
Showing posts with the label taihinengge

Allen Clifton on the Kim Davis Hypocriscy

Taya' fino'-hu put este na asunto'. Ti hongge'on i bidada-na este na palao'an Si Kim Davis.  Atan ha' este na articles siha ginen Si Allen Clifton, mas gaitiningo' gui' kinu Guahu pa'go. Atan lokkue' i memes siha put Si Kim Davis. Ai adai, sen dinanche, sen na'chalek. Mabuena. *************** A Message to Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis: You’re a Disgrace and a Hypocrite By Allen Clifton 9/2/15 Forward Progressives One of the most dominant stories of the last few days has been the continued refusal by Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, in defiance of the Supreme Court’s ruling that bans on gay marriage were unconstitutional. Wait, a slight correction – she’s actually not issuing any marriage licenses, not even to straight couples. In other words, she’s not doing her job. If you ask me, I get the feeling this is just all one big scam. Normally this isn’t a story that

Bombing the Public Square

--> I am a big fan of Bill Maher and his show Real Time on HBO. I have actually been a fan of him since his Politically Incorrect days and even remember him making his comments that lost him his original show so long ago. He has been spearheading this election season a campaign he calls “Flip a District.” After receiving thousands of suggestions from people across the US, claiming their incumbent Congressperson as being the most useless and whose absence in Congress would make their state a better place, he chose Rep. John Kline from Minnesota. Kline, a Republican is not one of the loud and aggressive and sometimes hardly sane mouthpieces that dominate Fox News, such as Louis Gomert and Michelle Bachmann. He doesn't say the sometimes ridiculous things his fellow Republican became notorious for. But he votes alongside them and practices the age-old art of incumbent invisibility. He says little, stands for less, but collects lots of money from major corporations whose a

Atheism v. Feminism?

I've been reading more and more articles by atheists lately. At first I was confused as to why, because while I've been critical of religion for most of my adult life, I never wanted to seek out a new framework for housing my lack of belief. Part of what seemed to spurn me in this direction is my World History classes and to a more limited extent my Guam History classes. In my World History classes we discuss the origins of human religion and the relationships between Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity and even Buddhism. I have an entire lecture in which we compare the historical figure of Jesus Christ, with the religious figure of Jesus Christ. From this we often move into the Bible itself and the notion that so many people whereby they feel the Bible must be true, but haven't thought about the consequences of that belief. We compare the God in the Old Testament to the God in the New Testament. The God of Noah and Job, to the God of Isiah