
Showing posts with the label Gamson

Looking at the Tip of the Spear

Looking at the ‘tip of the spear’ How U.S. Military policy in Guam, a proposed “mega build-up” and population displacement are destroying the island and its people.  by Craig Santos Perez June 6, 2014 The Hawaii Independent GuÃ¥han (Guam), an unincorporated territory of the United States, is the largest and most populated island in Micronesia. For a local comparison, GuÃ¥han is larger than LanaÊ»i yet smaller than MolokaÊ»i. Similar to OÊ»ahu, U.S.military bases occupy a third of GuÃ¥han’s landmass. Kanaka Maoli activist and scholar Kaleikoa KaÊ»eo once described the U.S. military as a monstrous heÊ»e (octopus). Imagine Pacific Command headquarters as its head, the mountaintop telescopes as its eyes, and the supercomputers and fiber optic networks as its brain and nerve system. Now imagine one of its weaponized tentacles strangling GuÃ¥han: “The Tip of the Spear.” In 2009, details of a military “ mega-buildup ” on GuÃ¥han were released in a dra

I Ilun i Gamson

Hawaii: Head of the Tentacled Beast By Jon Letman, October 18, 2012 Foreign Policy in Focus Fresh from hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Honolulu last autumn, U.S. President Barack Obama recently told members of the Australian Parliament that America’s defense posture across the Asia-Pacific would be “more broadly distributed…more flexible—with new capabilities to ensure that our forces can operate freely.” The announcement of America’s “ Asia-Pacific pivot ” by its first Hawaiia-born president was highly fitting, since the Hawaiian Islands are at the piko (“navel” in Hawaiian) of this vast region. A less flattering metaphor for Hawaii’s role in the Pacific is what Maui educator and native Hawaiian activist Kaleikoa Kaeo has called a giant octopus whose tentacles reach across the ocean clutching Japan, Okinawa, South Korea, Jeju island, Guam—and, at times, the Philippines, American Samoa, Wake Island, Bikini Atoll, and Kwajalein At