
Showing posts with the label Dialogue

Baseball Dialogues

For the past year I've been working under Dr. Faye Untalan on the I Ma'adahen Fino' Chamorro gi Koleho project, a grant funded by the Administration of Native Americans to create a standardized curriculum for teaching Chamorro at the college level. I've been working with Chamorro teachers from the Marianas and Hawai'i to put together a draft curriculum and we are currently pilot testing it at GCC, NMC and GCC. With the drafting of this curriculum we've gone through months of editing and polishing. Hundreds and perhaps more than a thousand potential pages were produced for the curriculum thus far, and the majority of it has been edited and erased. These pages contained exercises, activities, drills, vocabulary lists, grammar lessons and of course dialogues. Alot of these materials I've been holding on to since it can always be used somewhere else, even if it doesn't make it into this particular project. Below is one of the dialogues that was cut. It w

Occupied Okinawa #8: Naming Nationalism

Naming is necessary in life, but there is always a violence that accompanies is. When you name something you cut it off from something. You give it an identity and also take away a multitude of other possible identities at the same time. The most fundamental way in which we can feel this is through the simple assertion of “I.” To speak, you must presuppose a self who can speak, from which the thoughts, the discourse, the words, the responsibility can originate. But when you do so, you create a barrier that implicitly disconnects you from the world. Language has the interesting quality of both making you feel part of something, but alienating you at the same time. When you speak, you reach out into the word and try to make sense of the person next to you, the things you see around you, but as you, you cannot help but feel as if you actually have no control over things. Language is a terrible lover. He or she can make you feel as if you are truly loved and he or

Fanslation Chamoru #5: Korason Faha

I thought I'd do something a little different for my fanslation this time. Usually I provide some background on the manga chapter that I've translated into Chamorro and then offer to give the fanslated scans to anyone interested. This time, ( sa' ti gailugat yu') I've decided to paste here for those interested the translation I did. This time around I translated Naruto chapter 338, which is the issue where Shikamaru gets revenge for the killing of his master Asuma. ***************************** #338 – Iyo-ku Korason Faha Page 1: Kakashi: Maolek na ti atrasao hamyo. Ino: Sakura…Sai…yan Si Naruto lokkue’! Choji: Oi! Ta fanagulumi! Yamamoto: TÃ¥ya’ nai hu li’e’ hao taiguenao Kakahi, gof direchas kuetdas. Kakashi: Gof fotte este na kontrariu. Page 2: Kazuku: MÃ¥tto un otro na udu, yan esta machalapon gui’. Naruto: MÃ¥ngge Si ShikamÃ¥ru? Page 3: Choji: Mumumumu gui’ yan un otro na enimigu. Ti chago’ i dos. Kakashi: Sigi’ guatu dos yan ayuda gui’. Un suruhÃ¥nu ya