Showing posts with label Utah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Utah. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Voices from Solitary: From the Vortex of Uinta One

June 14, 2012 Solitary Watch

 The following comes to Solitary Watch from inmate Brandon Green at Utah State Prison, Draper’s Uinta One facility. The facility currently holds 91 inmates in solitary confinement, including the state’s death row. Green has been in isolation for five years, after a brief period released from prison before being rearrested.  He has been corresponding with Solitary Watch since February, and has been a prolific writer, chronicling his harrowing experience in isolation. He has described his situation, and the challenge of expressing his situation, this way: “I told my cousin that it’s like he and everyone out on the street is building a life, a “house,” while we sit holding up the roof to our past “houses” as it slowly just crumbles. How does one who is busy building understand how it is to just sit and hold up a roof? They can’t.” The following is a sampling of his writings. –Sal Rodriguez

Where to begin? How to begin? One fellow captive described Uinta One as a vortex. It just keeps sucking you in. My first experience of solitary was in 2004. I was around 21 years of age. I was put in a shower in handcuffs as they searched my cell and I slipped handcuffs from behind my back to the front, then was unable to put them back when ordered to. Thus solitary. My first taste.

I remember crying a lot at first. At night mostly, as the night crept up on me. My neighbors would want my cookies from my white sacks. And they offered all these colorful pills. “Green to sleep, red to wake up,” they’d say. So I fished off my cookies under my door to my neighbor so I could sleep instead of cry.

I remember paroling in 2006 after I’d done two stints in solitary. My mom picked me up and just to hear the music on the radio gave me cold chills. Being so long without music. Mom took me to a restaurant and we sat down to eat. I got nervous because of all the people, hopped up, went to the car and waited for her as I listened to music. I sat paranoid looking in the mirrors at all these people coming and going from their cars to stores and back. I felt like…like a bad guy. Outlaw. That no one will know what it was like to sit alone for so long with just my thoughts.

I’m pretty sure I wasn’t imagining my moms “just cried out face” as she hopped back in the car and drove us home. “How could he,” she probably thought “after all that time. Does he hate me?”

“How could she,” I thought, “after years of eating all alone, how could she not know I’d be nervous.” Neither understanding. Both blaming the other while feeling guilty ourselves.
It’s been almost five years since we’ve spoken.

I sit going on five years straight in the hole. A sound of buzzing comes from my exhaust vent because I place a piece of paper there to create sound. My door is plugged off, with white sacks, except for a small place at the bottom to allow air and mail. I go through these periods of extreme abdominal pains, blood shot eyes, dizziness because of my Hepatitis-C. I’ve not shaved or had a haircut for almost five years. I do not leave my cell unless guards do a search or I get blood tests for my disease.
My knee is pulled because of overexercise and pacing. To pace, then turn, then pace, then turn, really screws up the knees after a while.

We have these sandbags surrounding our doors so we cannot fish. Bugs get trapped under these and set up little colonies and infiltrate our cells. Most of these toilets do not flush correctly and most cell toilets stink with green moss inside the bowls. Most air vents are clogged and one can taste the city exhaust smoke as one chews ones carrots.

Just this week, a captive was antagonized by a guard. The captive requested mental health. Was laughed at (at his door and over the cell electronic speaker). He snapped, took all his “fish oil” medications, pulled his cell sprinkler then proceeded to swallow the metal sprinkler. He’s been gone days. Probably in section four–suicide watch.

Section one is death row. Sections two and three are general hole, intensive management unit. Section four is suicide watch with an officer in section 24/7 with 15 minute checks. All other sections have hourly checks. Uinta One tortures 96 people in all. 8 sections of 12 a piece. We cannot see out our doors into the sections because of a metal window flap that is clipped on. Month back someone swallowed a window clip.

Some captives have been known to stuff shampoo bottles up their ass. Shove staples in their penis. Head butt the walls. Bite holes in their wrists with their teeth. Cut out veins with fingernails–I’m guilty of that one.

No phone calls since April 2008. No radio, T.V., magazines, visits, sunshine. Here in Uinta One we are handcuffed behind the back, dogleashed, pillow-case over the head, shackled, taken to and from shower every Tues, Thurs, Saturday. It’s degrading.

