
Showing posts with the label Fun

I Tigiri Kontra I Leon

Hunggan, esta hu tungo' na sina Guahu ha', gi entre todu i Chamoru, ni' ya-na umegga' cricket. I'm pretty sure, and people have backed me up on this, that I am the only Chamorro who likes watching and following cricket. Ai adai, hunggan makkat este na tinaiga'chong. Lao esta payun yu' nu este na klasin siniente. Estaba, sina Guahu ha' ya-na umegga' Bollywood lokkue'. Fihu masangan yu' na likidu na Chamoru yu'. So, not belonging to a "cricket culture" I don't have much access to cricket, and I'm not really sure how to get access to it. I'm not sure what channels I could watch it on, what websites you can see matches for free through. If there is radio stations that I can listen to matches online, I don't know which they are, or how to sign on. Its a little bit frustrating. When there are games on that I want to follow, my only real option is to follow them through websites such as Cricinfo. Cricinfo is (probably)

Fantasy Cricket

People often ask me: "Kao guaha fun gi lina'la'-mu? Pat puru ha' che'cho'?" "Do you have any fun in your life, or is it just work?" I do admit that I do seem to privilege non-"fun" things in my life, but focusing most of my energies and time on different academic, activist and social justice projects. Right now I've got two big conferences on my plate that I'm helping organize for the Spring. One in March in my department at UCSD titled " Postcolonial Futures in a Not Yet Postcolonial World: Locating the Intersections of Ethnic, Indigenous and Postcolonial Studies ." The other will be in May and will be the 3rd Famoksaiyan conference. More info soon on this one, right now we're trying to secure a location and get the date set. I've also been writing some articles for different groups, publications and websties, including a piece for Guampedia I've been working non-stop on since the end of last year, on exp