Showing posts with label Maxim Solopov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maxim Solopov. Show all posts

Monday, July 04, 2011

One “Khimki hostage” acquired, another one got 2 years suspended

24th of June, judge of the Khimki city court of Moscow region of
Russia, Neonila Zepalova, sentenced “Khimki hostages”, anti-fascist
activists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov, who were accused of
organisation of a radical demonstration against construction of the
Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway, which took place in Moscow Suburb of
Khimki 28th of July.< Alexei Gaskarov, who came to action 28th of July
2010 as a correspondent of the Institute of Common Actions, was acquired
and cleared of all charges. Another defendant, anti-fascist Maxim
Solopov, was sentenced for “hooliganism” (statute 213, paragraph 2 of
Russian criminal codex) for two years suspended sentence, with a
probation period of two years. Jud ge declared, that Solopov was
shooting to air from a traumatic pistol, and threw city administration
with objects. In her conclusion, judge referred to testimony of
witnesses Krivoshanova and Khramova. Krivoshanova rejected the testimony
she provided during the investiogation, and also filled a formal
complaint at the prosecutor's office due to psychological pressure that
was applied against her during the interrogations. But besides this,
judge considered her previous testimony eligible, as prosecutor's office
decided not to open a criminal case against investigators.

As for the witnesses of the prosecution, Khramov and his friend Pitel,
they are not inhabitants of the Khimki, but from Mytischi region of
Moscow. Allegedly they came to Khimki to meet some girls, whom they
could not describe during the court session. And they, as well as
witness of the prosecution Parshin, have a criminal record, and
cooperating with police is in their own interests. Khramov and Pitel
claimed, that they could remember very well the faces of the accused
(although Pitel give confusing testimony, as he was unable to remember
which of the accused took off a mask next to him), but neither of them
could remember how the defendants were dressed.

Testimony of Pitel and Khramov, given during the preliminary
investigation, was identical and apparently copied from a common source.
During court hearing, Khramov said that it was around 30 or 40 persons
participating to action of 28th of July, whereas Pitel was talking about
several hundred. Pitel and Khramov claimed that they followed events
around “Table of honour” not far from the city administration, but in
photographs and video footage where this spot is included, Pitel and
Khramov are not present.

Conclusion of the court is also referring to certain video footage from
the action, where one may see a person, which is allegedly dressed as
Maxim Solopov. As Maxim Solopov argued during the process, this footage
never went through the required process of recognition of the persons
present in the footage.

Judge considered unsubstantiated claim of the prosecution, that there
was an organised group, which organised the action at the city

Maxim Solopov wants to appeal against his sentence, and Alexey Gaskarov
will be pressing for rehabilitation, and a monetary compensation for the
three months he spent in remand prison.

2th of March of 2011, another Russian anti-fascist Denis Solopov,
brother of Maxim Solopov, was arrested in Kiev, and is currently
remanded there.

4th of April, in a closed hearing in local court of Shevchenko region of
Kiev, Denis Solopov was detained during the hearing on extradiction.
This means, that Denis will be imprisoned while prosecutor general of
Ukraine is making a decision on his extradiction. According to lawyer of
Solopov, judge did not took into consideration the fact, that already
before his arrest, Denis was given a status of mandatory refugee by Kiev
presentation of UNCHR, and also that he has contested the decision of
migration service of Kiev not to give him a refugee status in Ukraine.
31st of May Shevchenkovsky court prolonged arrest of Denis for two more
months. 22nd of Juny in Moscow, in memorial center of Andrei Sakharov,
an exhibition of artwork of Denis Solopov was opened.

Additional information:
Campaign to Free Khimki Hostages





Forwarded by
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ecological Camp "Khimki-2011" 28th of July in 2011 Moscow Region

Ecological and human rights activists and social organisations are
welcome to the camp. The camp program will include protests against the
destruction of forests in the Moscow region, workshops and trainings.

