624AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey
GU24 9EX, England. Serving 8 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Gavin is a vegan).

Heather Nicholson A3158AJ, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN,
England. Serving 11 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Heather is a vegan).

Justin Solondz - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Victor VanOrden (address unknown). Serving five years for raiding a mink farm.
(Victor is a vegan).

Sarah Whitehead, A8369CE, HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Surrey, SM2 5PD, England.
Serving six years campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Was previously
sentenced to two years for: 1) rescuing a puppy from horrific conditions. 2)
rescuing over 100 animals from a pet breeder who was later prosecuted for animal
abuse. (Sarah is a vegan)


No current Ploughshares prisoners.


Aleksey Bychin, FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12, ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98, g. Solikamsk
Permskiy Kray, 618545 Russia. Serving 5 years for defending himself against
neo-nazis. (Diet unknown).

Phil De Sousa, A5766CE, HMP Elmley, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness, Kent, ME12
4DZ, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet unknown).

Ravinder Gill, A5770CE, HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, Norfolk, IP25 6RL, England.
Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Austen Jackson, A5729CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12
OAE, England. Serving 15 months. (Diet unknown).

Rinat Sultanov, Mindullich, )tryd No.7, ul. Svobodu d.22, FKU IK-53, pos.
Privokzalynui, Sverdlovskaya oblast, 195009 Russia. Serving 2 years for fighting
with neo-nazis. (Rint is a Vegetarian).


Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Mikalaj Dziadok, SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Valadarskaha str., 2, SIZO-1, k. 46, Minsk, Belarus.
Co-defendant of Ihar Alinevich and Mikalaj Dziadok. (Diet unknown)

Fran Thompson, #1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicuthe, MO 64601, USA. Serving
Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her home. Before
her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke campaigner. (Fran is a vegan).

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of all life.
All move prisoners describe themselves as vegetarians. There are currently eight
MOVE activists in prison each serving 100 years after been framed for the murder of
a cop in 1979. 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Philips
Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs,
PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) SCI Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244,

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI Dallas
Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Charles Simms Africa (AM4975), SCI Retreat, 660 State Route 11, Hunlock Creek, PA
18621, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA 15370, USA.
In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of MOVE, was framed for the
murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to death but is currently awaiting
re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions including
assault and murder. 'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone violence. But we are also
against censorship & believe people can decide
for themselves who they wish to support.

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in 1993 to
support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing various regular
prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international monthly prisoner listing which is
circulated by e-mail.

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any new
eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

On-Line Newsletters - ELP has a number of websites that provide news, prisoner lists
and additional info about ELP & the prisoners.

Find us under Earth Liberation Prisoners
English language ELP Website
new site coming soon

Greek language ELP Website

North American ELP Website

ELP Extra is an e-mail group that circulates the details of political prisoners, ELP
learns about, who do not fall within the remit for support by ELP. To subscribe to
the list e-mail

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Victor VanOrden gets 5 years for Guilty Plea

ELP Information Bulletin (3rd Feb 2012)

Dear friends,

The following information appears on the Support Kellie and Victor website. If anyone has an address for Victor please contact ELP as soon as possible. Thursday, February 2, 2012

Victor sentenced to 5 years in prison. Kellie decides to plead not guilty and go to trial.

Today, District Judge Duane Hoffmeyer sentenced Victor to 5 years in prison after he pleaded guilty in Woodbury County District Court to releasing an animal from an animal facility and attempted third-degree burglary. In addition to the 5 year prison sentence, Judge Hoffmeyer ordered Victor to pay $8,757 in restitution to Steve Krage, the mink farm's owner.

Victor had agreed to plead guilty as part of a plea agreement, but the odd thing is that no sentence had been spelled out prior to this morning. The ultimate decision of the length of the sentence was left up to Judge Hoffmeyer. Originally, Victor's lawyer felt that this was a
better direction to take instead of trial in which Victor would have been facing a maximum sentence of 13 years and could have been sentenced to the full duration of that time if found guilty by the jury.

The Judge told the court room that the decision was difficult because Victor is so young and has a clean slate (no prior criminal record).

The Judge Hoffmeyer was rather tough today in his deliberation stating, "In the length it takes to drive up here, you had numerous opportunities to ask yourself, 'What are we doing?' ...
and you still kept on coming."

Judge Hoffmeyer said he would be open to reconsidering his sentencing order at some point.
"That's certainly on the table," he said.

It was reported by the Sioux City Journal that Kellie, Victor's wife, was sitting in the gallery behind her husband, and Kellie gasped when Judge Hoffmeyer announced his sentence.

Kellie was also scheduled to be sentenced today at 1:00 pm in which she was planning on pleading guilty, but after a short conversation with her attorney, her lawyer asked to speak with
Judge Hoffmeyer and Assistant Woodbury County Attorney Drew Bockenstedt in the judge's chambers. When they returned to the courtroom, Judge Hoffmeyer opened the hearing and said he understood that Marshall did not wish to plead guilty.

Kellie is scheduled for trial March 6th 2012. Donations for legal fees are now needed more than ever!

++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners
BM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XX England

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Billy Silvia and Marco on hunger strike

ELP Information Bulletin (25th January 2012) Dear friends ELP has just received the
following e-mail.

> Switzerland – Marco, Silvia and Billy on hunger strike against the WEF

This is a flyer that has been distributed during the demo against the World Economic Forum in Bern (Switzerland) on the 21st of January 2012. We are translating the communiques of Marco, Silvia and Billy about the strike, they will be available soon.

“The three green anarchist prisoners held in the swiss jails decided to join the week of mobilization against the World Economic Forum, which will be held in Switzerland during these days. Marco and Silvia went on hunger strike for 10 days, since 20th to 30th of january 2012. Billy is abstaining from prison food and refusing to work (working is compulsory in swiss jails), against the WEF but also as a response to their prison conditions, more precisely for the liberation of Marco Camenisch in may 2012 and against the presence of divisory glass in the visits of friends.

Marco Camenisch was incarcerated in Switzerland in 1991, he's always been active in green anarchist struggles; Silvia and Billy were arrested, along with Costa, in april 2010 in Zurich for having tried to attack with explosives the newly built nanotechnology research center of

We're not surprised by the fact that this year in the schedule of WEF they will also deal with nanotechnologies, because, as with all the technological systems and even more the new technologies (nanotechnologies, biotechnologies and cybernetics), they are not neutral but subjected to the ones who manage economics, and a further tool in the hands of those who hold power.

While the state and corporations bosses meet with each other to impose the new world economic developments, in the labs experts and researchers study to create new means with which to increase social control, strengthen the soldiers, try to make our lives even more artificial and automized, till the point of manipulating the living. Manipulations that provoke devastating and irreversible effects in the earth equilibriums and on human and non human animals.

We will always fight against those who are turning the earth into a land of plastic and concrete, commodities and technologies, industries and offices: a world devoid of life. Against the State and capital which, with their dominating and exploitative logics want human beings to be slaves, the animals to be good, and the planet to be an infinite source of things to sack. The WEF event cannot but increase our anger and desire to keep on struggling, in and outside jails. Solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike!

Solidarity to Marco, Silvia, Billy and Costa.”

++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland
Find us on Facebook by searching for "Earth Liberation Prisoners"

Friday, January 13, 2012


ELP Information Bulletin (12th January 2012) Dear Friends ELP has been sent the
following e-mail concerning two journalists investigating eco-destruction and human
rights abuses in the Horn of Africa.

Swedish journalist Martin Schibbye and Swedish press photographer
Johan Persson had entered the Ogaden region in the Horn of
Africa during mid 2011 to document and report the human rights
abuses and environmental destruction caused and triggered by the
dealings of the oil and gas industry - especially Swedish owned
LUNDIN OIL and Lundin's conglomerate of in-transparent companies
like AFRICA OIL etc. - but were deceived and busted, and since then
suffer first in detention and now in an absolutely inhumane jail.

The Ogaden is the traditional homeland of mainly one Somali clan,
the Ogaden people, whose area was occupied with changing fortunes at
first by colonial forces from Britain, Italy and to a lesser extent
France - fighting against each other and the local people - during
the scramble for Africa and was then handed over by the colonial
overlords to Ethiopia, which illegally occupies the vast land until
today. Ethiopia clings to it especially due to interests in the
substantial oil and gas reserves of the zone. Somalia fought a war
against Ethiopia to bring this land, which is also called
West-Somalia, back to the Somali state during the 70s, but lost due
to changing alliances of foreign powers during those cold-war days.
The Somali people and the subsequent Somali governments have
continued to demand that the Ogaden must be returned to Somalia. But
the dictatorial regime of Meles Zenawi holds the land and its
rightful owners with an iron and often deadly grip. Numerous
atrocities against the local population to "provide security" for
the foreign carbon industries now operating in the Ogaden, which
they call Zone 5 of Ethiopia and the oil blocks, which are "secured"
by Ethiopian military as precondition to the foreign investment of
the oil and gas barons.



