Kenny Zulu Whitmore: Symbol of Hope, Providence and Faith

Kenny Zulu WhitmoreGreetings!

Zulu has spent 31 years in Angola; according to his files, he went there in March 14th 1977

After an unfair trial and the use of false information, Zulu was sentenced to life and 99 years in prison in 1977 for the 1973 murder of the former mayor of a small town called Zachary in Louisiana.

On his arrival at Angola, he was immediately placed in solitary confinement, where he spends a minimum of 23 hours a day in a six-by-nine-foot cell. He has also endured more than a year in the extremely cruel and restrictive Camp J, a punishment block of despairing isolation.

Click on the links (above) to learn more about Zulu's harrowing but uplifting story and to help seek justice for a man who should not be in prison.

*Words from the Zulu Committee*

As a group of artists and activists, we heard about the story of the Angola 3 (Herman Wallace, Albert Woodfox and Robert King; We made contact with them. They were amazed and delighted that their struggle for freedom was being taken up around the globe. They taught us about the US criminal justice system, life in one of the country's most notorious prisons, and what it means to be a political activist fighting for equality in the Deep South.

They also told us about their brother in Angola - Zulu. We were appalled and doubly determined to do what we could to bring his story to light.

We wrote to Zulu, telling him we were for him and with him. He wrote back to each and every one of us, and now we have a constant stream of letters and communication going back and forth. We love it when those letters stamped 'Louisiana State Pen.' arrive on our doormats.

Always good-humoured and warm, Zulu is a man who provides us with great inspiration; he is instructive and unshakably, deeply resolute. Zulu duly put us in contact with a wonderful group of Dutch activists also working on his behalf - and so our friendships and family continue to grow.

Instigated by our friends in the Netherlands, we took up a campaign earlier this year to have Zulu removed from the punitive 'Camp J' that lies within the darkest parts of Angola prison. Camp J is nought but an unspeakably harsh daily torture unit, designed to crush a man's spirit. The normal legal timeframe for keeping prisoners in this hell is six months - Zulu endured this extreme isolation for more than a year. Against all odds, and with Zulu's indomitable spirit intact, the authorities moved him back into solitary confinement. (For full story, click here)

So that's where Zulu is today - right now. In a 9'x6' cell with an hour out a day if he is lucky, here he has the chance again to work on the legal and technical aspects of his case, which remained halted while he was in Camp J, and of course to send us his thoughts and heartfelt wishes in those beautiful missives.

Zulu is currently seeking a lawyer. Click on the links (above) to learn more about his harrowing but uplifting story and find out how you can help seek justice for a man who should not be in prison.

Zulu Committee

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