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Anarchy. Direct action. Impartial p2

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On 4th November Maxim Vetkin is detained as a suspect for the attack on the Russian embassy. He admits his guilt and assists the preliminary inquest. On 17th November Dzianis Bystryk is detained but is set free in a few days without any sanction. On Friday November 19 a criminal investigator Ivchenko, who investigates the anarchist cases, and two other service officers, Sokolov and Demjanov, came to the detention facility where I had been staying and drove me away. On the way to Department for Organized Crime Control they asked me if I want to get a criminal record. I said that of course I didn't. Then they said that to avoid the trial that they can organise for me and make a defendant for one of the episodes I had to help them. As a person who had been living with Ihar Alinevich for a year in one flat I should enjoy his confidence and they thought I was the person who could help them capture Ihar. I answered that even if I wanted I couldn't help them because I was not in touch with Ihar now. They answered that my life was in their hands, today I was a witness, tomorrow I would be a defendant, they would put me in prison... generally, they threated me with different unpleasant perspectives. They mentioned one of my acquaintances who according to their information kept in touch with Ihar Alinevich. I had to meet her and try to make clear how I can find him. They said I wouldn't have to capture him, I should just contact him and make an appointment, the rest they would do by themselves. Sokolov also told me that after my release the human right activists will try to contact me from human rights organization "Vesna". Sokolov said that i should contact him when "Vesna" will try to contact me and he will pass me a tape recorder so i will be able to tape our conversation with human right activist, because Department for Organized Crime Control was very interested in the role of "Vesna" in that case. I didn't want to help them find Ihar, so I never met this girl and when they called I used to say that I had no information, she didn't tell me anything, that Ihar hadn't contact her lately etc. After that i figured out that at the end of november Ihar was arrested in Moscow after the phone call with Anton Laptenok Everything is saying that Anton was acting the same way i was asked to. This plan comes to life on 28th November when Ihar Alinevich is kidnapped in Moscow by secret-service agents when trying to meet his former comerade, Anton Laptsionak, who was one of the detained on 3rd September. Only in a few days his parents find Ihar in KGB detention facility in Minsk, where he was delivered disregarding any norms of international rule of criminal extradition. He is accused of several episodes, including the attack on the Russian embassy. Ihar admits that he took part in the anti-militarist action but he doesn’t consider it a felony. He told me that i should participate in the filming of the movie about the protests movements in Belarus. Particularly about the anarchists I should understand my legal situation and i didn't have any other option, so i have to participate in it. On my question when it will be, he said "right now", because they don't have any time and the elections are coming. I said that i don't want to. He said that don't rush too much. Your friends were filmed - ihar, maxim. I said that i don't see any reason to participate in that movie. After that we came to the TV center where Urii Prokopov met us. They showed me the interview with Ihar Olinevich 20 minutes long. I haven't seen it all, only the moments where Ihar was speaking about different anarchist theories. After that they had showed me text file from Maxim Vetkin interview, but i didn't read it. After the TV center i went home. On the way back Sokolov started calling me. He said that he understand me and i should come next day to their police department tomorrow for a talk. The very evening i packed my stuff and left the country. Because i had only two options - to participate in that movie or to go to the prison. On 6th December Lukashenko states that all the people involved in the attack on the Russian embassy are found and neutralized. We got over the period when we could be plunged into chaos. Today we have everything: 'unpopular' special service which does its duty and 'bad-good' police forces – our police, and a perfect army that provides our security. We will overcome any attack – we will manage everything. And the people who threw bottles into the Rusian embassy are already found. hey have already confessed how it was and where. We just hold our tongue about it, let some our neighbours feel ashamed. On 19th December, the election day, Belarusian anarchists take part in a mass protest against false election results, where they also remind of the political prisoners. Come out to the streets – reclaim the city! Lukashenko reacts in his best manner ...there have come 20 anarchists from Russia? and others have been.. we found them all! People from many countries! That wasn't only belorussian variant! I told: is there will be any stir, we have enough fuel to add to the fire. I warned: you didn't know with whom you are messing up. I wouldn't hide in a vault. So let's finish on that point. On 26th January the internal affairs minister states that 5 Belarusian anarchists are accused of the attack the Russian embassy and one more person involved is wanted. He also believes that the last suspected person is to be detained in the near future. Nevertheless, we haven’t heard of any more detentions. Earlier the accusation was limited to the article 339.2 (Hooliganism) contemplating up to 6 years of imprisonment, but recently one more article was added – Intentional damage of property and the defendants now face up to 12 years of jail. Overall extent of damage inflicted is about $20 000.

Video Details

Duration: 11 minutes and 13 seconds
Country: Belarus
Language: English
Producer: Anarchists Black Cross Belarus
Director: Anarchists Black Cross Belarus
Views: 258
Posted by: mr.dotsubber on Aug 18, 2011

The documentary by ABC Belarus to cover the repressions of the anarchist movement in Belarus from september 2010 up to february 2011. The movie include the comments from anarchists, Russian and belarus officials, human right activists.

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