An Ethiopian court, on December 27th 2011, sentenced Swedish journalists Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye to 11 years in prison on charges of unlawful entry into Ethiopia and support of terrorist activity. Amnesty International has pronounced the two journalists as prisoners of conscience.

The international community strongly criticized the verdict. Representatives from the United States and the EU, shortly after the sentence, expressed their grave concern. The Swedish government and department of foreign affairs continue in their
effort to secure the release of Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye as soon as possible.

Committee to Protect Journalists, about the case.

The fight for press freedom and the release of Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye continues. You can support this fight by a donation (click on “donations” for details) or by sending letters to Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye in English at the following address:

Johan Persson/Martin Schibbye

Kality Prison, Zone 7

Addis Abeba Prison Administration

P.O Box 2436

Addis Abeba


Please do note that letters need to be written in English in order to be screened by the prison authorities.

Through their relatives, Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye send a New Year Greeting:

Thank you, everyone who is following our case. Your support keeps us strong. Enjoy your freedom and take care. Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson.

++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407 London WC1N 3XX England

Monday, January 09, 2012

Support the Eco-Prisoners (January 2012)

Spirit of Freedom
(January 2012) Produced by

"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening words and
wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!" (Former Swedish Animal Rights

Welcome to the January 2012 edition of Spirit of Freedom. As some people will be
aware, ELP has removed the Swedish prisoner Viktor Padellaro from our prisoner
lists. Viktor used to describe himself as a fascist. ELP understands that since
going into prison Viktor has written a letter denouncing his former views. ELP is
currently looking at all the evidence regarding whether Viktor is a fascist. But in
the meantime we have decided to remove him from our prisoner lists.

Going to other news, according to the American mainstream media Justin Solondz has
pleaded guilty to his alleged role in an ELF/ALF arson. Justin is expected to be
sentenced in March 2012 and is expected to receive a sentence of approximately seven
years. ELP will bring more news on this story as we receive it.

As always ELP aims to bring you the names and addresses of activists jailed around
the world. Not all of the prisoners listed in this newsletter are as famous or as
well known as some of the others who are also listed in the newsletter. However,
all of the prisoners deserve our support and all welcome letters of support. So
please, no matter where you are in the world, no matter what language you speak,
support the eco-prisoners. And no compromise in defence of Mother Earth!

If anyone notices any of ELP's prisoner details is out of date or we do not list a
prisoner who we should list, please let ELP know as soon as possible. ELP is run by
a small group of volunteers and although we try to ensure our lists are accurate, we
admit we do make mistakes. So help us help keep the lists accurate by letting us
know of any changes we need to make.


Grant Barnes #137563, San Carlos Correctional Facility, PO Box 3, Pueblo, CO 81002,
USA. Serving 12 years for setting fire to a number of SUV vehicles. The letters ELF
were spray painted onto all of the vehicles. (Grant is a vegan).

Luca Bernasconi, Gefängnis Pfäffikon, Hörnlistrasse 55, 8330 Pfäffikon (ZH),
Switzerland. Serving 3 years 6 months for possession of explosive materials. Luca
is Swiss and is a known animal rights and prisoner support activist. Although not
linked to Il Silvestre himself, other defendants in this case are linked to Il
Silvestre (Luca is a vegan)

Nathan Block, #36359-086, FCI Lompoc, Federal Correctional Institution, 3600 Guard
Road, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a
Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted his role
in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

Marco Camenisch, Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg, Postfach 75, 5600 Lenzburg,
Switzerland. Serving 18 years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy
electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Eight years for the
murder of a Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy. (Marco is a meat eater
who encourages organic living).
Tim DeChristopher, #16156-081, FCI Herlon, Federal Correctional Institute, PO Box
800, Herlong, CA 96113, USA. Serving 2 years for making fake bids in an auction to
disrupt attempts by oil and gas companies to buy land. (Diet unknown).

Silvia Guerini, Bezirksgefängnis Zürich, Postfach 1266, CH – 8026 Zurigo,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 4 months for possession of explosive materials.
Silvia is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Silvia is a vegan)

Marie Jeanette Mason, 04672-061, FMC Carswell, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127,
USA. Serving 21 years and 10 months for her involvement in an ELF arson against a
University Professors Office as the Professor was linked to Genetically Modified
crop testing. Marie also admitted destroying logging equipment. She also pleaded
guilty to conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 11 other
ELF actions and 1 ALF action. (Marie is a vegan).

BOX 3007, SAN PEDRO, CA 90731, USA. Serving 19 years & 7 months for planning to
destroy the property of the U.S. Forestry Service, mobile phone masts and power
plants. At the point of his arrest no criminal damage has actually occurred. (Eric
is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan, #63794-053, FCI Terre Haute – CMU, Post Office Box 33, Terre Haute,
Indiana 47408, USA. Serving 7 years for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm and
an ELF arson against an old growth logging corporation. Also admitted his role in an
ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Daniel is a vegetarian).

Steve Murphy, 39013-177, FCI Beaumont Medium, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O.
Box 26040, Beaumont, TX 77720, USA. Serving 5 years for Conspiracy to Commit Arson
following an attempted arson at a town house construction site in 2006. The action
was claimed under the banner of the ELF. (Steve is a vegan).

Costantino Ragusa, PF 3143, 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 8
months for possession of explosive materials. Costatino is an Italian linked to Il
Silvestre. (Costatino is a vegan)

Justin Solondz, #98291-011, FDC SEATAC, FEDERAL DETENTION CENTER, P.O. BOX 13900,
SEATTLE, WA 98198, USA. On remand accused of ELF & ALF activity. (Justin is a

Michael Sykes 696693, Michigan Reformatory, 1342 West Main Street, Ionia, MI 48846,
USA. Serving four to ten years for anti-sprawl arsons, criminal damage to a utility
pole, spray-painting political graffiti and burning the American flag. (Diet

Joyanna Zacher, #36360-086, FCI Dublin, 5700 8th St.- Camp Parks- Unit F, Dublin, CA
94568, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm
and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted her role in an ELF/ALF
conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

(All Animal Liberation Prisoners follow a minimum vegetarian diet and most are vegan).

Diego Alonso (address unknown, jailed in Mexico– E-mail letters of support to On remand accussed of targeting banks, slaughterhouses
and other institutions. (Diego is a vegan)

Walter Bond #2011-03339, Davis County Jail, PO Box 130, Farmington, UT 84025-0130,
USA. Serving 12 years for an ALF arson at a Sheepskin factory, a leather factory
and a foie gras restaurant. (Walter is a vegan).

Mel Broughton, A3892AE, HMP Bullingdon, PO Box 50, Oxford, OX25 1WD, England.
Serving ten years for his active campaigning against vivisection carried out by
Oxford University. The police set him up and accused him of plotting an arson
against the University. (Mel is a vegan).

Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales (address unkown, jailed in Mexico – E-mail letters of
support to Serving 7 years 11 months for
detonating a gas bombs against various targets including banks and against targets
whose actions were claimed by the Frente de Liberación Animal (ALF). (Adrian is a

Marie Mason - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Daniel McGowan - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Gavin Medd-Hall A3624AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey
GU24 9EX, England. Serving 8 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Gavin is a vegan).

Heather Nicholson A3158AJ, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN,
England. Serving 11 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Heather is a vegan).

Justin Solondz - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Sarah Whitehead, A8369CE, HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Surrey, SM2 5PD, England.
Serving six years campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Was previously
sentenced to two years for: 1) rescuing a puppy from horrific conditions. 2)
rescuing over 100 animals from a pet breeder who was later prosecuted for animal
abuse. (Sarah is a vegan)


No current Ploughshares prisoners.


Aleksey Bychin, FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12, ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98, g. Solikamsk
Permskiy Kray, 618545 Russia. Serving 5 years for defending himself against
neo-nazis. (Diet unknown).

Phil De Sousa, A5766CE, HMP Elmley, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness, Kent, ME12
4DZ, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet unknown).

Ravinder Gill, A5770CE, HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, Norfolk, IP25 6RL, England.
Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Austen Jackson, A5729CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12
OAE, England. Serving 15 months. (Diet unknown).

Rinat Sultanov, Mindullich, )tryd No.7, ul. Svobodu d.22, FKU IK-53, pos.
Privokzalynui, Sverdlovskaya oblast, 195009 Russia. Serving 2 years for fighting
with neo-nazis. (Rint is a Vegetarian).


Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Mikalaj Dziadok, SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Valadarskaha str., 2, SIZO-1, k. 46, Minsk, Belarus.
Co-defendant of Ihar Alinevich and Mikalaj Dziadok. (Diet unknown)

Fran Thompson, #1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicuthe, MO 64601, USA. Serving
Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her home. Before
her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke campaigner. (Fran is a vegan).

