
Showing posts with the label Veracifier

Taklalu i Bihu, Taitiningo' i Haga-na

Egga' este. Annok na sen taklalu Si McCain. Malalago gui' para i Ofisinan Presidente, ti debi di u taiguihi! Yanggen ti ha langak sumungon i finaisen i manmedia, taimanu na para u sungon todu i finaisen i manaotao Amerikanu? Egga' este lokkue'. Ei adai, sen taitiningo' Si Palin!!! Malalago gui' para i VP Amerikanu, debi di u malate'na kinu este. Put fin, egga' este, ya para u nina'tungo hao i diferensia gi entre i tintanos Biden yan Palin. Si Biden esta bula tiningo'-na put i lai yan gubetnamento Amerikanu. Lao Si Palin, kalang kumekematmos gui'!

DNC Day 4 - The Mall of Babel

Estague i chalan siha, nai mamamokkat yu' kada diha. Bula linahayan, yan diniskuti taiguini. Ai adai, esta mampos yafaifau ya puputi i patas-hu.

Fired Up, Ready to Go

Its just a few days now until the Democratic National Convention. Right now, I'm preparing for it by reading through Dreams of My Father, going over press releases from the Select Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, and pouring over letters and interviews that Senator Obama has given on Asian American, Pacific Islander and Native American issues. This is my first convention, so I'm making sure I've done my homework ahead of time, so I don't make a fool of myself. Here are some Youtube videos to help yourself get ready: Last month, Howard Dean and the Convention held a contest titled " Why are you a Democrat in 2008? " Youtube members were invited to make short videos explaining why they are Democrats or why they were planning on voting Democratic this year. These videos would then be submitted to the convention planners, whereby five would be selected and could be voted on by the public. The owner of the winning video would be flown to Denv

Hayi i Manakhilo'?

******************************* The Exotic Candidate Is The One With Eight Houses by Bob Cesca August 13, 2008 The Huffington Post This week, for example, Cokie Roberts and Michael Crowley , along with a creepy monster squad of Republican stalkers , have been trying to peg Senator Obama's vacation in Hawaii as proof that the script is accurate. Hawaii, they say, is only for exotic elitists . Senator Obama is in Hawaii. Therefore, Senator Obama is an exotic elitist. See how that works? Never mind that this Hawaii-is-exotic-and-elitist gripe came from a not-elitist millionaire with the not-exotic name "Cokie." This Cokie phenomenon is a solid example of the script's paradoxical, fictitious awfulness. Despite similar griping from the McBush Republicans, the truth is that Senator McCain is far and away the more elitist and exotic of the two candidates. Fact. No bias here. Let's start with Hawaii and do the list. Senator McCain met and fell in love with his cur

Clark Kontra McCain

No time to post anything today, got plenty of things to do, but let me sate you with some other peoples' thoughts on the whole Wesley Clark and John McCain dance of death over Presidential qualifications. ****************************** Published on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 by The Huffington Post Gen. Clark and That POW Thing McCain Hates Talking About by Paul Waldman The knives sure are out for retired Gen. Wesley Clark. In case you missed it: Interviewed by CBS’ Bob Schieffer on Sunday’s Face the Nation, Clark said that for all the national security experience John McCain claims, he never held a position of command during wartime. “I certainly honor his service as a prisoner of war,” Clark said. “He was a hero to me and to hundreds of thousands and millions of others in the armed forces as a prisoner of war. He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee and he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn’t held executive responsibility.” Clark then continued, “Bu