
A message from Hana Shalabi’s family

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“We call upon the Palestinian National Authority, all Palestinian national factions and all Palestinians to go to the streets and participate in the support action planned on Saturday March 17 in solidarity with our daughter Hana Al-Shalabi and all administrative detainees. We will continue supporting our daughter’s hunger strike and we want to let our daughter Hana know: we are with you in your hunger strike until you achieve your demand; your immediate release from the unjust Israeli jails.

Your support to Hana is necessary to achieve Hana’s immediate release; it is also needed to support our daughter in her open hunger strike which she has started on February 16, 2012.
Finally, we call upon all administrative detainees to join Hana’s hunger strike until you achieve your own immediate release and put an end to the unjust Israeli policy of administrative detention which violates human rights and International law.”
For more details on local supporting actions planned on Saturday March 17 12-3 pm near Ofer illegal Israeli Jail- Ramallah-Occupied Palestine,  in solidarity with Hana Shalabi, click here.
To all comrades, activists, and friends all over the world, try to organize a supporting action at the same day/date/time.
Please circulate widely.

Hashtags:  #iWantAFree life for #Hanashalabi

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Thank you for posting this. Hana’s story needs maximum publicity to save her life. Yesterday, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHRI) visited Hana and reported that her health had deteriorated significantly: “The second doctor’s second examination on 12 March indicated an additional deterioration in Ms. Shalabi’s condition, shown mainly in advanced muscle atrophy and wasting, additional weight loss, a significant reduction in blood sugar, severe dizziness and severe muscle pain, especially in her chest and back.”… Read more »