
Showing posts with the label Cartoons

Mubin Pixar Siha

Guaha dos patgon-hu siha. Hohoben ha' i dos. Gof ya-hu kumonne' siha para i fanegga'an para bei in egga' i nuebu na mubin famagu'on siha. Taiguihi i meggaina na manhoben, gof yan-niha umegga' i mubin Pixar. Gof ya-hu este na mubi siha, sa' tahdong i mensahi siha, fihu gof gaisiente, yan sesso mafa'tinas maolek i estoria. Ya-hu lokkue' na fihu gof "simple" i na'an-niha, ya ti mappot mapula' gi fino' Chamoru.  Anai hu taitai este na lista gi Facebook ha na'hasso yu' put i na'an-niha este na mubi siha gi fino' Chamoru. Sesso hu usa este na pininala' siha gi klas-hu. Para i estudiante-ku siha, mas ki sesso sahnge i fino' Chamoru para siha. Esta hagas mampayon siha nu i fino' Ingles, ya achokka' i fino' Chamoru i fino' Irensia para siha, ti ma gof tungo', ya kalang fifino' lagu ha' gi pachot-niha yan hinasson-niha.  Ya-hu muna'halom gi klas-hu este na klasin nina'chale

Dr Seuss: The Progressive

My kids, like most kids love reading Dr. Seuss. Their favorite book, by far is The Lorax. I enjoy reading Dr. Seuss as well, the sentences can be find not only for your mind, but for the physical parts of your mouth. The sentences seem like they are pieced together in such a way that your tongue gets a satisfying workout as well. One problem I've often found with reading Dr. Seuss to my kids is that I translate books we read into Chamorro, and so it is often more of a storytelling time with pictures, than actual reading. Some books are easily translated off the top of your head. Dr. Seuss books are not. Sen mappot este para u mapula'. The language is fitted for English and its mannerisms, its flow. Many times words are made up and formed out of various things to create some amalgamated, overflowing idea or character. Translating the basic ideas of Dr. Seuss is easy, since the themes are generally universal. But capturing that animated and vibrantly creative quality is someth

More Than Meets the Eye

After watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen last week, and just a little over a year until my 30th birthday, I eventually ended up finding a creative way of taking stock of the long road that I've traveled to this point, and how the mythology of Transformers has followed me there. As I walked out of the film I said to my sleeping daughter Sumåhi, "Gof suette yu', kao un tungo' sa' hafa? Sa' gi este lina'la'-hu, "privileged" yu' na hu egga' na mapuno' Si Optimus Prime dos biahi, ya hu egga' na mana'la'la' ta'lo dos biahi." For those who don't speak Chamorro my message was "I'm so lucky and do you know why? Because in my life, I've been privileged enough to watch Optimus Prime die twice and come back to life twice." And for those of you who don't speak the language of Transformers, Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots, the good half of the Transformers world, with the