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of all life.
All move prisoners describe themselves as vegetarians. There are currently eight
MOVE activists in prison each serving 100 years after been framed for the murder of
a cop in 1979. 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Philips
Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs,
PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) SCI Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244,

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI Dallas
Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Charles Simms Africa (AM4975), SCI Retreat, 660 State Route 11, Hunlock Creek, PA
18621, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA 15370, USA.
In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of MOVE, was framed for the
murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to death but is currently awaiting
re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions including
assault and murder. 'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone violence. But we are also
against censorship & believe people can decide
for themselves who they wish to support.

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in 1993 to
support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing various regular
prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international monthly prisoner listing which is
circulated by e-mail.

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any new
eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

On-Line Newsletters - ELP has a number of websites that provide news, prisoner lists
and additional info about ELP & the prisoners.

Find us under Earth Liberation Prisoners

English language ELP Website
new site coming soon

Greek language ELP Website

North American ELP Website

ELP Extra is an e-mail group that circulates the details of political prisoners, ELP
learns about, who do not fall within the remit for support by ELP. To subscribe to
the list e-mail

Australian ELP.SN is our Australian contact. For more info e-mail

Belgium ELP.SN is our Belgium contact. For more info e-mail

German ELP.SN is a prisoner led initiative run by eco-prisoner Marco Camenisch.

Greek ELP.SN is our Greek contact. For more info e-mail

North American ELP is our North American contact. For more information e-mail

Turkey ELP.SN is our Turkish contact. For more info e-mail

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Support the Eco-Prisoners (December 2011)

Spirit of Freedom
(December 2011)
Produced by

"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening words and
wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!" (Former Swedish Animal Rights

Welcome to the December 2011 edition of Spirit of Freedom. With celebrations around
the world occurring at this time of the year, please remember the prisoners and send
them a card of seasonal greetings as well.

Not all of the prisoners listed in this newsletter are as famous or as well known as
some of the others who are also listed in the newsletter. However, all of the
prisoners deserve our support and all welcome letters of support. So please, no
matter where you are in the world, no matter what language you speak, support the
eco-prisoners. And no compromise in defence of Mother Earth!

One final thing. ELP is now on Facebook (despite an attempt by someone to close our
page down). Please search of Earth Liberation Prisoners on Facebook and you’ll find
a complete Earth & Animal Liberation prisoners listing.

If anyone notices any of ELP's prisoner details is out of date or we do not list a
prisoner who we should list, please let ELP know as soon as possible. ELP is run by
a small group of volunteers and although we try to ensure our lists are accurate, we
admit we do make mistakes. So help us help keep the lists accurate by letting us
know of any changes we need to make.


Grant Barnes #137563, San Carlos Correctional Facility, PO Box 3, Pueblo, CO 81002,
USA. Serving 12 years for setting fire to a number of SUV vehicles. The letters ELF
were spray painted onto all of the vehicles. (Grant is a vegan).

Luca Bernasconi, Gefängnis Pfäffikon, Hörnlistrasse 55, 8330 Pfäffikon (ZH),
Switzerland. Serving 3 years 6 months for possession of explosive materials. Luca
is Swiss and is a known animal rights and prisoner support activist. Although not
linked to Il Silvestre himself, other defendants in this case are linked to Il
Silvestre (Luca is a vegan)

Nathan Block, #36359-086, FCI Lompoc, Federal Correctional Institution, 3600 Guard
Road, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a
Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted his role
in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

Marco Camenisch, Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg, Postfach 75, 5600 Lenzburg,
Switzerland. Serving 18 years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy
electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Eight years for the
murder of a Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy. (Marco is a meat eater
who encourages organic living).
Tim DeChristopher, #16156-081, FCI Herlon, Federal Correctional Institute, PO Box
800, Herlong, CA 96113, USA. Serving 2 years for making fake bids in an auction to
disrupt attempts by oil and gas companies to buy land. (Diet unknown).

Silvia Guerini, Bezirksgefängnis Zürich, Postfach 1266, CH – 8026 Zurigo,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 4 months for possession of explosive materials.
Silvia is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Silvia is a vegan)

Marie Jeanette Mason, 04672-061, FMC Carswell, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127,
USA. Serving 21 years and 10 months for her involvement in an ELF arson against a
University Professors Office as the Professor was linked to Genetically Modified
crop testing. Marie also admitted destroying logging equipment. She also pleaded
guilty to conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 11 other
ELF actions and 1 ALF action. (Marie is a vegan).

BOX 3007, SAN PEDRO, CA 90731, USA. Serving 19 years & 7 months for planning to
destroy the property of the U.S. Forestry Service, mobile phone masts and power
plants. At the point of his arrest no criminal damage has actually occurred. (Eric
is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan, #63794-053, FCI Terre Haute – CMU, Post Office Box 33, Terre Haute,
Indiana 47408, USA. Serving 7 years for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm and
an ELF arson against an old growth logging corporation. Also admitted his role in an
ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Daniel is a vegetarian).

Steve Murphy, 39013-177, FCI Beaumont Medium, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O.
Box 26040, Beaumont, TX 77720, USA. Serving 5 years for Conspiracy to Commit Arson
following an attempted arson at a town house construction site in 2006. The action
was claimed under the banner of the ELF. (Steve is a vegan).

Costantino Ragusa, PF 3143, 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 8
months for possession of explosive materials. Costatino is an Italian linked to Il
Silvestre. (Costatino is a vegan)

Justin Solondz, #98291-011, FDC SEATAC, FEDERAL DETENTION CENTER, P.O. BOX 13900,
SEATTLE, WA 98198, USA. On remand accused of ELF & ALF activity. (Justin is a

Michael Sykes 696693, Michigan Reformatory, 1342 West Main Street, Ionia, MI 48846,
USA. Serving four to ten years for anti-sprawl arsons, criminal damage to a utility
pole, spray-painting political graffiti and burning the American flag. (Diet

Joyanna Zacher, #36360-086, FCI Dublin, 5700 8th St.- Camp Parks- Unit F, Dublin, CA
94568, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm
and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted her role in an ELF/ALF
conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

(All Animal Liberation Prisoners follow a minimum vegetarian diet and most are vegan).

Diego Alonso (address unknown, jailed in Mexico– E-mail letters of support to On remand accussed of targeting banks, slaughterhouses
and other institutions. (Diego is a vegan)

Walter Bond #2011-03339, Davis County Jail, PO Box 130, Farmington, UT 84025-0130,
USA. Serving 12 years for an ALF arson at a Sheepskin factory, a leather factory
and a foie gras restaurant. (Walter is a vegan).

Mel Broughton, A3892AE, HMP Bullingdon, PO Box 50, Oxford, OX25 1WD, England.
Serving ten years for his active campaigning against vivisection carried out by
Oxford University. The police set him up and accused him of plotting an arson
against the University. (Mel is a vegan).

Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales (address unkown, jailed in Mexico – E-mail letters of
support to Serving 7 years 11 months for
detonating a gas bombs against various targets including banks and against targets
whose actions were claimed by the Frente de Liberación Animal (ALF). (Adrian is a

Marie Mason - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Daniel McGowan - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Gavin Medd-Hall A3624AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey
GU24 9EX, England. Serving 8 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Gavin is a vegan).

Heather Nicholson A3158AJ, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN,
England. Serving 11 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Heather is a vegan).

Viktor Padellaro (11/11 7-4), Ullevigaten 11. Box 216, 401 23 Gothenburg, Sweden.
Accused of arson against a McDonalds, smashing the window of a restaurant and
sending 17 threatening letters to people involved with the fur industry. (Viktor is
a vegan).

Justin Solondz - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Sarah Whitehead, A8369CE, HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Surrey, SM2 5PD, England.
Serving six years campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Was previously
sentenced to two years for: 1) rescuing a puppy from horrific conditions. 2)
rescuing over 100 animals from a pet breeder who was later prosecuted for animal
abuse. (Sarah is a vegan)


No current Ploughshares prisoners.


Aleksey Bychin, FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12, ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98, g. Solikamsk
Permskiy Kray, 618545 Russia. Serving 5 years for defending himself against
neo-nazis. (Diet unknown).

Andy Baker, A5768CE, HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CR8 9YG,
England. Serving 21 months (Andy is a vegan).

Thomas Blak, A5728CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12 OAE,
England. Serving 18 months. (Diet Unknown).

Sean Cregan, A5769CE, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey, GU24
9EX, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Phil De Sousa, A5766CE, HMP Elmley, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness, Kent, ME12
4DZ, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet unknown).

Ravinder Gill, A5770CE, HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, Norfolk, IP25 6RL, England.
Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Austen Jackson, A5729CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12
OAE, England. Serving 15 months. (Diet unknown).

Rinat Sultanov, FBU IZ-47\4, ul. Lebedeva d. 39, 195009 Saint-Petersburg Russia.
Serving 2 years for fighting with neo-nazis. (Rint is a Vegetarian).


Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Mikalaj Dziadok, SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Valadarskaha str., 2, SIZO-1, k. 46, Minsk, Belarus.
Co-defendant of Ihar Alinevich and Mikalaj Dziadok. (Diet unknown)

Fran Thompson, #1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicuthe, MO 64601, USA. Serving
Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her home. Before
her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke campaigner. (Fran is a vegan).

