
Showing posts with the label GA

IG GA April 2020

As Pandemic Lockdown Continues on Island, Independent GuĂ„han will focus its April ONLINE General Assembly on the Importance of Sovereignty and honor Chamoru health care pioneer Amanda Guzman Shelton For Immediate Release, April 26, 2020 -  Independent GuĂ„han (IG) invites the public to attend its April General Assembly (GA), which will take place ONLINE through the group’s Facebook page on Thursday, April 30 th  from 4:00 – 5:30 pm.  The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the world, with to date, more than 2 million sick. From Guam, we have seen a variety of responses to this crisis, from countries that have both effectively combated and contained the virus, and others where the virus has spread and resulted in a significant loss of life. In a crisis such as this, we on Guam are reminded of the importance of sovereignty, or the basic ability to self-govern and seek to dictate our place in the world and relationships to others.  As the world waits to see if things

Independent GuÄhan October 2019 General Assembly

Independent GuĂ„han October General Assembly will commemorate the history of Chamoru petitions for self-determination For Immediate Release, October 21, 2019-  Independent GuĂ„han (IG) invites the public to attend their upcoming General Assembly (GA) to take place on Thursday, October 24 th from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Main Pavilion of the Chamorro Village in HagĂ„tña. This month’s GA will commemorate the more than a century of petitions by the Chamoru people for improvements in their political status. In this spirit, the group will honor as  Maga’taotao  the late Senator Francisco R. Santos, a long-serving local leader. Within months of the US takeover of Guam in 1898, the Chamoru people were already politely requesting improvements in their political status. Dozens of petitions were sent to the US Congress and the US Navy prior to World War II, some bearing thousands of signatures asking that the US improve the political status of the Chamoru people, whether by granting US citize

IG GA October 2018

Independent GuĂ„han will honor the late Ron Teehan and Discuss Managing Natural Resources in their October General Assembly For Immediate Release, October 15, 2018  Independent GuĂ„han (IG) invites the public to attend its October General Assembly (GA) on Thursday, October 25th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Main Pavilion of the Chamorro Village in HagĂ„tña. These assemblies are part of IG’s efforts to educate the community on the need for GuĂ„han’s decolonization and the potential benefits through achieving independence. This month’s GA will focus on how Guam might better manage its natural resources as an independent country.    At each GA , Independent GuĂ„han honors a   maga’taotao : a notable figure that has helped guide the island and the Chamoru people on their quest for self-determination. For October, IG will be honoring the late Ron Franquez Teehan, a long-time advocate for the rights of the Chamoru people who passed away earlier this year.    1982 Ron joined Robert Un

August 2018 GA - Does Size Matter?

Independent GuĂ„han's August Meeting will honor the late Ricky Bordallo and tackle the question “Does Size Matter?” in terms of island development For Immediate Release, August 20, 2018  Independent GuĂ„han (IG) invites the public to attend our August General Assembly ( GA ) on Thursday, August 30th, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Main Pavilion of the Chamorro Village in Ha gĂ„ tña. The event will focus on how GuĂ„han can be successful and prosperous as an independent country, and that being a small island does not truly hold us back. At each   GA , Independent GuĂ„han honors a   ma ga ’taotao : a notable figure that has helped guide the island and the Chamoru people on their quest for self-determination. This month, IG will be honoring the le ga cy of the late governor of GuĂ„han, Ricardo “Ricky” Bordallo. Bordallo served in  I Liheslaturan GuĂ„han  seven times and was elected twice as GuĂ„han’s governor. He was a strong believer in GuĂ„han, that its people were capable of great thi

IG June 2018 June GA

Independent GuĂ„han will honor the legacy of Richard Flores Taitano and discuss reforming local government in June GA Independent GuĂ„han (IG) invites the public to attend their June General Assembly (GA) on Thursday, June 28, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Main Pavilion of the Chamorro Village in HagĂ„tña. The educational focus for the evening will be on how GuĂ„han’s government can be radically reformed in an effort to provide more checks and balances and participation for the island’s residents. Media coverage and social media chatter provide regular reminders of Government of Guam corruption and malfeasance. Many feel that the levels of corruption are so high that they provide an obstacle to ever achieving independence. In this month’s GA, Independent GuĂ„han will discuss ways that the government of a decolonized GuĂ„han could be reformed to reduce corruption and also provide more means by which people can participate in the functioning of their democracy. Models from other Pac

IG May GA - Historic Preservation

Independent GuĂ„han will discuss the need for stronger historic preservation laws at May General Assembly Independent GuĂ„han (IG) invites the public to attend their May General Assembly (GA) on Thursday, May 31, from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Main Pavilion of the Chamorro Village in HagĂ„tña. The educational discussion for the evening will focus on how an independent GuĂ„han can create stronger policies around the preservation of historic sites and cultural properties. GuĂ„han has a unique and rich cultural heritage that manifests in the island’s food, historic locations, artifacts, buildings, landscape, and oral history. On an island that is becoming increasingly modernized and militarized, having strong laws for historic preservation is essential in protecting the unique identity of this island, that which makes GuĂ„han GuĂ„han. While many think that improvement must come at the cost of preservation, in reality, strong policies that promote and protect the island’s cultural resourc

The Kulo' - June

As part of Independent GuÄhan's outreach to the island community around issues of decolonization, we are proud to present our new monthly newsletter titled The Kulo'. This newsletter is put together by the Media Committee of Independent GuÄhan, which is chaired by myself and Manuel Cruz. Feel free to save the images and also once Independent GuÄhan's official website is ready, we'll be able to archive them there for public download. ***********************