August 2020

Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

Monday, January 25, 2021

Kumeyaay 'No Border Wall on Native Land'

Photos by John Clark-Dvorak, published with permission at Censored News

Article by Brenda Norrell 
Censored News
Updated Jan. 25, 2021
Video of Stan Rodriguez interview now on YouTube:

Kumeyaay gathered Sunday on both sides of the border to hold a ceremony, and bring attention to the environmental and cultural damage done by the border wall construction.

Their communities have been cut through by the border wall, in what is known as San Diego County, California, and Baja California, Mexico.

Responding to a National Call for Action, Kumeyaay elder Stan Rodriguez, Santa Ysabel of the Iipay Nation, described the destruction to sacred places by the border wall construction, and how the southern border has cut through Kumeyaay communities.

The message to President Biden was, "Halt border wall construction and repair the damage."

"Keep your word."

Rodriguez said Kumeyaay ancestral territory spans from the Pacific Ocean to the desert.

"We have been here since time immemorial, for thousands and thousands of years."

Kumeyaay have ancient villages where they once lived that are now under the Pacific Ocean, from the last ice age. Kumeyaay have fish traps that are in the desert, where there was once a large lake, he said.

"The Kumeyaay people are no stranger to climate change, and we are no stranger to pandemics," Rodriguez said.

Kumeyaay are now being denied access to their sacred places, and denied their right to practice their religion, guaranteed under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, because of the border wall, he said.

All along the southern border, the Carrizo, Kickapoo, Yoeme, Tohono O'odham, and  Cocopah are struggling with encroachment and desecration of their sacred sites, he said.

Without consulting Kumeyaay, the border wall construction desecrated a sacred ceremonial area and a sacred hot springs used for healing, he said.

"We are not owners of this land, we are part of it."

Rodriguez said Kumeyaay from both sides of the border gathered for the prayer circle and sacred traditional songs on Sunday.

"We are not going to let that border stop us from being who we are."

Kumeyaay have a wealth of knowledge, a library of knowledge, gained from thousands of years of caring for their land. Kumeyaay cared for the land in a way to make it beautiful, using a system of agriculture with acorns.

"The Earth is our Mother."

"What happens when you don't care for your Mother?"

"She gets a fever, a fever to burn away the virus."

Listen to the full interview with Stan Rodriguez. The video is now on YouTube. Video by John Clark-Dvorak.

In related news, border wall contractors continued border wall construction last week at numerous sites on the Arizona and Texas border, defying President Biden's executive order to halt border wall construction. It is documented in these photos and videos:

Also see today's news coverage in Tecate, Mexico: Kumiai, en espanol, Tecate, Baja California, Mexico, hoy:

Standing Rock Thunderhawk Litigation Advances in Appeals Court against Morton County and TigerSwan

Photo copyright Ryan Vizzions

Standing Rock Thunderhawk Litigation Advances in Appeals Court and in Discovery Toward Trial

Columbia Students Provide Critical Assistance in Civil Rights Lawsuit  

Thunderhawk v. County of Morton, North Dakota

By Columbia School of Law
Jan. 25, 2021
Censored News
NEW YORK — Advancing yet another step toward trial set for August 2021, the Standing Rock Thunderhawk litigation is now in discovery against Morton County and TigerSwan, LLC, and briefed on qualified immunity at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. 
On Friday, January 22, 2021, counsel for the Thunderhawk plaintiffs filed their 76-page brief in the appeals court in support of the district court's denial of qualified immunity. The same day, Thunderhawk counsel filed their first set of interrogatories and requests for production to TigerSwan, LLC, a private security company and co-defendant, that worked closely with law enforcement, facilitating the constitutional violations at the heart of the case. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Border Wall construction continuing defying Biden's executive order

The destruction by border wall contractors accelerates after President Biden's order to halt construction

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

Border wall construction is continuing on the Arizona border, even though President Biden issued an executive order for it to halt on his first day in office.

Border wall contractors continued the destruction of blasting mountains and destroying critical habitat of endangered species this week after President Biden  ordered it halted.

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Friday, January 22, 2021

Western Shoshone celebrating Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

By Native Community Action Council

January 22, 2021

LAS VEGAS -- The Native Community Action Council is celebrating the Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entry into force by gathering in Las Vegas at the Federal Courthouse to hold banners affirming the entry into force of the treaty. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

President Biden halts Keystone XL Pipeline and Border Wall Construction

Photo by Laiken Jordahl

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

President Biden signed executive orders revoking the Keystone XL Pipeline permit, halting funding for the border wall, reviewing boundaries of Bears Ears, and issued a moratorium on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Cheyenne River Lakota Chairman Harold Frazier in South Dakota immediately praised Biden for recognizing the danger the Keystone XL Pipeline poses to the land and people.