Community Advisory Board

Critical Resistance has a Community Advisory Board who offer insight, support, and skills to our membership, campaigns, projects, and events. We are honored to work with a group of people, both inside and outside of prison walls, that represents such a breadth and depth of movement experience and knowledge.*

Our Community Advisors are:

Avery Gordon, University of California, Santa Barbara

Beth Richie, University of Illinois at Chicago

Bonnie Kerness, American Friends Service Committee

Claude Marks, Freedom Archives

Craig Gilmore, California Prison Moratorium Project

Darryl Jordan, Former Director American Friends Service Committee’s Third World Coalition

Dennis Childs, University of California, San Diego

Dolores Canales, California Families to Abolish Solitary Confinement

Eddy Zheng, Asian Prisoner Support Committee

Ellen Barry, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

Fahd Amed, Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM)

Hashim Benford, Power U

Jason Lydon

Kai Lumumba Barrow, Gallery of the Streets

Lara Kiswani, Arab Resource and Organizing Center

Laura Pulido, University of Southern California

Layne Mullet, Decarcerate PA

Linda Evans, All of Us or None

Linda M. Thurston, War Resisters League

Mariame Kaba, Project Nia and Survived & Punished

Melanie Cervantes, Dignidad Rebelde

Mujahid Farid, Release Aging People in Prison

Phil Scraton, Queens College, Belfast

Ruthie Gilmore, City University of New York

Tamika Middleton

Walt Senterfitt, public health epidemiologist, Los Angeles Tenants Union, HIV Prevention Justice Alliance

Note: There are also imprisoned people on our Advisory Board, but they are not named to prevent retaliation from prison regimes.


  • Our Community Advisors are different than a traditional “Board” as they do not have decision-making power over the organization nor are responsible for our finances. They are a movement-building and membership-development resource for our organization that work hand-in-hand with membership and staff.