Trust me
Waking up to a nosebleed
Falling Asleep in a nightmare
Growing old minus the growing up
Adolescent at almost thirty
Buried in Cement
Pig mindgames, taxpayers hate, facial hair
Cant kill yourself because they watch
Camera mounted up in the corner
Razor cut scars on inside of elbow
Brain damage, swollen liver, tired heart
Does the crazy man know he’s crazy
Dead people don’t know they’re dead
Do those who hate me count as family
Those who can’t trust me don’t count as friends
King James! Version of the Holy Bible
Verses one of his slaves’ version of peoples liberation
White nation labor aristocrats bought off by King
Off with their heads–Away with their playthings
Give them cowards three meals and smelly mattress
Flatscreen TVs
Tuned 24/7 to the new
Revolutionary TV
Lynch mob soda repackaged justice soda
Law and order on can
Inside a caffeinated Jim Crow
Flavored with a War on Drugs
AKA PIG social control quota
Waking up to the nightmare
Falling asleep to the mindwash
Old man at almost thirty buried in cement
Growing old without the giving up

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Support Grand Jury Resister Jordan Halliday


Hey friends,

I know it seems like forever ago that Jordan Halliday was first
called to a Grand Jury which he resisted. In a way it was forever
ago, he was first approached by the FBI in 2008 regarding local mink
farm raids in Utah. He refused to cooperate with the FBI and was told
he would face a subpoena to testify in front of a grand jury. Six
months later the FBI followed through, Subpoenaing both Jordan and
another 'activist' who chose to testify. Jordan however chose to
resist the grand jury in protest due to its abusive and archaic nature.

Grand juries are called when the government lacks evidence to indict
an individual for a crime. Witnesses are subpoenaed to testify before
the grand jury in hopes of providing evidence to the prosecution.
Little is known about these secretive proceedings, because all
information is considered sealed and classified. A witness that is
called before a grand jury is not allowed to have a lawyer present
with them in the grand jury room.

In recent years activists have seen an increase in subpoenas to grand
juries. These subpoenas are often used to harass and intimidate legal
above-ground activists, like Jordan feels is the case, in his
situation. The prosecutor can ask any question and if you refuse to
answer or if you lie, you could be held in contempt of court or
perjury. With no lawyer present for the witnesses, prosecutors can
often ask for information not relevant to a crime in hopes to harass,
intimidate or 'fish' for information, in a secretive manner which
many consider a modern day witch hunt. Jordan said he was mainly
asked information about his friends, family, and general life and
refused to answer any of them.

Jordan refused to answer any of the questions he was asked, the 3
times he was subpoenaed. He was incarcerated after his second
appearance for "civil contempt of court". He eventually was granted
immunity. Yet still refused to cooperate and stayed in jail until the
term of the grand jury expired 4 months later. Upon release he was
indicted with "criminal contempt of court", and was released on
pre-trial pending trial, eventually he took a non-cooperating plea
deal, and was sentenced to 10 months plus 3 years probation under the
guidelines low-end range for "obstruction of justice", which has a
10-16 months recommended range. He was ordered to report to the
federal custody early January, 2011. Although he was able to stay out
on a release pending his appeal, just days before he was due to
present himself.

Jordan and his lawyer filed an appeal arguing that a guideline range
for "failure to appear" which has a 0-6 month recommended range, was
more fitting for Jordan, who still to this day claims he has no
knowledge of any illegal underground activity or actions. In fact the
individuals Jordan was allegedly called in to testify against, have
both already been indicted, convicted, sentenced and have served
their time already, without the help of a testimony by Jordan.

On November 15th, 2011, Jordan's attorney argued their final
arguments before the court of appeals in Denver, Colorado. Jordan
says he felt a bias and hostility from the beginning and although his
lawyer did an excellent job, felt the judges already had their minds
made up. Jordan's lawyer also said he wasn't very optimistic about
the outcome. It typically takes 3-6 months before a ruling comes back.

Although we remain optimistic that Jordan might still win his appeal
and get the low-end sentence of 0 months, we are also confronting the
reality that he is more likely going back, than staying out. With the
possibility of prison coming soon for Jordan. We have decided to
start accepting donations again. Currently he is now only around $350
in legal debt, although we will continue collecting donations in case
of incarceration. If Jordan wins his appeal and doesn't end of having
to serve any additional time, we will be distributing the remaining
donations to other political prisoners and activists in need.

You can donate by PayPal by visiting "", or you can
send a donation or letter of support to:

Jordan Halliday
PO BOX 601
West Jordan, Utah 84084

This is an important case for the future of all activists, radicals
and dissidents. If his appeal is not heard, he will be going back to
prison for an additional 10 months, this is on top of the 4 he
already served. With a total of 14 months and 3 years probation, he
will be serving more time than the individuals he was called to
testify against, who were convicted under the Animal Enterprise
Terrorism Act. Jordan is also the first dissident in decades and only
the 3rd known case to be convicted of "criminal contempt of court"
after already serving time for "civil contempt of court".

Jordan needs our support now more than ever. Let him know he hasn't
been forgotten in this long period of legal battles.

We are all proud of Jordan. Please re-post this to as many places as
you can. He needs our support.

-Jordan's Support Committee

-Animal Defense League of Salt Lake City