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Tag Archives: simos seisidis

Simos Seisidis acquitted, once again – juridical system continues revanchist games against anarchists

The trial of anarchists Simos Seisidis and Aris Seirinidis came to a close in Athens on Wednesday, Oct 11. According to the decision, Simos Seisidis was acquitted from the charge of “attempted murder” against the same policeman who shot him in the leg, eventually forcing its amputation. Seisidis was only convicted for gun possession, sentenced [...]

#564 | Anarchist Simos Seisidis acquitted of bank robbery charges, but returns to jail

Greek original Today, anarchist Simos Seisidis was declared innocent by all the judges at the Felonies Court of Appeals in Athens, as there was no evidence to prove his guilt “beyond doubt”, as the legal term goes.  He had been charged with seven robberies, three homicide attempts, money laundering and participation in a criminal organisation. The judges [...]

#553 | Simos Seisidis trial update

The trial of Simos Seisidis continued today, with the cross-examination of prosecution witnesses. These included the cop dispatched as a security guard at the bank where the robbery took place, one more cop, and two women. None of these recognised Seisidis and their testimonies were ludicrous, contradicting their original testimonies. This contradiction in their testimonies [...]

Seattle: Banner Drop and Disruption in Solidarity with Greek Anarchist Simos Seisidis

More photos and original text at Puget Sound Anarchists Today in Seattle in solidarity with Simos Seisidis–on the day his trial begins and the day of international solidarity with him–a group of anarchists dropped a banner off the roof of a shopping center and strung another across the street. The rooftop banner read, “Total Freedom [...]

#543 | Poster and solidarity events for anarchist prisoner Simos Seisidis

Simos Seisidis is an anarchist who, in January 2006, had an arrest warrant issued against him. More than three years later he was declared wanted with a reward of 600,000 euro offered to anyone who would aid the authorities in finding him. In May 2010, Simos was arrested in a random encounter with the police. [...]

#366 | Upcoming actions of solidarity to political prisoners

The “Solidarity Assembly” of Athens decided in it’s last assembly: Call for international solidarity to the prosecuted fighters of chile on 24th of September. In Athens the gathering will take place outside the embassy of chile. Preparation of nationwide and international actions, as the courts of Giannis Dimitrakis and the case of Chalandri approach. Demonstrations [...]

#306 | The Federation of Hospital Doctors on Seisidis

Resolution by the Federation of Hospital Doctors in Greece (OENGE) on the conditions under which Simos Seisidis is hospitalized The Federation of Hospital Doctors in Greece (OENGE) denounces the unrestrained violation of ethics –both medical and judicial  – that is taking place during Simos Seisides’ hospitalization in a special ward at KAT hospital [in Athens]. [...]

#305 | Imprisoned Greek anarchist loses his leg

Simos Seisidis is an anarchist arrested on May 3d by police in Athens. Simos has had a price on his head for a long time, accused of being a member of the so-called “robbers in black” (oi listes me ta maura) who were, allegedly, a group to which imprisoned anarchist Yiannis Dimitrakis also belonged to. [...]