
Showing posts with the label New Orleans

Shock Doctrine in New Orleans

Published on Friday, December 21, 2007 by Huffington Post The Shock Doctrine in Action in New Orleans by Naomi Klein Readers of The Shock Doctrine know that one of the most shameless examples of disaster capitalism has been the attempt to exploit the disastrous flooding of New Orleans to close down that city’s public housing projects, some of the only affordable units in the city. Most of the buildings sustained minimal flood damage, but they happen to occupy valuable land that make for perfect condo developments and hotels. The final showdown over New Orleans public housing is playing out in dramatic fashion right now. The conflict is a classic example of the “triple shock” formula at the core of the doctrine. First came the shock of the original disaster: the flood and the traumatic evacuation. Next came the “economic shock therapy”: using the window of opportunity opened up by the first shock to push through a rapid-fire attack on the city’s public services and spaces, most not