
Showing posts with the label Mike Cruz

Tales of Decolonization #10: The Registry...of DOOM

Guam's decolonization movement has been stalled at the governmental level for many years, and even decades depending on how you perceive things. During the Gutierrez administration the quest for decolonization was taken seriously in a variety of ways, money was provided for education, the Commonwealth movement was in full swing, although it did eventually end in 1997, and several plebiscites were scheduled. The problem was that the plebiscite was scheduled and postponed multiple times, and no real educational campaign ever took place, although at one point basic materials were distributed on a mass scale. During the next administration, that of Felix Camacho, the issue almost died completely at the government level. Community groups and civil society took up the cause, but during the entire administration of Camacho, not a single meeting of the Commission on Decolonization was held, and the office itself was given little to no support. Part of this was the hesitancy of the admini

I Hiniyong I Primary

Estague i hiniyong-na i botasion Primary nigap. Ti magof yu' put i mapedde'na i gayu-hu lao estague i hiniyong sinembatgo. Sigi ha' umessitan yu' gi este na ha'ani, na esta para bai falak as Guitierrez/Aguon yan fanule' franela, sa' achokka' matalonan i gayu-hu, ga'no-ku Gutierrez kinu Calvo. Este i fine'nina na biahi na mambota yu' gi i bandan pat patidan Republican. Ha gof fulot yu', ya ti ya-hu i sabot-na. Siempre agupa' gi duranten i taicho'cho' na ha'ani bai hu guakse i hila-hu. Desde dumongkolu yu', Democrat yu' pat mas liberal pat Inakague, lao taya' nai Republican pat Inagapa'. Achokka' ha na'triste yu' i mapedde'-na Si Mike Cruz, lumamagof sa' kaikai este na banda, para i mas payon yu' na pueston pulitikat, i Democrat na banda. Este na "experiment" i fine'nina na chinagi ya puede ha' i uttimo lokkue'. ************************** REPUBLICANS Calvo,

Great Debate Moments

My cousin got me a ticket last night to go and watch the Great Debate held at the UOG Field House between the two Republican gubernatorial teams for this year's election, Eddie Calvo and Ray Tenorio and Michael Cruz and Jim Espaldon. I have a headache right now and I have a translation project I need to finish this weekend, so my blog post might not be the best or most well-thought-out tonight, but I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on the event. In the interests of full disclosure, Segundo Maga'lahi Mike Cruz is i gayu-hu. ************************* 1. The bigger and more official-feeling the debate, the more boring it tends to be. I really wish it wasn't so, but last night's event featured the most boring, most stale and therefore mas mata'pang na questions imaginable. They all had the same format, and were as banal as possible, and to make things even worse, were read in a tone which made them even less interesting. "Compare and contrast your stanc

300 Videos

I recently hit 300 videos on Youtube. My videos are literally nothing special. Most of them are just random snippets of my life, whether in California or Guam. You'll see my kids, events I attend, my classes, things that I pass by which are interested. They aren't edited, they aren't flashy and for many of them, the camera is so shaky, kulang manunukot gui'. My hope for these videos is that 1,000 years from now, when humanity has been wiped from the face of the earth, as in the movie A.i ., and an advanced alien race visits the planet to try and discover what used to be here, someone, for some insane reason, one of my videos will be the only remanants of human life. And so those alien researchers, archeologists really, will have to conclude that the rules of this world was a cute little girl named Sumahi and that everyone spoke Chamorro with a cute valley girl accent. Anyways, enough silliness. I'm past belowing some of the more interesting picks from the last