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of all life.
All move prisoners describe themselves as vegetarians. There are currently eight
MOVE activists in prison each serving 100 years after been framed for the murder of
a cop in 1979. 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Philips
Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs,
PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) SCI Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244,

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI Dallas
Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Charles Simms Africa (AM4975), SCI Retreat, 660 State Route 11, Hunlock Creek, PA
18621, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA 15370, USA.
In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of MOVE, was framed for the
murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to death but is currently awaiting
re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions including
assault and murder. 'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone violence. But we are also
against censorship & believe people can decide
for themselves who they wish to support.

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in 1993 to
support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing various regular
prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international monthly prisoner listing which is
circulated by e-mail.

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any new
eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

On-Line Newsletters - ELP has a number of websites that provide news, prisoner lists
and additional info about ELP & the prisoners.

Find us under Earth Liberation Prisoners

English language ELP Website
new site coming soon

Greek language ELP Website

North American ELP Website

ELP Extra is an e-mail group that circulates the details of political prisoners, ELP
learns about, who do not fall within the remit for support by ELP. To subscribe to
the list e-mail

Australian ELP.SN is our Australian contact. For more info e-mail

Belgium ELP.SN is our Belgium contact. For more info e-mail

German ELP.SN is a prisoner led initiative run by eco-prisoner Marco Camenisch.

Greek ELP.SN is our Greek contact. For more info e-mail

North American ELP is our North American contact. For more information e-mail

Turkey ELP.SN is our Turkish contact. For more info e-mail

Monday, November 07, 2011

Australian and American news

ELP Information Bulletin (7th of November 2011)

Dear friends ELP has two lots of news.

First off, Australian forest defender, Ali Alishah, has been released from prison. This is great news and we wish him all the best for his future campaigning.

Secondly, 'Anonymous American' has been sentenced to three months in prison (actual time) and is due for release in January 2012. Please send messages of support to Anonymous American c/o

++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland

Find us on Facebook by searching for Earth Liberation Prisoners.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Support the Eco-Prisoners (November 2011)

Spirit of Freedom
(November 2011)
Produced by

"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening words and
wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!" (Former Swedish Animal Rights

Welcome to the November 2011 edition of Spirit of Freedom. ELP has some great news
this month. Mexican eco-prisoners Fermín GóMez Trejo and Abraham López Martínez,
who were both accused of ELF style activity, have also been released from prison.
Also the British animal rights activists, Natasha Avery & Greg Avery, who were
sentenced to 9 years imprisonment for their involvement in campaigning against
Huntingdon Life Sciences, have also been released.

Also a Finnish activist, who last year was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment for an
arson against a fur shop, has won their appeal to the High Court and their
conviction has been overturned.

Plus, as ELP supporters will be aware, in October 2011 two Americans, Victor Van
Orden and Kellie Marshall, were arrested near a fur farm and accused of releasing
animals from that farm, as well as other charges. Both were originally remanded
into custody, but both have now been released on bail.

It is great to see our prisoner lists getting shorter again but there are sadly
always new prisoners coming in, some of who may not be as famous or as well known as
others. Activists who could easily serve an entire sentence without anyone even
hearing of their case. But these people are as much in need of our support as the
famous and well known activists.

One such unknown prisoner is currently sitting in an American jail. A few years ago
she was dragged before a Grand Jury which was investigating a well known American
Animal Rights & Environmental activist. She refused to testify to the Grand Jury
and was jailed for contempt. Happily that sentence ended, but the same woman now
finds herself imprisoned again but for a different reason.

The woman has not been imprisoned for a political earth or animal liberation reason.
But this didn’t stop the FBI from visiting her in prison and offering her a deal:
inform on Animal & Earth Liberation activists and you’ll get out of prison type
deal. She once again refused and so once again she finds herself sitting in a
prison cell. The woman is well known to ELP as a dedicated prisoner support
activist who has always strived to help others.

The woman does not want her name published as she is not proud of the reasons she is
now inside. But ELP recognises that she is partly inside because she has refused to
inform on others to the FBI. Therefore we have launched a support campaign for her
asking people to send letters of support to Anonymous American starting your message
“Dear friend”. E-mail your messages to and we’ll forward them
to her friends who have agreed to print the messages off and pass them onto her.

Remember not all of the prisoners listed in this newsletter are as famous or as well
known as some of the others who are also listed in the newsletter. However, all of
the prisoners deserve our support and all welcome letters of support. So please, no
matter where you are in the world, no matter what language you speak, support the
eco-prisoners. And no compromise in defence of Mother Earth!

One final thing. ELP is now on Facebook (despite an attempt by someone to close our
page down). Please search of Earth Liberation Prisoners on Facebook and you’ll find
a complete Earth & Animal Liberation prisoners listing.

If anyone notices any of ELP's prisoner details is out of date or we do not list a
prisoner who we should list, please let ELP know as soon as possible. ELP is run by
a small group of volunteers and although we try to ensure our lists are accurate, we
admit we do make mistakes. So help us help keep the lists accurate by letting us
know of any changes we need to make.


Ali Alishah, Ron Barwick Minimum Security Prison, PO Box 24, Lindisfarne, Australia
7015, Australia. On remand for defending Tasmanian forests.

Grant Barnes #137563, San Carlos Correctional Facility, PO Box 3, Pueblo, CO 81002,
USA. Serving 12 years for setting fire to a number of SUV vehicles. The letters ELF
were spray painted onto all of the vehicles. (Grant is a vegan).

Luca Bernasconi, Gefängnis Pfäffikon, Hörnlistrasse 55, 8330 Pfäffikon (ZH),
Switzerland. Serving 3 years 6 months for possession of explosive materials. Luca
is Swiss and is a known animal rights and prisoner support activist. Although not
linked to Il Silvestre himself, other defendants in this case are linked to Il
Silvestre (Luca is a vegan)

Nathan Block, #36359-086, FCI Lompoc, Federal Correctional Institution, 3600 Guard
Road, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a
Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted his role
in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

Marco Camenisch, Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg, Postfach 75, 5600 Lenzburg,
Switzerland. Serving 18 years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy
electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Eight years for the
murder of a Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy. (Marco is a meat eater
who encourages organic living).
Tim DeChristopher, #16156-081, FCI Herlon, Federal Correctional Institute, PO Box
800, Herlong, CA 96113, USA. Serving 2 years for making fake bids in an auction to
disrupt attempts by oil and gas companies to buy land. (Diet unknown).

Silvia Guerini, Bezirksgefängnis Zürich, Postfach 1266, CH – 8026 Zurigo,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 4 months for possession of explosive materials.
Silvia is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Silvia is a vegan)

Marie Jeanette Mason, 04672-061, FMC Carswell, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127,
USA. Serving 21 years and 10 months for her involvement in an ELF arson against a
University Professors Office as the Professor was linked to Genetically Modified
crop testing. Marie also admitted destroying logging equipment. She also pleaded
guilty to conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 11 other
ELF actions and 1 ALF action. (Marie is a vegan).

BOX 3007, SAN PEDRO, CA 90731, USA. Serving 19 years & 7 months for planning to
destroy the property of the U.S. Forestry Service, mobile phone masts and power
plants. At the point of his arrest no criminal damage has actually occurred. (Eric
is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan, #63794-053, FCI Terre Haute – CMU, Post Office Box 33, Terre Haute,
Indiana 47408, USA. Serving 7 years for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm and
an ELF arson against an old growth logging corporation. Also admitted his role in an
ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Daniel is a vegetarian).

Steve Murphy, 39013-177, FCI Beaumont Medium, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O.
Box 26040, Beaumont, TX 77720, USA. Serving 5 years for Conspiracy to Commit Arson
following an attempted arson at a town house construction site in 2006. The action
was claimed under the banner of the ELF. (Steve is a vegan).

Costantino Ragusa, PF 3143, 8105 Regensdorf, Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 8
months for possession of explosive materials. Costatino is an Italian linked to Il
Silvestre. (Costatino is a vegan)

Justin Solondz, #98291-011, FDC SEATAC, FEDERAL DETENTION CENTER, P.O. BOX 13900,
SEATTLE, WA 98198, USA. On remand accused of ELF & ALF activity. (Justin is a

Michael Sykes 696693, Michigan Reformatory, 1342 West Main Street, Ionia, MI 48846,
USA. Serving four to ten years for anti-sprawl arsons, criminal damage to a utility
pole, spray-painting political graffiti and burning the American flag. (Diet

Joyanna Zacher, #36360-086, FCI Dublin, 5700 8th St.- Camp Parks- Unit F, Dublin, CA
94568, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm
and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted her role in an ELF/ALF
conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

(All Animal Liberation Prisoners follow a minimum vegetarian diet and most are vegan).

