CBI Court verdict must be challenged
National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM)
NAPM Condemns the criminal neglect of the prosecution in the case and complete denial of the findings of the Liberhan Commission
neglect and continuous denial of adequate treatment by the jail authorities
Committee for the Defence and Release of Dr. G. N. Saibaba
Condemnable treatment of Dr. G. N. Saibaba forcing him to go on Hunger Strike in Nagpur Central Jail!
A communist view from Moscow
Serguei Novikov
"So it would be in the interests of the Azery and Armenian people to recognise the selfdetermination of Karabakh in exchange for some purely Azery territories as well as to guarantee nonaggression and the obligation to act by peaceful means only."
Interview with Paul Cabana, representative of Poligraf Red, a Marxist group from Minsk
by Wilhelm Langthaler
When militia brutality stopped (mostly as a result of the workers’ protests), the number of workers actively supporting the opposition dwindled a lot.
End neo-liberalism
Call by the European Co-ordination against Euro, EU, NATO and Neo-liberalism
The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered off an “integral world storm” and constitutes a historical turning point. The Pandora’s box has been opened, all the chronic evils of the hyperfinancialized capitalist system have been exposed.
EU drives Minsk towards Moscow
Poligraf_Red – a Marxist group from Minsk
Belarus rail
Foreign comrades are asking us to make some comments on the situation with the sanctions imposed by the European Union against Belarus. Here is our answer.
Pics from the Austrian Peace Delegation May 2019
Pics from the Austrian Peace Delegation May 2019
May 9: celebrating the victory over fascism
Statement of European personalities in support of democratic forces
Peace for Ukraine
We are seriously concerned about the facts of the systematic pressure on the opposition in Ukraine.
The common currency was conceived as the final act of the unification of the capitalist elites in the frame of the European Union. The Euro should have sealed the brazen regime of the capitalist oligarchy led by Germany.
End Israeli apartheid
Palestine is the symbolic centre of all conflicts within the imperialist-capitalist world system. It exemplifies that (neo)colonial domination, let alone the grab of land by the West, evokes resistance. The two-state formula “land for peace” (read: partial return of land for the end of resistance) has failed as Israel sticks to its goal to take it all.
India wages war on its people
In Hindi Adivasi means first people and is used also as a self-description. Since the Indo-european settlement the mostly Dravidic Adivasis have been oppressed. They either remain below the Hindu caste system or got integrated at its lowest rank – like untouchables or Dalits. The Indian constitution deliberately avoided the notion Adivasi to ward off possible political claims emanating from the meaning.
The murderous embargo must be lifted
In the Gaza Strip one and a half million people virtually live under siege, behind barbed wire and without a chance to escape this prison camp. The living conditions are unbearable due to a severe shortage of food, medicine and clean water, strictly limited power supply and worsening hygienic conditions. Despite this situation the blockade of the Gaza Strip is tightened and the Israeli Army is launching military actions and bombardments on an almost daily basis. Those who have to suffer are the civilians.
Tahrir popular uprisings at our doors
In the first years after the formation of the Anti-imperialist Camp we used to hold an annual public summer camp in Assisi, Italy, the last one in 2004. After difficult years we revive this experience this year 2012 on the juncture of the Arab revolt and the Southern European movements against the EU crisis.