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    Yemen says more than 2,000 killed in uprising

    SANAA, Yemen (AP) — More than 2,000 people have been killed in a year of political turmoil that led to the resignation of Yemen's longtime president, the government disclosed Sunday. The figure is much higher than human rights groups estimated.

    The government released its first casualty figures on a day when crowds of protesters were marking one year since a particularly bloody day, when dozens were killed.

    Yemen's Ministry of Human Rights said the figure of at least 2,000 includes both unarmed protesters and military defectors, as well as more than 120 children. It said 22,000 people were wounded over the past year.

    The London-based human rights group Amnesty International estimated earlier this year that 200 protesters had been killed in the uprising.

    The government of Ali Abdullah Saleh, who stepped down as president last month after more than three decades in power, never released casualty figures.

    For nearly a year, armed men in plain clothes loyal to Saleh attacked anti-government protesters, while security forces did little to stop them.

    Yemenis protested across the country on Sunday to mark the killing of more than 50 protesters last year by snipers loyal to the former regime.

    Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets in at least 18 provinces to demand that Saleh be tried for the deaths of protesters killed a year ago on "Friday of Dignity," when snipers fired from rooftops at protesters in Sanaa's Change Square.

    As part of an internationally backed deal, Saleh was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for handing over powers to his vice president.

    Saleh's successor, Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, decreed on Sunday that families who lost relatives in the uprising would be given a monthly stipend.

    The newly appointed prime minister, Salem Mohammed Bassindwa, visited Sanaa's Change Square on Sunday and prayed at a cemetery where protesters were buried. He told youth demonstrators that he would fulfill the goals of their movement.

    He denounced the "blatant attacks on hundreds of thousands of revolutionaries and people exercising their right to demonstrate peacefully." Bassindwa heads a coalition government comprised of ministers from both Saleh's regime and the opposition.

    The internal turmoil has led to a collapse of security in many parts of Yemen.

    On Sunday, two gunmen dressed in military uniforms on a motorcycle shot dead an American teacher working at a language institute in the central Yemen city of Taiz, said the region's provincial governor, Hamoud al-Sufi.

    Taiz is the second largest city in Yemen and has been a center of anti-government protests.

    Al -Sufi did not have details on who the killers might be and said an investigation was in progress.

    The head of security in Taiz, Ali Saidi, said the American, identified as Joel Wesley, was killed in his car when the assailants sped up next to him and opened fire. Wesley worked for two years at the Swiss Language Institute, financed by the International Training and Development Center. The center, established in Yemen in the 1970s, is one of the oldest foreign language institutes in the impoverished Arab country.

    Further south, security officials said a naval bombardment on Sunday killed more than 16 al-Qaida fighters in Aden's provincial capital of Zinjibar. Militants affiliated with al-Qaida have taken advantage of the chaos in Yemen to seize control of cities and town in that area.

    In another attack Sunday, medical officials said an aerial assault killed at least eight militants in Jaar, just north of Zinjibar. Both cities have been under al-Qaida control since last spring. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to disclose the information.

    Residents said a civilian was wounded when an airstrike hit a post office used as a hospital in Jaar. The city's main hospital was destroyed in a government bombardment last year.



    • over here in this line  •  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  •  2 days 9 hrs ago
      Population control?
    • Ralph S.  •  Baytown, Texas  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      Father, may the Earth open up and swallow them whole! YEMEN!
    • SEAN  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      Well, if their killing each other that means their leaving us alone.
    • Sunny Boy  •  2 days 10 hrs ago
      We have too many deaths in America.
    • RobertP  •  Bridgeport, Connecticut  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      Oh good! Here's another skirmish that the USA can get involved in. I'm surprised that Mr. McCain hasn't brought it up yet.
    • lonewolf  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      Just another day in a peace loving muzzie country.
    • Bluedragon  •  Canton, Ohio  •  2 days 7 hrs ago
      sounds low to me...
    • Ted Koppel  •  Boston, Massachusetts  •  2 days 7 hrs ago
      Let us know when it gets to...wait what's the population of Yemen...when it gets to 25mil.
    • Peter  •  Montoursville, Pennsylvania  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      A kind man who was trying to bridge the gap between cultures and languages was brutally murdered by the AlQuaeda cowards who shot an unarmed civilian for the alleged crime of being a christian. Why are they so afraid of Christians? Is thier faith that weak?
    • wanderer  •  2 days 0 hrs ago
      Yahoo finally posted some good news.
    • Harold  •  St Louis, Missouri  •  2 days 3 hrs ago
      only 2000 dead, yeaH RIGHT ,MORE LIKE 20,000 AND GROWING
    • Gekko G. et al  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      so nice
    • Buster  •  St Louis, Missouri  •  2 days 7 hrs ago
      Where are the muslims finding all these virgins?
    • Weto  •  Albuquerque, New Mexico  •  2 days 1 hr ago
      That is a Lot of Virgin Goats !!
    • terryt  •  Dunkirk, New York  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      If Ruwanda can heal itself,so can Yemen
    • Onde  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      F@#$ing arabs! Not happy unless the are blowing crap up or killing something!
    • Larry  •  Frankfort, Illinois  •  2 days 5 hrs ago
      Time to get out, wait until the bloodshed and sides are determined as to whether we help humanitarily or kick some butt as we will now know who our enemies are. That goes for Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and any other mid east country.
    • More Betta  •  Kahului, Hawaii  •  2 days 9 hrs ago
      Bravo ! keep up the good work. Extended Falafel subsidies appear to be doing the job, that alone with increased goat auctions
    • Cottenball, whitewolf, a ...  •  Houston, Texas  •  2 days 6 hrs ago
      Sahih al Bukhari 6.61.510- "Uthman sent every Muslim Provence one copy of what they had copied and ordered that all other Qur'anic materials, whether written in fragmentary manuscripts or whole copies be burnt" So they were the first to burn their so called holy books.
      Qu'ran 8:12- "Terrorize and behead infidels wherever you find them"
      Qu'ran 9:29-"Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, those who do not consider lawful that which has been made unlawful by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the people of the Scripture (Christians and Jews)..." There are 109 passages advocating violence against non Muslims and commanded to every Muslim who truly follows Muhammad. Name one scripture in which Christ advocated violence. You won't find it, not even in the Quran.
    • Kevin  •  Atlanta, Georgia  •  2 days 5 hrs ago

      These are the same losers that were dancing n the street on 9/11 about us.
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