
Showing posts with the label McNinch

Decolonization Discussion Series


Mensahi Ginen i Gehilo' #11: Commission on Decolonization

Decolonization is the most important issue on Guam, that few people want to really talk about. I mean this in terms of average people and their relationship to it, but also political and community leaders, who may mention it and take stands on it, but still don't show a real commitment to getting us to the point of formal decolonization, or an evolved political status change. The Commission on Decolonization is the part of the Government of Guam that is supposed to help educate the island community, both Chamorros and non-Chamorros about this formal process of decolonization, which involves a political status plebiscite, or vote. Unfortunately, a number of governors in recent years have either ignored this Commission or severely underfunded it and taken resources away from it to the point where it is keyao yan kana' taisetbe. The Legislature hasn't moved things very far forward either. Even though individual senators may so strong things in support of decolonizatio

Sexual Harassment at UOG

Articles on the current clash between UOG and Adelup, Calvo and Underwood. ****************** Calvo, Underwood clash over UOG case by John O'Connor Guam Daily Post 1/23/16 In light of Gov. Eddie Calvo’s claims that University of Guam leadership stood up for indicted professor Michael Ehlert, UOG President Robert Underwood held a press conference yesterday describing these statements as “incomplete and misinformed.” In the press conference, Underwood addressed several concerns outlined in a statement released by the governor. Namely, that two women involved in a case against Ehlert were mistreated and that the university acted in his favor. “In the news and in email I’ve seen, UOG leadership has stood up for the alleged predator … and hasn’t said a thing about the victims,” Calvo said. “Silence is wrong. Institutionalized silence should be criminal.” Underwood said actions against Ehlert were made based on information available at the time. In November 20

Guam and Okinawan Constitutions

On Guam the issue of "the constitution" is always looming. Chamorro activists sometimes bring it up. Plenty of non-Chamorros, such as Ron McNinch like to bring it up. Politicians from the US and from Guam bring it up. In the imaginings of decolonization it is a type of panacea, an incredibly dangerous and problematic one, and like all forms of snake or toad oil like this, it is incredibly seductive. And like these sort of talismans, no matter how many times you tell people they don't work, they aren't enough, or its just wrong, generations of people will still find it and "discover" it, and feel like it solves all problems, has all the answers. Every two weeks or so it seems, someone approaches me via email in public and wants to know why Guam, instead of decolonizing, why doesn't it just write a Constitution. This is exactly what the United States Federal government has wanted Guam to do. And if something fits within the Americanized framework of

Hinasson Botasion Siha

I've been wanting to write up some of my thoughts on i manggana' yan i manmapedde' in Election 2012 for Guam, but haven't gotten around to it yet. In the meantime, check out some of Ron McNinch's thoughts. He makes some good points, especially in terms of why certain candidates lost. I'm hoping to find some time this weekend since I also need to finalize my Guam Political Sign Awards for 2012.  ************** "Exit Poll and Additional Notes on the 2012 'Sniper' Election"  Dr. Ron McNinch Letter to the Editor Marianas Variety 11/08/12 OUR STUDENT exit poll showed 13 out of the 15 elected and had an overall placement rank of +/- 3.15 ranks for the top 20 places and a +/- 2.5 rank for the top 15. In general, both senators named Judi dropped nine places due to limiting voting effects. Judi Won Pat dropped from 1st to 10th and Judi Guthertz dropped from 10th to 19th. Exit polls are samples of voting behavior and are unlikely to