
Showing posts with the label University

Your History, My Cage

Mampos meggai na sina hu sangan pat tuge' put hafa masusesedi giya Ferguson .  Lao fihu hinalang yu' ni i kuentos otro. Sesso i mas a'gang i mas taitiningo' lokkue'. Para i gaihinasso pat gaitingo' na taotao fitme esta i sinangan-na yan hinengge-na. Ti guailayi na u essalaogue i batkada. Lao gi i tiempon pa'go, guaha meggai na prublema siha giya Amerika. Lao ga'o'-niha i pumalu pumupuni siha, kinu umadmimite. Este na prublema ti ma'pos, ti antigu, ti put estoria ha'. Este na prublema put taimanu na dumadana' ha' i ma'pos yan i pa'go. Ko'lo'lo'na para i mangaikulot na taotao. Para i manggaikulot, para i mannatibu Amerikanu siha, para i manattelong (black). I estorian otro (manma'pos) i gigao-mu pa'go.  Para siha, para hafa na ta chathassuyi este. Lao para Hita, este na prublema siha, este na estorian hinekse i oriya-ta yan i minagahet-ta. Guini papa' hu na'chechetton un

Vince Diaz on the Salaita Case

From Vicente Diaz University of Illinois, UC ***************** Some of you asked for my comments delivered before the Senate on Monday. i couldn't attach it so I paste it here: My name is Vicente M. Diaz. I am an Associate Professor in American Indian Studies and Anthropology. I am also an affiliate faculty member in History and Asian American Studies. I represent American Indian Studies; in fact, I co-chaired the search committee that recommended the hire of Steven Salaita. I’m here to express moral indignation and outrage at the BOT’s denial of Prof. Salaita’s hire. Far from over, and even further from correct, our leadership’s decision is a wrongheaded and misguided action that has tarnished our university’s reputation among academics who know and understand how academia is supposed to work. It has also put us in actual harm’s way, some of us more than others. Above all, this administration has willingly placed political expediency and possibly money over a

The Salaita Case

Opinion/Editorial The Salaita case and Cary Nelson’s use of “academic freedom” to silence dissent Vicente M. Diaz The Electronic Intifada 14 August 2014   Books and papers lie amid rubble at the Islamic University of Gaza on 2 August, after it was hit by an overnight Israeli air raid. ( Ashraf Amra / APA images )   Cary Nelson , retired University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) English professor and past president of the American Association of University Professors , has been busy. From the moment that the story broke of Chancellor Phyllis Wise’s underhanded nixing of Steven Salaita’s de facto hiring in my department, Nelson has rushed forward as the administration’s biggest cheerleader and defender against condemnations , protests and what amounts to a growing boycott of UIUC from scholars and academic associations . In the interest of disclosure, I co-chaired the search committee that recommended Salaita’s hiring. In live media and

The Life and Death of an Adjunct

Woman Who Taught At College For Decades Dies Making Reportedly Less Than $25,000 A Year The Huffington Post  |  By Tyler Kingkade Posted: 09/19/2013 4:05 pm EDT   |  Updated: 09/19/2013 6:10 pm EDT

Obama and Romney Battle for the Youth

TPM 2012 Crowd-Working 101: Romney Struggles To Hold College Students’ Attention Benjy Sarlin April 27, 2012, 5:38 PM   The volume levels at the colleges President Obama spoke at this week as part of his campaign to keep student loan rates down hovered somewhere between “NBA playoff game” and “supersonic jet.” Mitt Romney’s address Friday at Otterbein University was not quite there yet. Mostly sticking to his go-to stump topics, Romney delivered a sleepy address to students at the Ohio school, some of whom seemed to struggle to stay awake. Sometimes it was a losing struggle. The central theme Romney drove home was the fact that “sometimes appearances do not conform with the facts or reality,” and he applied it to such topics as the office supply industry, the intricacies of tax filing law and Dodd-Frank financial legislation. “I have several examples of disparity between appearance and reality,” Romney said, la

August 5, 1981

30 Years Ago Today: The Middle Class Died Saturday 6 August 2011 by: Michael Moore Op-Ed From time to time, someone under 30 will ask me, "When did this all begin, America's downward slide?" They say they've heard of a time when working people could raise a family and send the kids to college on just one parent's income (and that college in states like California and New York was almost free). That anyone who wanted a decent paying job could get one. That people only worked five days a week, eight hours a day, got the whole weekend off and had a paid vacation every summer. That many jobs were union jobs, from baggers at the grocery store to the guy painting your house. And this meant that no matter how "lowly" your job was you had guarantees of a pension, occasional raises, health insurance and someone to stick up for you if you were unfairly treated. Young people have heard of this mythical time -- but it was no myth, it was

Educational Notes

I know that Guam's educational system is in turmoil right now, but in truth, education is under attack all over the place, especially in the places (California and Hawai'i) that I have close friends and relatives. On Guam, the local Department of Education is going to have its Federal funds managed by a third party receiver, because of the Federal DOE has complained for years that Guam's DOE just can't take care of itself and can't manage properly the Federal funds it receives. For most people on Guam this is an important and progressive step since DOE, like any local agency is always envisioned to be the most corrupt institution in the universe, and can signify nothing but incompetence and can accomplish nothing. It is in contexts like this that we can perceive most clearly the colonial psychology of Guam, where the Federal Government, in the many forms it takes whether it be Marines, military or their DOE, always appears on Guam as some sort of angel, or more app

Academic Freedom Under Attack at UCSB

For more info and updates head to the blog: Committee To Defend Academic Freedom at UCSB . ********************************* Dear colleagues, UCSB has become the latest front in the war against Academic Freedom. Professor William I. Robinson, a Sociology and Global Studies professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been attacked by the Anti-Defamation League and two of his former students. In January of this year, he forwarded an email condemning the Israeli attacks on Gaza. The email contained an editorial by a Jewish journalist condemning Israel's actions in Gaza as well as juxtaposed images of Nazi atrocities with congruent images of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. The email was an optional read for students, intended to spark conversation by relating contemporary events to conceptual ideas discussed in class. One week later, the ADL wrote him a letter charging him with anti-Semitism and sundry violations of the Faculty Code of Conduct (none of

Evaluations from the Center of Gravitas

From the Blog: Center of Gravitas : Gos na'chalek este. *********************************** My last post exposed some ambivalence among faculty about the role of “official” teaching evaluations from students. Most of us do want feedback on content, but there also seems to be a general consensus that the weight given to student evaluations is out of kilter with the actual hard work that goes into teaching. I also believe that most students are not well informed about the purpose of evaluations.As many of us are seeing last semester’s teaching evaluations return to us, let me help you read between the lines of those anonymous student comments that aren’t really about your teaching at all. It’s time for one of my favorite segments at CoG, “What They Say and What They Really Mean.” What They Say in the Written Evaluation: “This class was one of the best classes that I have ever taken.” What They Mean: “This class was one of the best classes that I have ever taken.” *** What They