Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Police use tear gas, smoke bombs after Molotov cocktails reportedly tossed

By Monique Muise, The Gazette May 19, 2012

Tuition-hike protesters continue to march the streets of Montreal on Friday, May 18, 2012.
Photograph by: Tijana Martin , The Gazette

MONTREAL - Appeals for calm from various student associations and political leaders following the passage of a controversial new law in Quebec appeared to be largely heeded as several thousand people protested peacefully in Montreal from Friday night until 3:30 a.m. Saturday.

About two hours into the event, however, police reported a series of Molotov cocktails had been thrown at officers by a handful of protesters, prompting the riot squad to deploy smoke bombs, percussion bombs and CS gas against the entire crowd.

Until that point, Friday's demonstrators had followed a sequence of events that has become familiar to police, event organizers and the average Montrealer over the last three months; leaving Parc Émilie-Gamelin around 9 p.m. and winding their way slowly toward the downtown core. As usual, police followed closely and adjusted as the march changed course several times; at one point stopping in front of the Montreal courthouse and completely reversing direction.

Also as per usual, a small group of violent protesters attempted to cause mayhem, getting into scuffles with police shortly after the event began. But for the most part, all seemed to be unfolding peacefully.

The police response just before 10 p.m. came fast and furious, however, allegedly in response to attacks by a small group of violent demonstrators near the entrance to Montreal's Chinatown along René-Lévesque Blvd. The huge crowd immediately scattered in panic, then regrouped and kept marching peacefully en masse, chanting, "We stay together!"

While police declared the gathering illegal, they still had not intervened again as of midnight. The crowd continued to walk, splitting into smaller groups that eventaully met up again. There were scattered reports of broken windows and at least one altercation involving a bystander. Four arrests were made: two for armed aggression related to the Molotov cocktails, one for assault on an officer and one for being nude in public. Report reported that the window of a Bank of Montreal was broken and the building itself vandalized.

There was a palpable undercurrent of anger rippling through the crowd throughout the evening, likely stemming from the passage just hours before of new provincial legislation that will have a direct impact on public protests in Quebec.

The law, Bill 78, which passed in the National Assembly at 5:30 p.m. and came into effect hours later with the signature of the province’s Lieutenant Governor, stipulates that protest organizers must disclose the start time, end time and route of their planned demonstration to police eight hours before the event begins. Montreal police said they were provided with that information Friday night. Near midnight, however, the police tweeted, via @SPVM, that "Bill 78 can't be enforced this evening, because the #SPVM has to ensure the modalities of application before."

Many of those who came out for the event said they want to see the law scrapped entirely.

"I read the law, and it doesn't make sense," said high school student Laurence Simard, 16, before the march began. "The government is just closed off to the demands of students."

Her friend, Oliver Cohen, 15, said he wasn't too concerned about possible violence during the event, but added that "people are angry. And they have the right to be angry."

Friday night’s demonstration also came on the heels of the passage a controversial new municipal regulation. A bylaw adopted by Montreal city council early in the day made it illegal to wear a mask, scarf or hood during a public demonstration in the city without a valid excuse, or hold that demonstration without first providing police with a route.

Those rules are expected to come into force on Saturday morning.

Read more:

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Multiple injuries,109 arrests at Victoriaville tuition riot

Sat May. 05 2012

MONTREAL — A protester is fighting for his life after suffering head
injuries, one of several injuries that occurred after events got out of
hand at a tuition protest in Victoriaville at around 6:45 p.m. Friday.

Demonstrators stormed past barriers, tossing rocks and other projectiles
while police responded with tear gas and rubber bullets, in a series of
skirmishes that ended with 109 arrests.

Three SQ police officers were hurt, two seriously, and six demonstrators
were also injured in the clashes.

Along with the protester clinging to life, another two suffered serious
injuries, one a man with an injury to the head and the other a woman
coping with a blow to the face.

At least two police vehicles were vandalized.

The protesters had been transported in about 30 buses to make their voices
heard at the Quebec Liberal Party annual convention, taking place this

The demonstrators dismantled the barriers, which had been placed far from
the convention centre and advanced towards the hotel, tossing projectiles
in the form of billiard balls, chunks of cement and rocks.

Police helicopters hovered low atop a cloud of tear gas, as visibility was
diminished. Many on the ground, including CTV Montreal reporter Laura
Casella were caught in the crossfire and choked by the gaseous fumes (see
video at right).

Police representative Jean Finet later confirmed that rubber bullets and
other impact weapons had been employed in an effort to push the more
aggressive demonstrators back.

The scuffles lasted about two hours and included an exchange in which a
police officer was attacked and beaten by some of the estimated 2,500
demonstrators after a police car advanced towards the crowd, presumably to
help the other officer. A police official later reported that the officer
did not suffer serious injuries.

Protesters were eventually forced to withdraw but tensions remained high
after the initial skirmish

Some demonstrators who had hoped to protest peacefully reportedly fought
with other of their more aggressive brethren over the direction that the
protest had taken.

The situation eventually calmed down after rain started falling and many
of the aggressive troublemakers were rounded up.

Eventually people were allowed in and out of the hotel after several hours
of all doors being locked.

Provincial police were not immediately able to supply details concerning
arrests but busloads of rounded-up demonstrators were apparently being
brought for police processing late Friday.

According to several text entries on Twitter, some buses transporting
protesters out of Victoriaville after the protests Friday were stopped by
police attempting to round up more suspects.

During the riots several student leaders attending a meeting with
government officials in Quebec City came out to talk to media and
denounced the violence in Victoriaville and urged cooler heads to prevail.

Earlier Friday afternoon, Premier Jean Charest appeared relaxed and
reassured at the kickoff of the Quebec Liberal Party annual meeting in
Victoriaville, in spite of the specter of massive student protests.

The party's annual general meeting is being held at a convention centre
adjoining the Hotel Le Victorin.

Prior to the meeting, the convention centre was surrounded by fences and
police officers, in an effort to avoid possible disruption by protesters.

Charest was scheduled to speak at 7:20 p.m. to about 500 party members on
a topic entitled, "Together for a Greater Quebec."

Charest, in his speech, said that the tuition hikes are just and
equitable. "It's high time the student boycotters return to class," he

He also spoke harshly about PQ leader Pauline Marois, who he argued does
not possess leadership qualities.

Marois, in turn, denounced what she describe as Charest's "authoritarian"
approach to the tuition dispute at the PQ annual general meeting in Quebec
City Saturday morning, a meeting attended by about 400 party delegates.

Prior to the clashes, Victoriaville demonstrators appeared pleased by news
that student leaders were convening in Quebec City with government

"We are really happy because it's a good moment to talk and find a
solution to this crisis but we never know how it's going to end," she

Another young woman who had come with her mother sought to demonstrate
that many of the protesters were everyday people.

"There's a lot of protesters who look perfectly normal like me and my my
mom but there's a lot of police but for nothing," she said.

A luncheon meeting was scheduled for Saturday and to be presided over by
Education Minister Line Beauchamp and Finance Minister Raymond Bachand,
who were to address the tuition issue. Beauchamp later backed out of that
meeting, citing the ongoing discussions in Quebec City.

Victoriaville had been on a war footing for several days and Mayor Alain
Rayes outlined the preventative measures the city would be taking, for
example, a car dealership near the hotel had removed the vehicles from its
lot to prevent damage.

And the CEGEP de Victoriaville, which declined to take part in the school
boycott, closed its doors for two days to prevent possible damage.

On the upside, every hotel room in the city was booked for the weekend
with the influx of visitors.

With a file from The Canadian Press