The Khimki forest became a symbol of the struggle between Russian civil
society and the corrupt state a long time ago. Right now, forests in the
Solnechnogorsk and Klin regions are also threatened, as the planned
expressway is about to cross through them as well. But this is still not
enough for the authorities, they also plan to build one more highway
around Moscow, a Central Circular Highway (CKAD). The ecological protest
camp to protect the forests of the Moscow region is organised by the
Moscow group of Autonomous Action, members of the radical ecological
movement "Rainbow Keepers," and other ecologists, anarchists and
anti-fascists. All decisions, which are not merely of a technical
nature, will be made at a general assembly in the camp.

Camp will begin on the 27th of July. The exact place of the camp will
only be announced on the opening day, as it is not currently known where
logging will take place at end of the July. We will go where the loggers
will go in order to cause the maximum amount of disturbance to
developers. Camp will continue until 6th of August.

You can contact the organisers of the camp, and send a filled-in
participants' form to the address You will
find the form below. If you plan to participate you must answer by the
25th of July 2011.

The camp is alcohol and drug free. Unregistered arms and any other
illegal artefacts are also not allowed in the camp. Participants should
have necessary camping equipment (sleeping bag, matrass and cutlery). In
case you do not have your own tent, it is important to let us know
beforehand so that we can find you a place in other tents.

Discrimination on the basis of nationality or race is not allowed in
the camp, and people with xenophobic or nationalistic ideas, moreover
members of nationalist organisations, are not allowed to join the camp.

The camp is organised with donations from its participants and
supporters. It is possible, that there will be a fee for participants in
order to finance collective purchase of food and equipment foractions.

Form to participate in the "Khimki-2011" camp

Name or pseudonym:



City or region you are from:

Previous experience in some social movements:

In case someone from these movements may reference you, please submit
their contacts:

Why you want to join the camp:

Please list your interests, and skills which might be useful during
the camp:

Any dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan or other):

The camp will include the exchange of experiences between activists, as
well as workshops and trainings on various issues. Any input is very
much welcome! Do you have any ideas for workshops. Which topics of
discussion would be most interesting for you:

Additional information (anything you consider necessary, and could be
useful during the camp and actions):

Filling in and submitting the form means, that you agree with the
aforementioned principles of the camp.

More about the problem the camp will address

Authorities want to build the first toll road in Russia through the
forests of the Moscow region. This will worsen the ecological situation
in the region, and deny local inhabitants of another recreation area.
Although there are alternative locations for the project, which do not
demand cutting down forests, and despite the wide protests by ecological
activists and local inhabitants against the current location of the
road, authorities do not want to take into account public opinion.

To the contrary, authorities have made many attempts to silence its

The Khimki city administration, together with the developers, have
used violence against defenders of the Khimki forest several times .
They banned protest actions, invited ultra-right hooligans to disperse
peaceful protests by ecological activists, illegally detained and beat
up journalists. A vocal critic of local authorities, editor-in-chief of
the "Khimki Pravda" Mikhail Beketov was permanently disabled after an
attack by persons unknown in the autumn of 2008, the layout editor of
another independent local paper, Sergey Protazanov was murdered in
unclear circumstances.

After a radical demonstration at the Khimki city administration on the
28th of July 2010, Russian police and special services launched an
unforeseen hunt for anti-fascists. People with antifascist convictions,
who were, even slightly known to the Center to Counteract Extremism and
the FSB, were forcibly taken to interrogations, got their homes
illegally searched, and in some cases were arrested and also tortured.

Currently court proceedings are going on in Khimki against two
anti-fascists and social activists, Alexey Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov.
The third "Khimki hostage," Denis Solopov, accused of having
participated in the 28th of July action, is remanded in the remand
prison of Kiev, waiting on a decision on his deportation to Russia.
Although the UNCHR has accepted a mandatory refugee status for Denis
Solpov, Ukrainian authorities have detained him despite their
international obligations.

The logging of the Khimki forest as well as the road construction are
currently happening without the necessary authorizations and despite
popular protests.

The point of view of the inhabitants and ecological activists of
Solnechnogorsk and Klin, where the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway is
projected, and the other regions of Moscow where CKAD is planned to be
built, are also ignored by the authorities. Besides opposition against
these projects, which was voiced in all public hearings, bureaucrats and
developers are not about to back down from their plans. Recently it was
found out, that developers had already left marks for forests not far
from the village of Mendeleyevo, thus logging could start anytime.


