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Anarchist Simos Seisidis acquitted by court and due to be released tomorrow (May 29)

Earlier today, anarchist Simos Seisidis was acquitted in court and will be finally be released tomorrow (May 29th, 2012). Simos was shot in the leg by police on May 3, 2010 and had his leg amputated soon thereafter. He has been targeted by authorities for more than 15 years.

Full background on his case at the Simos Seisidis tag and Act for Freedom.

One Comment

  1. Contra Info wrote:

    Athens: Anarchist comrade Stella Antoniou released from prison

    Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 2:21 am | Permalink

3 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. [...] From the Greek Streets: Anarchist Simos Seisidis acquitted by court and due to be released tomorrow (May 29) [...]

  2. [...] weitere Informationen zum Fall Seisidis sie hier und hier June 3rd, 2012 | Category: [...]

  3. [...] Für weitere Informationen zum Fall Seisidis sie hier und hier [...]

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