
BGSP’s impact on clinical technique and the number of gifted clinicians among our alumni far exceed our stature. The School’s highly individualized approach to learning helps students uniquely shape their professional lives, producing clinical mental health counselors, scholars, and psychoanalysts who are able and confident in their abilities to remove impediments to the extraordinary, lasting growth of which virtually all people are capable.

We invite you to discover the BGSP community.

BGSP’s highly engaged community is deeply committed to furthering humanity’s understanding of the unconscious forces that drive us, helping individuals lead more fulfilling lives, and addressing the societal and cultural challenges we continue to face.

Nearly 50 years after its founding, BGSP opens its doors to qualified students from all corners of the world to learn powerful approaches for understanding psychodynamics and effecting change in diverse settings, clinical and otherwise.

Contributing through our Therapy Center, School Outreach Program, and work in the community, our students graduate with confidence in their abilities to work skillfully with a wide range of patients in a variety of settings.


is the average salary range of BGSP graduates


of BGSP graduates hold clinical jobs or are in private practice.

“Now, more than ever, it is very important that we understand people and how they operate at the deepest level.”

Dr. Jane Snyder

Here, they see you as a person, not a test score. The admissions process at BGSP gives you a good feel for what the school is like. Rather than asking you to submit a GRE score, they ask you to come interview with three faculty members. Even before I was admitted, the professors genuinely wanted to know me as a person.”

Ranjana Mayar, Master’s in Mental Health Counseling Graduate, 2019