Diego Alonso (address unknown, jailed in Mexico– E-mail letters of support to On remand accussed of targeting banks, slaughterhouses
and other institutions. (Diego is a vegan)

Walter Bond #2011-03339, Davis County Jail, PO Box 130, Farmington, UT 84025-0130,
USA. Serving 12 years for an ALF arson at a Sheepskin factory, a leather factory
and a foie gras restaurant. (Walter is a vegan).

Mel Broughton, A3892AE, HMP Bullingdon, PO Box 50, Oxford, OX25 1WD, England.
Serving ten years for his active campaigning against vivisection carried out by
Oxford University. The police set him up and accused him of plotting an arson
against the University. (Mel is a vegan).

Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales (address unkown, jailed in Mexico – E-mail letters of
support to Serving 7 years 11 months for
detonating a gas bombs against various targets including banks and against targets
whose actions were claimed by the Frente de Liberación Animal (ALF). (Adrian is a

Marie Mason - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Daniel McGowan - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Gavin Medd-Hall A3624AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey
GU24 9EX, England. Serving 8 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Gavin is a vegan).

Heather Nicholson A3158AJ, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN,
England. Serving 11 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Heather is a vegan).

Viktor Padellaro (11/11 7-4), Ullevigaten 11. Box 216, 401 23 Gothenburg, Sweden.
Accused of arson against a McDonalds, smashing the window of a restaurant and
sending 17 threatening letters to people involved with the fur industry. (Viktor is
a vegan).

Justin Solondz - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Sarah Whitehead, A8369CE, HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Surrey, SM2 5PD, England.
Serving six years campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Was previously
sentenced to two years for: 1) rescuing a puppy from horrific conditions. 2)
rescuing over 100 animals from a pet breeder who was later prosecuted for animal
abuse. (Sarah is a vegan)


No current Ploughshares prisoners.


Aleksey Bychin, FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12, ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98, g. Solikamsk
Permskiy Kray, 618545 Russia. Serving 5 years for defending himself against
neo-nazis. (Diet unknown).

Andy Baker, A5768CE, HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CR8 9YG,
England. Serving 21 months (Andy is a vegan).

Thomas Blak, A5728CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12 OAE,
England. Serving 18 months. (Diet Unknown).

Sean Cregan, A5769CE, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey, GU24
9EX, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Phil De Sousa, A5766CE, HMP Elmley, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness, Kent, ME12
4DZ, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet unknown).

Ravinder Gill, A5770CE, HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, Norfolk, IP25 6RL, England.
Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Austen Jackson, A5729CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12
OAE, England. Serving 15 months. (Diet unknown).

Rinat Sultanov, FBU IZ-47\4, ul. Lebedeva d. 39, 195009 Saint-Petersburg Russia.
Serving 2 years for fighting with neo-nazis. (Rint is a Vegetarian).


Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Mikalaj Dziadok, SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Valadarskaha str., 2, SIZO-1, k. 46, Minsk, Belarus.
Co-defendant of Ihar Alinevich and Mikalaj Dziadok. (Diet unknown)

Fran Thompson, #1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicuthe, MO 64601, USA. Serving
Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her home. Before
her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke campaigner. (Fran is a vegan).

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of all life.
All move prisoners describe themselves as vegetarians. There are currently eight
MOVE activists in prison each serving 100 years after been framed for the murder of
a cop in 1979. 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Philips
Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs,
PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) SCI Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244,

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI Dallas
Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Charles Simms Africa (AM4975), SCI Retreat, 660 State Route 11, Hunlock Creek, PA
18621, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA 15370, USA.
In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of MOVE, was framed for the
murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to death but is currently awaiting
re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions including
assault and murder. 'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone violence. But we are also
against censorship & believe people can decide
for themselves who they wish to support.

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in 1993 to
support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing various regular
prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international monthly prisoner listing which is
circulated by e-mail.

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any new
eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

On-Line Newsletters - ELP has a number of websites that provide news, prisoner lists
and additional info about ELP & the prisoners.

Find us under Earth Liberation Prisoners

English language ELP Website
new site coming soon

Greek language ELP Website

North American ELP Website

Turkish language ELP Website

ELP Extra is an e-mail group that circulates the details of political prisoners, ELP
learns about, who do not fall within the remit for support by ELP. To subscribe to
the list e-mail

Australian ELP.SN is our Australian contact. For more info e-mail

Belgium ELP.SN is our Belgium contact. For more info e-mail

German ELP.SN is a prisoner led initiative run by eco-prisoner Marco Camenisch.

Greek ELP.SN is our Greek contact. For more info e-mail

North American ELP is our North American contact. For more information e-mail

Turkey ELP.SN is our Turkish contact. For more info e-mail

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Kellie Marshall & Victor Vandoren prison addresses

Urgent ELP! Bulletin (15/10/11) Dear friends ELP has just found out the prison
addresses of the two people arrested for allegedly attempting to free mink from a
farm on the 10th of October.

Their addresses are:

Kellie Marshall

Woodbury County Jail

PO Box 3083

Sioux City, Iowa 51102

Victor Vandoren

Woodbury County Jail

PO Box 3083

Sioux City, Iowa 51102

Both are charged with 2nd Degree Criminal Mischief, Attempted Burglary and Possession of Burglary Tools. Also ELP would like to appologise. Yesterday we reported the arrest of two men. Kellie is definately a woman!

++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland

Check out our Facebook page by searching for Earth Liberation Prisoners.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Three lots of American news

Urgent ELP! Bulletin (14th October 2011)

Dear friends ELP three lots of American news for you today.

1) ELP has learnt that two people have been arrested in Sioux City, Iowa, America, accused of attempting to break into a fur farm. They were arrested on the 10th of October 2011 and have been named as Kellie Marshall, 29, and Victor Vandoren, 24, both men are from Texas. As yet ELP does not have any prison addresses for the two. If anyone knows either men or has contact addresses for them please contact ELP as soon as possible. 2) As some people may of heard, Walter Bond has been found guilty of two more ALF arsons and given an additional seven years imprisonment. This will run consecutively to his current five year jail term meaning he is now serving a 12 year sentence.

Send letters of support to:

Walter Bond #2011-03339
Davis County Jail
PO Box 130
Farmington UT 84025-0130

3) Today ELP has launched a new prisoner support campaign for "Anonymous American". Anonymous American is a former Grand Jury Resister who ELP has previously supported when she refused to testify to a Grand Jury investigating a well known American activist. Anonymous American is a dedicated prisoner support activist who is recognised by ELP as having given vital support to some of our prisoners. Anonymous American is currently imprisoned for non-political reasons. However this didn't stop the FBI from visiting her to try and cut a deal to get her to inform on Animal & Earth Lib activists. She declined their offer and so remains in prison.

Anonymous American wishes to remain anonymous because her imprisonment is not for
political reasons. However ELP recognises that she is a good, kind, dedicated
activist and we wish to support her. Therefore please send messages of support to starting your message "Dear friend" and ELP will forward your
messages to one of her friends who has agreed to print the messages off and pass
them onto Anonymous American.

As we said, Anonymous American is a former eco-prisoner jailed for refusing to turn
against her friends. Now it is our turn to help her. Please send your messages of
support as a matter of urgency as she does need our support.

Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network
BM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland
Find us on Facebook by searching for Earth Liberation Prisoners.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

ELP joins Facebook

ELP Information Bulletin (12th October 2011)

Dear friends Whilst ELP is constructing our new website we have launched a Facebook page. If you are on Facebook search for "Earth Liberation Prisoners" and hopefully you'll find us!

Earth Liberation Prisoners Support Network

BM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland

News from Switzerland

ELP Information Bulletin (12th October 2011)

Dear friends As you all know, Luca Bernasconi, Silvia Guerini and Costantino Ragusa, are all jailed in Switzerland
having been convicted of eco-actions. All three are vegan and two are associated
with Il Silvestre. ELP has just learnt that all three have been transferred to new
prison addresses. Their new addresses are:

Luca Bernasconi

Gefängnis Pfäffikon

Hörnlistrasse 55

8330 Pfäffikon (ZH)Switzerland
Silvia Guerini


Bezirksgefängnis Zürich

Postfach 1266

CH – 8026 ZurigoSwitzerland
Costantino Ragusa

PF 3143

8105 Regensdorf

++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support NetworkBM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland

News from Switzerland

ELP Information Bulletin (12th October 2011)

Dear friends As you all know, Luca Bernasconi, Silvia Guerini and Costantino Ragusa, are all jailed in Switzerland
having been convicted of eco-actions. All three are vegan and two are associated
with Il Silvestre. ELP has just learnt that all three have been transferred to new
prison addresses. Their new addresses are:

Luca Bernasconi

Gefängnis Pfäffikon

Hörnlistrasse 55

8330 Pfäffikon (ZH)Switzerland
Silvia Guerini


Bezirksgefängnis Zürich

Postfach 1266

CH – 8026 ZurigoSwitzerland
Costantino Ragusa

PF 3143

8105 Regensdorf

++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners Support NetworkBM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland

Monday, October 10, 2011

Support the Eco-Prisoners October 2011

Spirit of Freedom
(October 2011)
Produced by

"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening words and
wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!" (Former Swedish Animal Rights

Welcome to the October 2011 edition of Spirit of Freedom. First off ELP has some
good news. The final three British prisoners of the Newchurch Guinea Pig Prisoners,
have been released. Jonny Ablewhite, Kerry Whiteburn and John Smith were all
sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for conspiracy to blackmail the farmer involved
in this trade following a successful campaign which saw the closure of the farm.

