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FBI COINTELPRO: The U.S. Government’s War Against Dissent

Inside the Counter Intelligence Program

FBI COINTELPRO: The U.S. Government's War Against Dissent

FBI COINTELPROCOINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was the official name of the programmatic project conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under state-sponsored terrorist J. Edgar Hoover. It's stated aim was the spying on, infiltrating, discrediting, disrupting and destruction of domestic organizations and individuals it considered "subversive". According to the FBI, "intensified attention under this program should be afforded to the activities of such groups as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Revolutionary Action Movement, the Deacons for Defense and Justice, Congress of Racial Equality, and the Nation of Islam."

On March 8, 1971, a group of anonymous activists broke into the small, two-man office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Media, Pa., and stole more than 1,000 FBI documents that revealed years of systematic wiretapping, infiltration and media manipulation designed to suppress dissent.  The Citizens' Commission to Investigate the FBI, as the group called itself, forced its way in at night with a crowbar while much of the country was watching the Muhammad Ali-Joe Frazier fight. When agents arrived for work the next morning, they found the file cabinets virtually emptied.

Within a few weeks, the documents began to show up -- mailed anonymously in manila envelopes with no return address -- in the newsrooms of major American newspapers.

COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination. Covert operations under COINTELPRO took place between 1956 and 1971, however the U.S. Government has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception and continues to this day.

FBI COINTELPRO Program Memo (August 25, 1967)

Memo outlining the FBI's program to "disrupt" and "neutralize" Black leaders and organizations.

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FBI COINTELPRO Program Memo (January 7, 1969)

Memo outlining the FBI's program to misdirect, disrupt and cause "the destruction" of the Nation of Islam.

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COINTELPRO and The Assassination of Malcolm X

Historical Analysis on the Assassination of Malcolm X

Texts, Audio & Video

COINTELPRO 2017? FBI targets so-called “Black Identity” groups (October 24, 2017)
Nation of Islam targeted by Homeland Security (December 24, 2009)
The Untold Story of COINTELPRO -Past and Present

One of the foremost websites that documents the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program in America. NOTE: Internet Archive is provided as original site has been removed.

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Documents expose U.S. Government's role in overthrow of Kwame Nkrumah

Detailed analysis of the U.S. Government's role in the overthrow of Ghana's first president, Kwame Nkrumah, the first President of the Republic of Ghana

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