
Showing posts with the label Takei

George Takei on Kim Davis

I have always found it interesting how George Takei went from simply a sci-fi actor to a cultural icon and progressive activist. I remember him from the Star Trek films and original TV show, and knew he had to be important in a general way because he was one of he few Asian American actors I would see regularly on the screen. I did not know at the time he was gay, but eventually he reentered my general view of the world as an activist for gay rights, progressive causes and seeing the funny side of life through his Facebook page. Part of the reason that I really like Star Trek as cultural universe and historical text is because it has some progressive roots. The characters of both Uhura and Sulu were minor, but significant in their day as being examples of regular non-menial role for Asian and African American ctors. Both Takei and Nichelle Nichols have worked beyond the limits of Hollywood and extended into civil rights struggles and movements, using their position and fame to help f

Indiana Boycott News

The question Indiana's Governor Pence, can't or won't, answer by Steve Benen MSNBC 3/30/15   If Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) was looking for a way to raise his national visibility in advance of a possible presidential candidate, his new right-to-discriminate law, if nothing else, has given him the national spotlight . Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Sunday defended his decision to sign a religious freedom bill into law, saying that it was “absolutely not” a mistake.   In an interview on ABC’s “This Week” the Republican governor repeatedly dodged questions on whether the law would legally allow people of Indiana to refuse service to gay and lesbians, saying that residents of the state are “nice” and don’t discriminate and that “this is about protecting the religious liberty of people of faith and families of faith.” The interview between the Republican governor and ABC’s George Stephanopoulos featured an extraordinary exchange that matters quite

Goftaotao Si Spock

George Takei says Leonard Nimoy was 'the most human person I've ever met' by Stephan Lee Entertainment Weekly (Exclusive) Posted March 2 2015 — 2:17 PM EST George Takei worked closely with Leonard Nimoy as Sulu in the Star Trek series. EW  talked with the actor about his favorite memories of Nimoy and the brilliant actor - and friend - he remembers him to be. EW : What were your initial thoughts upon hearing about Leonard’s death? GEORGE TAKEI : He was a great man. I learned of his passing in a sad irony. We were in Boston just coming in from JFK now, but I learned at Logan Airport of Leonard’s passing—at his birthplace. It was almost a kind of a bookend. The place where he was born and to learn of his passing there.  I know that it’s a very difficult time for his wife Susan and his children, Adam particularly, who himself is a director now. A chip off the old block. I send my heartfelt condolences to them. What part did Leonard play in fighting for

George Takei for Mike Honda

Michael -- Our democracy is a people's democracy, which makes it a double-edged sword -- it can be as great as our people can be, but as fallible as them as well. That's why I'm so glad that we have Congressman Mike Honda in Washington: he's someone who always stands up for those who need it most, no matter how unpopular or politically risky the position is at the time. Since his first day in office, Mike has been a passionate and outspoken ally for the LGBT community, fighting for the rights of our community long before the Democratic Party as a whole would take up our cause. A progressive champion, Mike has never backed down from a worthy fight, or buckled in the face of adversity. But now Mike is facing the fight of his career, fending off attacks from a well-funded opponent fueled by max-out contributions from far-right conservatives. Will you join me and Democracy for America in standing with Mike Honda today by chipping in to help send our progressi