Staying with fantastic news on prisoner releases, after nearly 27 years inside,
American Ploughshares & eco-activist, Helen Woodson has been released from prison.
This is fantastic news and we wish her all the best for her retirement from direct

However despite the good news of these release we sadly have a new prisoner, Ali
Alishah, a Tasmanian forest defender. Ali was due in court at the end of last
month. Can we please ask his supporters to let us have an update on him.

As this brief editorial demonstrates, animal & earth liberation occur around the
world. Remember, prisoner support is international. Support all the eco-prisoners
wherever they are in the world. And no compromise in defence of Mother Earth!

If anyone notices any of ELP's prisoner details is out of date or we do not list a
prisoner who we should list, please let ELP know as soon as possible. ELP is run by
a small group of volunteers and although we try to ensure our lists are accurate, we
admit we do make mistakes. So help us help keep the lists accurate by letting us
know of any changes we need to make.


Ali Alishah, Ron Barwick Minimum Security Prison, PO Box 24, Lindisfarne, Australia
7015, Australia. On remand for defending Tasmanian forests.

Grant Barnes #137563, San Carlos Correctional Facility, PO Box 3, Pueblo, CO 81002,
USA. Serving 12 years for setting fire to a number of SUV vehicles. The letters ELF
were spray painted onto all of the vehicles. (Grant is a vegan).

Luca Bernasconi, c/o Regionalgefängnis Bern, Genfergasse 22, 3001 Bern, Switzerland.
Serving 3 years 6 months for possession of explosive materials. Luca is Swiss and
is a known animal rights and prisoner support activist. Although not linked to Il
Silvestre himself, other defendants in this case are linked to Il Silvestre (Luca is
a vegan)

Nathan Block, #36359-086, FCI Lompoc, Federal Correctional Institution, 3600 Guard
Road, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a
Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted his role
in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

Marco Camenisch, Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg, Postfach 75, 5600 Lenzburg,
Switzerland. Serving 18 years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy
electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Eight years for the
murder of a Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy. (Marco is a meat eater
who encourages organic living).
Tim DeChristopher, #16156-081, FCI Herlon, Federal Correctional Institute, PO Box
800, Herlong, CA 96113, USA. Serving 2 years for making fake bids in an auction to
disrupt attempts by oil and gas companies to buy land. (Diet unknown).

Silvia Guerini, c/o Regionalgefängnis Biel, Spitalstrasse 20, 2502 Biel/Bienne,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 4 months for possession of explosive materials.
Silvia is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Silvia is a vegan)

Marie Jeanette Mason, 04672-061, FMC Carswell, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127,
USA. Serving 21 years and 10 months for her involvement in an ELF arson against a
University Professors Office as the Professor was linked to Genetically Modified
crop testing. Marie also admitted destroying logging equipment. She also pleaded
guilty to conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 11 other
ELF actions and 1 ALF action. (Marie is a vegan).

Abraham López Martínez (Jailed in Mexico). E-mail letters of support to On remand accused of a series of ELF style activities against
various trucks and businesses. (Abraham is a vegan)

Eric McDavid, 16209-097, FCI Victorville, Medium II, Federal Correctional
Institution, PO Box 5300, Adelanto, CA 92301, USA. Serving 19 years & 7 months for
planning to destroy the property of the U.S. Forestry Service, mobile phone masts
and power plants. At the point of his arrest no criminal
damage has actually occurred. (Eric is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan, #63794-053, FCI Terre Haute – CMU, Post Office Box 33, Terre Haute,
Indiana 47408, USA. Serving 7 years for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm and
an ELF arson against an old growth logging corporation. Also admitted his role in an
ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Daniel is a vegetarian).

Steve Murphy, 39013-177, FCI Beaumont Medium, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O.
Box 26040, Beaumont, TX 77720, USA. Serving 5 years for Conspiracy to Commit Arson
following an attempted arson at a town house construction site in 2006. The action
was claimed under the banner of the ELF. (Steve is a vegan).

Costatino Ragusa, c/o Regionalgefängnis, Thun
Allmendstr. 34, 3600 Thun,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 8 months for possession of explosive materials.
Costatino is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Costatino is a vegan)

Justin Solondz, #98291-011, FDC SEATAC, FEDERAL DETENTION CENTER, P.O. BOX 13900,
SEATTLE, WA 98198, USA. On remand accused of ELF & ALF activity. (Justin is a

Michael Sykes 696693, Michigan Reformatory, 1342 West Main Street, Ionia, MI 48846,
USA. Serving four to ten years for anti-sprawl arsons, criminal damage to a utility
pole, spray-painting political graffiti and burning the American flag. (Diet

Fermín Gómez Trejo (Jailed in Mexico). E-mail letters of support to On remand accused of a series of ELF style activities against
various trucks and businesses. (Fermin is a vegetarian)

Joyanna Zacher, #36360-086, FCI Dublin, 5700 8th St.- Camp Parks- Unit F, Dublin, CA
94568, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm
and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted her role in an ELF/ALF
conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

(All Animal Liberation Prisoners follow a minimum vegetarian diet and most are vegan).

Diego Alonso (address unknown, jailed in Mexico– E-mail letters of support to On remand accussed of targeting banks, slaughterhouses
and other institutions. (Diego is a vegan)

Gregg Avery A4874AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey GU24
9EX, England. Serving 9 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Gregg is a vegan).

Natasha Avery A5180AD, HMP Send, Ripley Road, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ, England.
Serving 9 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences. (Nat is a

Walter Bond #2011-03339, Davis County Jail, PO Box 130, Farmington, UT 84025-0130,
USA. Serving 5 years for an ALF arson at a Sheepskin factory. He is also charged
with arson attacks against a leather factory and a foie gras restaurant. (Walter is
a vegan).

Mel Broughton, A3892AE, HMP Bullingdon, PO Box 50, Oxford, OX25 1WD, England.
Serving ten years for his active campaigning against vivisection carried out by
Oxford University. The police set him up and accused him of plotting an arson
against the University. (Mel is a vegan).

Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales (address unkown, jailed in Mexico – E-mail letters of
support to Serving 7 years 11 months for
detonating a gas bombs against various targets including banks and against targets
whose actions were claimed by the Frente de Liberación Animal (ALF). (Adrian is a

Marie Mason - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Daniel McGowan - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Gavin Medd-Hall A3624AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey
GU24 9EX, England. Serving 8 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Gavin is a vegan).

Heather Nicholson A3158AJ, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN,
England. Serving 11 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Heather is a vegan).

Viktor Padellaro (11/11 7-4), Ullevigaten 11. Box 216, 401 23 Gothenburg, Sweden.
Accused of activity against the fur industry and McDonalds (Viktor is a vegan).

Justin Solondz - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Sarah Whitehead, A8369CE, HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Surrey, SM2 5PD, England.
Serving six years campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Was previously
sentenced to two years for: 1) rescuing a puppy from horrific conditions. 2)
rescuing over 100 animals from a pet breeder who was later prosecuted for animal
abuse. (Sarah is a vegan)


No current Ploughshares prisoners.


Aleksey Bychin, FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12, ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98, g. Solikamsk
Permskiy Kray, 618545 Russia. Serving 5 years for defending himself against
neo-nazis. (Diet unknown).

Andy Baker, A5768CE, HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CR8 9YG,
England. Serving 21 months (Andy is a vegan).

Thomas Blak, A5728CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12 OAE,
England. Serving 18 months. (Diet Unknown).

Sean Cregan, A5769CE, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey, GU24
9EX, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Phil De Sousa, A5766CE, HMP Elmley, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness, Kent, ME12
4DZ, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet unknown).

Ravinder Gill, A5770CE, HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, Norfolk, IP25 6RL, England.
Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Austen Jackson, A5729CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12
OAE, England. Serving 15 months. (Diet unknown).

Rinat Sultanov, FBU IZ-47\4, ul. Lebedeva d. 39, 195009 Saint-Petersburg Russia.
Serving 2 years for fighting with neo-nazis. (Rint is a Vegetarian).


Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Mikalaj Dziadok, SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Valadarskaha str., 2, SIZO-1, k. 46, Minsk, Belarus.
Co-defendant of Ihar Alinevich and Mikalaj Dziadok. (Diet unknown)

Fran Thompson, #1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicuthe, MO 64601, USA. Serving
Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her home. Before
her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke campaigner. (Fran is a vegan).

animal rights activist jailed for three months for cycling slowly during a Critical
Mass protest against the bombing of Gaza. (Jonathan is a vegan).

