Saturday, August 22, 2009

Peltier's Parole Denial - Running Dwon the Walls - Sept 12th

We are sad to announce that yesterday Leonard Peltier was denied parole. He was not only denied his freedom but was given a 15 year hit.

On September 12th , Peltier will be 65. It will be his 33rd birthday behind bars. Held captive for a crime he did not commit. Imprisoned because of his sense of duty to protect his people and their culture. Sadly, he is just one of many held in US prisons because of their determination to fight injustice.

On September 12th, the Anarchist Black Cross Federation of Los Angeles will also be hosting our 8th annual Running Down the Walls - a 5k run to raise money and awareness for political prisoners . We will be honoring Peltier and others like him who have suffered so greatly in the struggle for a free and just world.

As part of the run, we will also be having solidarity runs through US cities and prisons. Currently, we have ten additional runs besides LA. The locations include Albuquerque, NM; Arcata, CA ; Ashland, OR; Denver, CO; Marion, IL; New York, NY; Phoenix, AZ ; Portland, OR; Tucson, AZ ; and West Massachusetts.

Peltier was one of the first political prisoners to participate in this event at a solidarity run in Leavenworth. As described by Jaan Laaman , UFF political prisoner and someone who ran with Pelitier on that day, "We ran down the walls and ran up the sun and we were glad to be doing it."

We hope that others are outrage by fate of Leonard Peltier. We hope that others are angered by the imprisonment of this man and others like him. We hope that others are so moved by this great injustice that they will join us on our day of solidarity on September 12th.

On that day, let our voices be raised together in resistance. Let the vibrations of our feet pounding against the soil raze the prison walls. Please join us at this event.

Running Down the Walls
When: Saturday, September 12, 10 am - 2 pm
Where: Whittier Narrows Regional Park Grounds
750 Santa Anita Ave South El Monte, CA 91733-4300

Registration fees: $12 preregistration; $15, the day of the run. (Make checks out to Tim Fasnacht)

For more information contact the Los Angeles Branch Group of the Anarchist Black Cross Federation
PO BOX 11223
Whitier, Ca 90603 la