Event in facebook:
(please rather use e-mail than facebook for contacting us!)

Monday, May 30, 2011

Biography of Maxim Solopov

Biography of Maxim Solopov, from website of Campaign for release of

Khimki hostages ( Maxim is one
of the anti-fascists, accused of having organised radical protest
against construction of Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road through Khimki
forest. Read more from

Biography of Maxim Solopov

Maxim Solopov is one of the most famous anti-fascists in Russia. Born in
Moscow in 1989, he considers himself a social activist. He is currently
completing a degree in Spanish and Latin American studies in the
Department of History, Political Science and Law of the Russian State
University for the Humanities , RGGU.

Maxim’s interest in social problems and processes is not limited to the
academic and historical point of view. He formed many of his opinions
while he was still in highschool, as he witnessed the changes taking
place in his country, and became aware of the social forces at play
wrangling for the ‘trophy of the popular conscience.’ It was as a
consequence of these experiences and observations that his anti-fascist
and humanitarian world views developed, alongside a readiness to fight
for social justice and civil liberties.

In this context, it is of no surprise that Maxim took part in several
anti -fascist celebrations on the 9th of May, Victory Day, the
organizing of benefit concerts for World War II veterans, and the
“Russians against fascism” street concert, organized on the 4th of
November 2009, which has since become a significant counter-event to the
annual Nazi march that takes place on the same day.

However, Maxim’s interests range further than anti-fascism to a wide
spectrum of social issues, connected to various initiatives he has
participated in. In his political activism, Maxim has come head to head
with the authorities more than once. He has participated in the campaign
against police brutality and the campaign to reform the police force, a
collaborative project amongst various social initiatives. In November
2008 he helped organize a protest rally against the terrorizing of
social activists and journalists, the main focus of which was protesting
the assault committed against the editor-in-chief of the Khimki Pravda
newspaper, Mikhail Beketov.

Maxim has also participated in campaigns against the illegal hunting of
protected Argali sheep by high-level state officials in the Altai
region, as well as against attempts by Christian hardliners to close
down the 2×2 TV-channel for airing South Park. He was one of the
organisers of the campaign against the revision of the Russian copyright
law, and for the free distribution of information on the internet. In
the framework of this campaign, a major street party was organized in
Pushkin square in the center of Moscow on the same day as the start of
court proceedings against Pirate Bay in Sweden.

Maxim is one of the activists, who has initiated and organised some of
the major left-wing events that have raised raised the most relevant and
important questions in contemporary Russia: freedom of speech and
conscience, corruption, education, clericalization, counter-cultural
alternatives, the global economic crisis, the raise of the ultra-right
and so on.

As an active participant in the anti-fascist movement, Maxim has
constantly been putting his own life on the line, and faced threats and
attacks from Neonazis. For some of his comrades, these threats turned
into action, putting Max in the position of having to organize
commemorations of dead comrades, or setting up solidarity campaigns,
such as the one in support of Alexey Olesinov, who was framed for his
anti-fascist beliefs in 2008. Maxim also collaborated with the 19th of
January Committee, which was initiated to commemorate the murders of
lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova, who were
assassinated by neo-Nazis in 2009.

Due to his balanced and well-argued position, public speaking and
rhetorical skills, never hiding his face in spite of the danger to his
life, he has become a public figure and face for the anti-fascist
movement. He has often been invited to and appeared on TV and radio.
TV-Channels Sovershenno Sekretno, BBC, TVC, NTV, Ren-TV, Stolica, ARTE
and radio channels Echo of Moscow, RSN, Reuters, BBC, Radio Free Europe,
Deutschland Radio Kultur and numerous print media have all interviewed
him, viewing him as a link to the anti-fascist subculture, which Maxim
attempts to open up and make easier to understand for the general public.

Currently, and due to the fact that he is a public figure, Maxim Solopov
is being persecuted by authorities, who are attempting to make him pay
for the action which took place against the Khimki city council on the
28th of July. This action was organized by anti-fascists in reaction to
the ultra-right attack against defenders of the Khimki forest.

Forwarded by
Anarchist Black Cross Moscow
abc-msk A riseup D net
P.O. Box 13 109028 Moscow Russia