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of all life.
All move prisoners describe themselves as vegetarians. There are currently eight
MOVE activists in prison each serving 100 years after been framed for the murder of
a cop in 1979. 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Philips
Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs,
PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) SCI Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244,

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI Dallas
Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Charles Simms Africa (AM4975), SCI Retreat, 660 State Route 11, Hunlock Creek, PA
18621, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA 15370, USA.
In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of MOVE, was framed for the
murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to death but is currently awaiting
re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions including
assault and murder. 'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone violence. But we are also
against censorship & believe people can decide
for themselves who they wish to support.

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in 1993 to
support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing various regular
prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international monthly prisoner listing which is
circulated by e-mail.

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any new
eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

English language ELP Website
new site coming soon

North American ELP Website

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Spirit of Freedom UPDATE

ELP Information Bulletin (6th of September 2011) Dear friends ELP has some furthernews following the publishing of our September 2011 newsletter: The Anonymous AnimalRights prisoner from Sweden has given consent for more details to be published abouthimself. Viktor Padellaro is being held on remand facing seven charges relating toan alleged arson against a McDonalds and also for making threats to various peopleinvolved with the fur trade etc. Please send letters of support to

Viktor Padellaro (11/11 7-4)
Ullevigatan 11.
BOX 216401 23

Staying with Scandanavian news. ELP has learnt that five Danish men were arrestedin April 2011 accused of a variety of activity including attempted arsons againstsome fur stores. We don't have any names or addresses for the five, but if anyonehas any details about the five please contact ELP as soon as possible. For thosewho can read it, here is an article in Danish about the charges

Remaining with news about tracking prisoners down, friends of ELP have found TimDeChristopher's details on BOP. Tim is apparently in transit at the moment but wehope to circulate his details very soon. And now for some brilliant news. Tthe twoItalian prisoners, Mattia Petit and Federico Buono have been released from prisonpending their trial! And finally, long term American Ploughshares/eco-activistprisoner Helen Woodson is being released on the 9th of September! This is brilliantnews as Helen has spent nearly 27 years in prison and we send all of our best wishesto Helen and her impending freedom. +++++++ Earth Liberation Prisoners SupportNetworkBM Box 2407LondonWC1N 3XXEngland

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Support the Eco-Prisoners (September 2011)

Spirit of Freedom
(September 2011)
Produced by

"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening words and
wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!" (Former Swedish Animal Rights

Welcome to the September 2011 edition of Spirit of Freedom. Firstly ELP would like
to apologise for the delay in the production of this newsletter and our last
newsletter. Over recent months ELP has lost a number of our volunteers including
the person who used to maintain our website. We won’t name the person, as they know
who they are, but we’d like to thank them for everything they’ve done for ELP over
the past 7 years that they’ve been working with us. ELP wishes them and all our
former volunteers all the best with their new ventures.

Since our last newsletter quite a lot has happened. An anonymous animal rights
activist in Gothenburg, Sweden, has been arrested for alleged animal rights activity
against the fur industry. ELP is unable to provide any further information at this
moment in time but should people wish to send messages of support to the prisoner
please e-mail and the messages of support will be passed onto
the prisoner.

We’ve also heard about two Finnish animal rights activists who have been arrested
for filming inside a pig farm and they are now being threatened with two years

ELP has also heard of police raids in Germany where activists have been accused of
anti-fur activity. In an unrelated four Dutch people are also awaiting trial for
alleged anti-fur farm activity (liberating mink).

And in Spain a large number of people have been arrested and are facing trial for
alleged animal rights activity.

Elsewhere in Europe, due to changes in the prison system, some British prisoners are
having their prison numbers changed. Therefore please be aware of this and make
sure the prisoner number you are using is up to date (you can check this our via the
ALF.SG website).

Leaving European news, in America, Green Scare defendant Justin Solondz has been
extradited from China back to America where he is now held pending trial accused of
both ELF and ALF activity.

ELP has also heard the shocking case of American environmentalist Tim DeChristopher
who has been jailed for two years for making fake bids at a land auction to disrupt
the activities of the oil and gas companies. We don’t know his address, but if
anyone has it please let ELP know.

But despite the bad news, there is good news. Scott DeMuth, who was jailed for an
ALF action in America, has been released. Also released is Kevin Kjonaas of the
American SHAC 7.

And some brilliant news. The American traitor and police informant, Jacob Jere­miah
“Jake” Ferguson has been jailed for five years on drugs charges. Furguson is
personally responsible for a number of activists being inside. One of his victims
committed suicide in prison whilst awaiting trial.

As this brief editorial demonstrates, animal & earth liberation occur around the
world. Remember, prisoner support is international. Support all the eco-prisoners
wherever they are in the world. And no compromise in defence of Mother Earth!

If anyone notices any of ELP's prisoner details is out of date or we do not list a
prisoner who we should list, please let ELP know as soon as possible. ELP is run by
a small group of volunteers and although we try to ensure our lists are accurate, we
admit we do make mistakes. So help us help keep the lists accurate by letting us
know of any changes we need to make.


Grant Barnes #137563, San Carlos Correctional Facility, PO Box 3, Pueblo, CO 81002,
USA. Serving 12 years for setting fire to a number of SUV vehicles. The letters ELF
were spray painted onto all of the vehicles. (Grant is a vegan).

Luca Bernasconi, c/o Regionalgefängnis Bern, Genfergasse 22, 3001 Bern, Switzerland.
Serving 3 years 6 months for possession of explosive materials. Luca is Swiss and
is a known animal rights and prisoner support activist. Although not linked to Il
Silvestre himself, other defendants in this case are linked to Il Silvestre (Luca is
a vegan)

Nathan Block, #36359-086, FCI Lompoc, Federal Correctional Institution, 3600 Guard
Road, Lompoc, CA 93436, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a
Poplar Tree Farm and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted his role
in an ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

Federico Buono, c/o CC San Vittore, Piazza Filangieri 2, 20123 Milano, ITALY. On
remand accused of possession of an explosive device (Federico is a vegan).

Marco Camenisch, Justizvollzugsanstalt Lenzburg, Postfach 75, 5600 Lenzburg,
Switzerland. Serving 18 years. 1) Ten years for using explosives to destroy
electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations. 2) Eight years for the
murder of a Swiss Boarder Guard whilst on the run. In '02 Marco completed a 12-year
sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy. (Marco is a meat eater
who encourages organic living).
Tim DeChristopher (address unknown). Serving 2 years for making fake bids in an
auction to disrupt attempts by oil and gas companies to buy land.

Silvia Guerini, c/o Regionalgefängnis Biel, Spitalstrasse 20, 2502 Biel/Bienne,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 4 months for possession of explosive materials.
Silvia is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Silvia is a vegan)

Marie Jeanette Mason, 04672-061, FMC Carswell, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127,
USA. Serving 21 years and 10 months for her involvement in an ELF arson against a
University Professors Office as the Professor was linked to Genetically Modified
crop testing. Marie also admitted destroying logging equipment. She also pleaded
guilty to conspiring to carry out ELF actions and admitted involvement in 11 other
ELF actions and 1 ALF action. (Marie is a vegan).

Abraham López Martínez (Jailed in Mexico). E-mail letters of support to On remand accused of a series of ELF style activities against
various trucks and businesses. (Abraham is a vegan)

Eric McDavid, 16209-097, FCI Victorville, Medium II, Federal Correctional
Institution, PO Box 5300, Adelanto, CA 92301, USA. Serving 19 years & 7 months for
planning to destroy the property of the U.S. Forestry Service, mobile phone masts
and power plants. At the point of his arrest no criminal
damage has actually occurred. (Eric is a vegan).

Daniel McGowan, #63794-053, FCI Terre Haute – CMU, Post Office Box 33, Terre Haute,
Indiana 47408, USA. Serving 7 years for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm and
an ELF arson against an old growth logging corporation. Also admitted his role in an
ELF/ALF conspiracy. (Daniel is a vegetarian).

Steve Murphy, 39013-177, FCI Beaumont Medium, Federal Correctional Institution, P.O.
Box 26040, Beaumont, TX 77720, USA. Serving 5 years for Conspiracy to Commit Arson
following an attempted arson at a town house construction site in 2006. The action
was claimed under the banner of the ELF. (Steve is a vegan).

Mattia Petit, c/o CC Vigevano, Via Gravellona 240, 27029 Vigevano (PV), ITALY. On
remand accused of possession of an explosive device (Mattia is a vegan).

Costatino Ragusa, c/o Regionalgefängnis, Thun
Allmendstr. 34, 3600 Thun,
Switzerland. Serving 3 years and 8 months for possession of explosive materials.
Costatino is an Italian linked to Il Silvestre. (Costatino is a vegan)

Justin Solondz, #98291-011, FDC SEATAC, FEDERAL DETENTION CENTER, P.O. BOX 13900,
SEATTLE, WA 98198, USA. On remand accused of ELF & ALF activity. (Diet unknown).

