
Showing posts with the label Columbia

Decolonization in the Caribbean #5: Chair in Crisis

The Chair for the committee of 24 is Rafael CarreƱo Ramirez who is the permanent representative to the UN from Venezuela. He opened the seminar in St. Vincent with a statement, but soon had to leave the conference, with one of the committee’s vice-chairs, from the Russian Federation taking over. This regional seminar is taking place in the seventh year of the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. The United Nations sometimes sets large goals for itself or its programs, hoping to achieve substantive results or progress within a generous time period. The UN attempted a similar thing with regards to decolonization, establishing ten year periods during which is was to work towards achieving significant progress with regards to eradicating colonialism from the world. Over the past 17 years, no territories have moved closer in any measurable ways towards self-determination or decolonization. The last territory to be removed from the li

US Militarism in the Americas

FOR MORE INFO ON EVENT, HEAD TO Latin American Solidarity Coalition . ***************************** Call: Day of Action to Confront US Militarism in the Americas October 11, 2010 Our organizations urge you to join us in a National Day of Action to Confront US Militarism in the Americas on Monday, October 11, 2010. October 11 is the day the United States “celebrates” the beginning of the European invasion of the Americas and when indigenous peoples mark as the 518th year of resistance to invasion and colonialism. We represent Latin America solidarity and peace groups. We are initiating and urge others to undertake the formation of local and regional coalitions – across movements for indigenous rights, immigrant justice, fair trade, peace, human rights, labor rights, gender justice, drug policy reform and other urgent goals – to confront the growing militarism of our culture and budget, the increasing propensity to commit national resources to wars of aggression, and the milita