
Showing posts with the label Sikh

Oak Creek

Sikh Coalition Responds To Tragic Shooting in Wisconsin For Immediate Release Contact: Sapreet Kaur:  sapreet@sikhcoa ,  212-655-3095 x 81  (will be forwarded to cell) Amardeep Singh;  amar@sikhcoalit ,  212-655-3095 x 83  (will be forwarded to cell) (New York, New York) August 5, 2012 – The Sikh Coalition, the largest Sikh American civil rights organization in the U.S., has started an emergency response in the wake of the tragic shootings in Oak Creek, Wisconsin this morning. With multiple news outlets reporting varying facts on what transpired at the Sikh temple (or Gurdwara) earlier today it remains clear that this story remains an evolving and fluid situation. “The Sikh Coalition’s thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the shooting, the Sikh community of Milwaukee, and the larger community of Wisconsin, which we know will stand with their Sikh neighbors with their support and prayers during this very trying