Michael Sykes 696693, Michigan Reformatory, 1342 West Main Street, Ionia, MI 48846,
USA. Serving four to ten years for anti-sprawl arsons, criminal damage to a utility
pole, spray-painting political graffiti and burning the American flag. (Diet

Fermín Gómez Trejo (Jailed in Mexico). E-mail letters of support to On remand accused of a series of ELF style activities against
various trucks and businesses. (Fermin is a vegetarian)

Joyanna Zacher, #36360-086, FCI Dublin, 5700 8th St.- Camp Parks- Unit F, Dublin, CA
94568, USA. Serving 7 years & 8 months for an ELF arson against a Poplar Tree Farm
and an ELF arson against an SUV dealership. Also admitted her role in an ELF/ALF
conspiracy. (Diet unknown).

(All Animal Liberation Prisoners follow a minimum vegetarian diet and most are vegan).

Anonymous Animal Rights Prisoner (Sweden). E-mail Accused of
activity against the fur industry. (Anonymous is a vegan).

Jonny Ablewhite A5750AH, H.M. Prison, Hewell Lane, Redditch, Worcs B97 6QS, England.
Serving 12 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied guinea pigs for
vivisection. (Jon is a vegan).

Diego Alonso (address unknown, jailed in Mexico– E-mail letters of support to On remand accussed of targeting banks, slaughterhouses
and other institutions. (Diego is a vegan)

Gregg Avery A4874AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey GU24
9EX, England. Serving 9 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Gregg is a vegan).

Natasha Avery A5180AD, HMP Send, Ripley Road, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ, England.
Serving 9 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences. (Nat is a

Walter Bond #2011-03339, Davis County Jail, PO Box 130, Farmington, UT 84025-0130,
USA. Serving 5 years for an ALF arson at a Sheepskin factory. He is also charged
with arson attacks against a leather factory and a foie gras restaurant. (Walter is
a vegan).

Mel Broughton, A3892AE, HMP Bullingdon, PO Box 50, Oxford, OX25 1WD, England.
Serving ten years for his active campaigning against vivisection carried out by
Oxford University. The police set him up and accused him of plotting an arson
against the University. (Mel is a vegan).

Adrian Magdaleno Gonzales (address unkown, jailed in Mexico – E-mail letters of
support to Serving 7 years 11 months for
detonating a gas bombs against various targets including banks and against targets
whose actions were claimed by the Frente de Liberación Animal (ALF). (Adrian is a

Marie Mason - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Daniel McGowan - See details in Eco Defence Prisoners List.

Gavin Medd-Hall A3624AD, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey
GU24 9EX, England. Serving 8 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life
Sciences. (Gavin is a vegan).

Heather Nicholson A3158AJ, HMP Foston Hall, Foston, Derby, Derbyshire, DE65 5DN,
England. Serving 11 years for conspiracy to blackmail Huntingdon Life Sciences.
(Heather is a vegan).

Kerry Whitburn TB4886, HMP Lowdham Grange, Lowdham, Nottingham, NG14 7DA, England.
Serving 12 years for attempting to blackmail a farmer who supplied guinea pigs for
vivisection. (Kerry is a vegan).

Sarah Whitehead, A8369CE, HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Surrey, SM2 5PD, England.
Serving six years campaigning against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Was previously
sentenced to two years for: 1) rescuing a puppy from horrific conditions. 2)
rescuing over 100 animals from a pet breeder who was later prosecuted for animal
abuse. (Sarah is a vegan)


Helen Woodson, 03231-045, FMC Carswell - Admin. Max. Unit, POB 27137, Ft. Worth, TX
76127, USA. Serving 8 years 10 months for actions that focused on the
interrelationship of war & the destruction of the natural world. The actions
included pouring red paint over the security desk of a federal court and making
threatening communications. Previously Helen had served 20½ years for: 1) Using a
hammer to disarm a nuclear missile silo. 2) Burning $25,000 on the floor of a bank
whilst denouncing war, environmental destruction & economic injustice. 3) Mailing
warning letters with bullets attached to Government & corporate officials. (Diet


Aleksey Bychin, FBU OIK-2 IK-7 otryad No. 12, ul. Karnallitovaya d. 98, g. Solikamsk
Permskiy Kray, 618545 Russia. Serving 5 years for defending himself against
neo-nazis. (Diet unknown).

Andy Baker, A5768CE, HMP Highpoint, Stradishall, Newmarket, Suffolk, CR8 9YG,
England. Serving 21 months (Diet Unknown).

Thomas Blak, A5728CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12 OAE,
England. Serving 18 months. (Diet Unknown).

Sean Cregan, A5769CE, HMP Coldingley, Shaftesbury Road, Bisley, Woking, Surrey, GU24
9EX, England. Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Phil De Sousa, A5766CE, HMP Elmley, Church Road, Eastchurch, Sheerness, Kent, ME12
4DZ, England. Serving 21 months. (Phil is a vegetarian).

Ravinder Gill, A5770CE, HMP Wayland, Griston, Thetford, Norfolk, IP25 6RL, England.
Serving 21 months. (Diet Unknown).

Austen Jackson, A5729CE, HMP Wormwood Scrubs, PO Box 757, Du Cane Rd, London, W12
OAE, England. Serving 15 months. (Diet unknown).

Rinat Sultanov, FBU IZ-47\4, ul. Lebedeva d. 39, 195009 Saint-Petersburg Russia.
Serving 2 years for fighting with neo-nazis. (Rint is a Vegetarian).


Ihar Alinevich, c/o P.O. Box 8, Glavpochtampt, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Mikalaj Dziadok, SIZO-1, ul. Volodarskogo 2, 220050 Minsk, Belarus. Jailed for a
variety of reasons including alleged anti-mititarism and alleged involvement in
solidarity actions for two jailed Russian environmentalists. (Diet unknown)

Aliaksandar Frantskievich, Valadarskaha str., 2, SIZO-1, k. 46, Minsk, Belarus.
Co-defendant of Ihar Alinevich and Mikalaj Dziadok. (Diet unknown)

Fran Thompson, #1090915, CCC, 3151 Litton Drive, Chillicuthe, MO 64601, USA. Serving
Life for killing, in self-defence, a stalker who had broken into her home. Before
her imprisonment Fran was an eco, animal & anti-nuke campaigner. (Fran is a vegan).

animal rights activist jailed for three months for cycling slowly during a Critical
Mass protest against the bombing of Gaza. (Jonathan is a vegan).

MOVE is an eco-revolutionary group who carried out protests in defence of all life.
All move prisoners describe themselves as vegetarians. There are currently eight
MOVE activists in prison each serving 100 years after been framed for the murder of
a cop in 1979. 9th defendant, Merle Africa, died in prison in 1998.

Debbie Simms Africa (006307), Janet Holloway Africa (006308) and Janine Philips
Africa (006309) all at: SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs,
PA 16403-1238, USA.

Michael Davis Africa (AM4973) SCI Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244,

Edward Goodman Africa (AM4974), SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Rd, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

William Philips Africa (AM4984) and Delbert Orr Africa (AM4985) both at SCI Dallas
Drawer K, Dallas, PA 18612, USA.

Charles Simms Africa (AM4975), SCI Retreat, 660 State Route 11, Hunlock Creek, PA
18621, USA.

Mumia Abu Jamal, (AM8335), SCI Greene, 175 Progress Drive, Waynesburg PA 15370, USA.
In 1981 Mumia, former Black Panther and vocal supporter of MOVE, was framed for the
murder of a cop. He was originally sentenced to death but is currently awaiting
re-sentencing following a court hearing in

Some people listed in this newsletter have carried out violent actions including
assault and murder. 'Spirit of Freedom' does not condone violence. But we are also
against censorship & believe people can decide
for themselves who they wish to support.

ELP is an international eco-prisoner support network founded, in Britain, in 1993 to
support jailed eco-activists. We support the prisoners by producing various regular
prisoner lists:

Spirit of Freedom is ELP's international monthly prisoner listing which is
circulated by e-mail.

Urgent ELP! Bulletin is an e-mail service that distributes the names of any new
eco-prisoner as soon as ELP gets their details. For more info e-mail

On-Line Newsletters - ELP has a number of websites that provide news, prisoner lists
and additional info about ELP & the prisoners.

English language ELP Website
new site coming soon

Greek language ELP Website

North American ELP Website

Turkish language ELP Website

ELP Extra is an e-mail group that circulates the details of political prisoners, ELP
learns about, who do not fall within the remit for support by ELP. To subscribe to
the list e-mail

Australian ELP.SN is our Australian contact. For more info e-mail

Belgium ELP.SN is our Belgium contact. For more info e-mail

German ELP.SN is a prisoner led initiative run by eco-prisoner Marco Camenisch.

Greek ELP.SN is our Greek contact. For more info e-mail

North American ELP is our North American contact. For more information e-mail

Turkey ELP.SN is our Turkish contact. For more info e-mail